Thursday, February 7, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Shines Brightly & Steals Trump’s Thunder For All to See During State of the Union Address

Let me say this outright: I am no fan of Nancy Pelosi.

That said, boy was that an incredible moment, when she stood up and gave that exaggerated, sarcastic clapping endorsing Trump's statement that compromise was needed in government more than ever. Clearly,  she was throwing his own legendary inflexibility in his pompous face, and for all of the nation - indeed, all of the world - to see.

Knowing Trump, and his ridiculous, legendary narcissism and ego, he will likely turn it around and translate it as enthusiastic support and love for him and his proposals, or his speech. He will likely say that Pelosi jumped out of her seat in an uncontrolled moment of illumination at his sheer brilliance and strong leadership. And his supporters will also likely believe him and swallow it all up if he gives them that alternate version of reality. 

What a joke that man is! Frankly, how foolish do you have to be to accept everything that this known liar says, uncritically and unquestioningly?

In any case, even though I have my differences with Pelosi and her corporate Democrat approach, I do applaud her moment of stealing Trump's thunder. And these are actually sincere applause on my end!

Here's a link to this story:

Nancy Pelosi’s ‘sarcastic’ clapping steals Trump’s thunder at State of the Union address Speaker of the House becomes subject of online celebration following apparently condescending applause by Harry Cockburn, February 6, 2019:


  1. I was combing through some of the comments in response to a Yahoo article about this, and one of Trump's supporters said "How condescending of her." You can't make this shit up. I find myself wondering if his supporters are seriously that blind to Trump's smug, high-maintenance ego, or if to the contrary they're well-aware of it, in which case it's basically the pot calling the kettle black. Anyway, I'm with you regarding your assessment of Pelosi: not a huge fan, but if nothing else it seems as though she may be a consistent thorn in his side. And it's about goddamn time.
