Monday, September 30, 2019

Luke Skywalker Completely Trashes the Trumps

Ivanka Trump just posted a picture of her and her criminal husband, Jared Kushner, in formal evening dress, with the caption:

The Force is strong in my family.

Clearly, this is a Star Wars themed tweet for her apparently 7 million followers. I was surprised to know that she had 7 million followers, frankly. But then again, it still drops me to think that tens f millions of Americans still support the obvious, complete asshole who's in charge currently at the White House.

Anyway, that is clearly going to garner some attention. And since the presumptuous Trumps are always flattering themselves, and have such an undeservedly high profile, you just knew that there were going to be some people who trashed this tweet, and tore into them.

But it is extra rich when the person who contradicts the Trump's claims of some measure of superiority, with claims of being particularly strong in the Force, is the name and the face and the voice of the most famous Jedi warrior of them all.

Yes, Mark Hamill had something to say about the Trumps, and Ivanka's ridiculous "joke" that the Force is strong in her family. Here is what he tweeted in response:

Mark Hamill@HamillHimself  You misspelled "Fraud."#GoForceYourself

Hamill is, of course, quite busy these days. The last installment of the Star Wars Skywalker saga is coming out in just a few months, and Hamill will be busy as one of the major actors in the movie. Also, he will be doing promotions and such, of course. And this man, who is well known for having played Luke Skywalker, and for being the voice of the Joker in the Batman animated series, nevertheless regularly takes some time out to comment on the horrific political situation in this country currently, and trying to remind everyone of just who Donald Trump, and the entire Trump family, frankly, really are: frauds.

Now, that is great slapdown and, I might argue, a powerful Jedi mind trick, to counter the arrogant and loud self-congratulations of members of the Trump family by reminding them of what they actually are most known for the world over. 

Like daughter, like father.

Personally, I am glad that we have a wise Jedi Master who so easily and effortlessly parried their ridiculous excuse for a charm offensive by revealing an obvious exposure, even though many in this country do not want to be reminded of what this absurd family actually is.


Mark Hamill zings Ivanka Trump for 'Star Wars' tweet BY JUDY KURTZ - 09/30/19:

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