Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Yet Another Wealthy American Businessman Pays Big Money to Kill Big Game in a Foreign Land

Okay, one last depressing story.

An obviously wealthy businessman, Bryan Harlan, who is also a big game hunter from - where else? - Texas, recently went to Pakistan and killed a markhor, a rare Himalayan goat.

Harlan paid a whopping $110,000 for the privilege.

Here is what Harlan said to a local Pakistani TV station:

“It is an honor and privilege to be back in Pakistan. This is the third time I am in Pakistan. I have hunted almost all animals here. I saved the markhors for the last.”

It is believed that there are significantly less than 3,000 markhors left. 

Let us hope, at the very least, that there are not thousands of rich American assholes like Harlan hungry to pay these king's ransoms for the privilege of killing a rare species of animal. This is the kind of story that earns the sour reputation around the world that Americans presently have. Other than Donald Trump himself, Bryan Harlan seems to me to be the quintessential "ugly American."

Here is the link to this story:

Texas big game hunter pays $110G to kill rare Himalayan goat By STORM GIFFORD | NEW YORK DAILY NEWS | FEB 12, 2019:

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