Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Donald Trump Joked That Sarah Sanders Should Prostitute Herself & "Take One For the Team"

It seems like there are so many news stories and reports which come out that show, time and time again, how Trump is a classless and clueless moron who has no business being in the White House.

Recently, it was revealed in her book that former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was jokingly urged by President Trump to cozy up to a foreign dictator in order to serve American political interests. Sanders claimed that Trump was very amused after Kim Jong-un had winked at Sanders. 

According to Sanders, Trump then urged her to "go to North Korea and taken one for the team" after Kim Jong-un winked at her. 

This is surely one of those things that will be dismissed by loyal to a fault Trump supporters, who will likely claim that this was just a joke, or just one more example of locker room talk, and thus, as really no big deal.

Indeed, there were bigger and more alarming stories over the past four years now regarding Trump.

Yet, it also serves as just one more example - as if we needed any more - that this man just is not presidential material. The past four years have been disastrous and humiliating to the country as a whole. And it will continue to be so as long as this pathetic man still serves as president.

These Trump years are dark times in this country's history, no matter how much Trump fans try to whitewash it with their "alternate facts" and rewriting of history. Trump is every bit the disaster that people are suggesting that he is and has been. He, and everything that he stands for, deserve to be reduced to the dustbin of history.

Below is the link to the article I used in writing this blog entry, and from which I also used the quote. However, this story is all over the internet right now, and it is outright described in that new book by Sanders (not that I personally have any real interest in reading it, mind you). 

Trump told Sarah Sanders to 'take one for the team' after Kim Jong-un wink Ex-press secretary describes boorish remarks in new memoir by Martin Pengelly, 2 Sep 2020:
‘Kim Jong-un hit on you,’ Trump said, after gesture at summit 

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