Saturday, September 5, 2020

Donald Trump Insults Honored Veterans...Yes, Yet Again

What would our news cycle be these days without some kind of breaking news about yet one more idiotic and cringe-worthy thing that the man who tens of millions of Americans supported for the Oval Office said or did.

Indeed, Trump has done it again. But this one is a biggie. Indeed, this might be enough even to get some of his loyal supporters to question him, at least a little bit, if they do not automatically dismiss it as "fake news."

According to reports, in questioning why he would need to visit a cemetery filled with American war dead from World War I, Trump asked:

“Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” 

He also reportedly claimed that they were "suckers" for getting killed in the first place.

This from the man who used bone spurs as the excuse to keep him out of the Vietnam War, after receiving an elite military education. 

Of course, this would not be the first time that the draft dodger in the White House has insulted military veterans, including decorated war heroes. There were those infamous attacks on Gold Star families back in 2016, after all. And he had a notorious feud with former Senator John McCain, going so far as to claim that McCain was no war hero because, in Trump's books, heroes do not get caught and become prisoners or war. Trump even continued to disparage McCain after his death, which showed a level of classlessness that was shocking even by Trump's incredibly low standards.

Those were hardly moments that illustrated how distinguished and respectful Trump is towards people in general, and towards those who sacrificed for their country in particular.

This story would be very comparable to the whole John McCain thing. In fact, this story seems unbelievable, and it would be shocking on some level if it were true. Except, of course, that this man has consistently conducted himself in a manner that is unbefitting of a grown up, and of someone who has any kind of levels of respect towards anyone else. But with Trump, somehow, it seems to fit right into what we know about him and how he acts. 

It may or may not be true. Even this seems quite crass for Trump. But again, such is the nature of this pathetic man, and these sorry times, that this story is not easily dismissed as an exaggeration or just "fake news." 

Yes, I know that I have said this before, but it fits: what sad, depressing times we live in.

This is the link to the story where I got the quote used above, as well as much of the information used in this particular blog entry:

Trump called American war dead in French cemetery 'losers:' report BY J. EDWARD MORENO - 09/03/20:

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a big fan of these "He reportedly said this, he reportedly did that" stories. They don't help the cause of those of us who oppose him because it's too easy for his supporters to dismiss them as unsubstantiated hearsay, which plays right into their hands. Don't get me wrong – I wouldn't put anything past this piece of shit. But unless there's actual corroborating video or audio, this sort of thing does more harm than good, because Trump feeds off of it: "No proof, just more fake news"...
