Saturday, September 28, 2019

Donald Trump & Administration Keep Unraveling While Impeachment Proceedings Loom Large Over Washington

Ah, yes. We kind of expected some kind of impeachment proceedings against this president in particular, did we not?  

And yes, we also all knew what his reaction was going to be, surely, right? I mean, this guy has a meltdown whenever someone expresses any opinion that does not translate to kissing his big, rich, fat ass. We have grown very used to his childish tantrums, particularly with those ridiculous tweets that even many, if not most, of his political allies cannot stand. So we knew that he was going to have a bit of meltdown.  

But we could not expect him to release material that would actually condemn him and his actions and prove the case against him was spot on, despite him boldly claiming that it would prove his innocence. After all, this is a man who claimed that the Mueller Report totally exonerated him, even though Robert Mueller himself made a point of saying that it did not, and even when we saw several high-ranking members of the Trump White House go on trial and receive prison time for crimes committed.  

Many are now suggesting that Trump has become completely unhinged. Of course, this is not the first time that such reports have come out. And who can blame those who made those reports, since, indeed, Trump’s behavior tends to lend many to feel that he has indeed come unglued.  

Yet this time is apparently different. Many top advisers in the White House itself are privately worried, especially as these proceedings continue. They fear that Trump’s behavior may compromise him, and that he either might say or do something to damage his own case, or perhaps his own credibility as an actual competent, functioning president.  

As if he had not already done that on an everyday basis for nearly three years since taking office.  

One thing that seems surprising is how fast this whole thing is going. Think about it: a week and change ago, hardly anyone had heard much of anything about this conversation between Trump and Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky. Just as a humorous aside, apparently Ukrainians themselves are now referring to their president as “Monica Zelensky.” Apparently, he is hardly pleased about this. Yet, let’s face it: the nickname kind of fits, with the degree to which he was kissing Trump’s ass and corroborating every part of Trump’s version of the story. Besides, that is pretty much what a desperate president in need of immediate military assistance that only Trump can provide right now would do, right?  One thing for sure: Trump is absolutely livid with all of the leaks that have sprung from his White House. But you have to admit that it is kind of funny that this man, who demands loyalty no matter what, is paying for his own lack of loyalty. After all, there is never any hesitation on any part to throw anyone else and everyone else under the bus, if he thinks that it will save his own skin.  

There have been a lot of leaks with this White House, perhaps more than any other presidency that we have ever seen. Remember, this whole whistleblower controversy is nothing new, because there was a whistleblower regarding Trump’s personal tax returns. And let’s face it: there have been leaks for all manner of embarrassing episodes regarding this pathetic man, the so-called “leader” of this country, and the conduct of so many within his administration, not least of all his own ridiculous, immature conduct.  

What I find strange is how much this story seems like a slam dunk, depending on who you ask. If you ask Trump supporters, he did nothing wrong, there is nothing in what he said that warrants impeachment or any serious action, even, whatsoever, and all of this will work to Trump’s advantage come election time. Hell, many Republicans are claiming that Democrats simply cannot beat him, so they are trying desperately to do whatever they can to discredit him, as if he has not already made a point of discrediting himself.  

But there are others on the other side who think that this is a slam dunk going the other way. Many who cannot stand Trump seem to feel that this is virtually in the bag, with some even hoping that Trump might be gone from the Oval Office come Christmas. Frankly, while that would be a nice holiday gift for so many people all around the world, it hardly seems at all likely. Some are hoping that he will simply resign, and that, too, does not seem all that realistic. Frankly, I am not convinced at all that these proceedings will ultimately come to anything. My suspicion is that it will resemble 1998, in that the House of Representatives seems to be moving towards impeaching this president, but the Senate will likely prevent that from ever becoming a reality.  

As for how this impacts the election, it is simply too soon to tell. However, I think that the message needs to be relayed, and repeated as often as necessary, that absolutely no one is above the law. Trump, like Nixon before him, has basically recycled the opinion that something is not illegal if the president does it. But that is not true. There are laws and a system of checks and balances in place for a reason. The Founding Fathers did not limit the powers of the presidency because they were misguided, or had failed to think it through. They did so because they knew the danger of having a leader with absolute power doing whatever he wants and imposing anything that he wants onto the people he rules over. To defend against that happening again, they set up a Constitution that set up a system of checks and balances, to make sure that none of the three branches of government ever grew so powerful as to make the other irrelevant. That means, ultimately that even the President, who is the most powerful government official, still does not have absolute power to do whatever he or she wants. The Constitution is the law, is the document that Donald Trump swore to uphold, and we are still a nation of law and order. When Trump has been shown to violate the law, and the spirit of the Constitution – frankly, again and again and again – we need to cut him off at the knee. Let him fall, and let him be disgraced. He deserves no better than that.  

Yet, there are still some mainstream Democrats who feel that this is not the right thing to do, despite Trump’s pretty clear abuses of power. One of them, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo – who I would argue cannot hold a candle to his father – switched his opinion, apparently literally overnight. One day, he was apparently all in favor of the impeachment proceedings. The next day, he was bitching that this might not be the time for impeachment, that the “leftists” within the Democratic party had forced Nancy Pelosi to take action when he apparently felt that it was unreasonable to do so.  

Again, though, while I actually mostly liked and respected his father, I do not really care for or respect for Andrew Cuomo, despite some people feeling that he might be a serious presidential candidate. I think that he s a typical politician, trying to groom the proper image and say and do only things that advance his political career, regardless of whether or not it is the best thing for the state or country that he represents. A mediocre man with a false sense of entitlement. A bit like Trump, in fact.  

So, I cannot claim that I know what will happen, and I also have my doubts that these proceedings will actually lead to Trump’s removal from office. But finally, it seems like the Democrats are at least finally doing something to put some kind of check on Trump, and holding him accountable for his abusive actions.  

This is long past due.

These are the links to the articles that I used in writing this particular entry:

Ukraine’s president is being dubbed “Monica Zelensky” at home by Ephrat LivniSeptember 26, 2019:

Donald Trump Actually Has 2 Whistleblowers To Worry About  Don’t forget the whistleblower alleging possible interference with the IRS audit of the president’s tax returns. by Arthur Delaney, 09/25/2019:

LISTEN: Gov. Cuomo blames angry ‘leftists’ for impeachment of Trump, appearing to contradict previous stance By DAVE GOLDINER, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, SEP 27, 2019:

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