Thursday, March 13, 2025

If You Are Crying Foul Because American Alcohol is Being Pulled From Canadian Liquor Store Shelves, It's Time to Shut the F Up, Okay?

Many Americans - and seemingly all Trump supporters - are crying about how poorly Americans and their products are being treated overseas. Even in Canada, a country which traditionally had close and friendly relations with the United States. That makes sense, because Canada and the United States actually have quite a lot in common, both historically and geographically, as well as culturally, at least to a degree.

Yet many Americans seem to be expressing outrage that some Canadian provinces are now refusing to sell American alcohol. They apparently feel as if this is really unfair.

Now, let me speak frankly for a little bit here, in a language that these Americans - and particularly any Trump supporters who might actually happen to be reading this - would understand.

Are you freaking kidding me? Are you so fucking dumb, blind, and brainwashed that you fail to realize that this is all because of the Trump presidency, which you empowered to begin with? 

Also, if you were one of those people who bought into the whole French bashing and bought your "freedom fries" and "freedom toast" or cheered when French wine was being poured down American gutters and laughed at the onslaught of anti-French jokes and sentiments some years ago during another idiotic American presidency, then please spare me your crocodile tears. Hell, even if you did not object to such behavior - and I am not restricted this to just those Americans who identify with what passes for political conservatism here anymore - then again, spare me your fake tears, okay? Treat other people like shit for long enough, then expect to for that behavior to be reciprocated eventually, and perhaps in kind. 

Go cry about how unfair it is to someone who might actually agree with you, okay? Because frankly, Americans have allowed themselves to be far too arrogant for far too long for their own good. When you feel a false sense of entitlement about how the rest of the world owes you, then eventually, your going to get some backlash. That's all that's happened now. And it's not unprovoked or mysterious to anyone with any common sense of even a drop of objectivity. 

This may hurt you economically, sure. But first of all, you literally almost asked for it. Also, frankly, you deserve it. Americans collectively have grown so damned arrogant, that they need a wakeup call. Perhaps being hit in the wallet will do it, since apparently nothing else will wake Americans up to how fucking stupid we look right now to the rest of the world.

Let me be clear as to why I have no sympathy for you now, in plain language so there is no way for you to misunderstand. You may not agree with what I will say, but at least you will not misunderstand, either. And maybe, just maybe, this will plant a seed in you for the next time you want to look down your noses at people of other countries.

Here it is: You supported a man and continue to support a man who goes out of his way to belittle tens of millions of people from other countries around the world. This, despite tens years of warnings that this man really is a fraud and bad news for the country. But you knew better, so you ignored those warnings, probably even laughed at them and told people who expressed doubts that they were overreacting. This guy promises you the world, promises that things will be better than they ever were, and you never doubt him for a minute. He promises to lower the price of gas and groceries, and then backs off those promises almost as soon as he's elected. He promises to stop the war in Ukraine within a day, and backs off from that promise, too. But suddenly, he's talking about expansion, about militarily taking over and annexing the Panama Canal and especially Greenland. Then he belittles Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his country to his face, referring to Canada as the 51st state. And you surely continue to support this man unconditionally, right?

Now, you are crying because these actions have galvanized all of Canada. There is very high anti-American sentiment there, and this really pisses you off. You get outraged when Canadians boo the American national anthem, even though many Canadians made clear that they were not booing the United States or the American people, but were actually booing President Trump. 

Still, your support for Trump is unwavering.

Then he reimposes those ridiculous tariffs, which economists and many others warned would be a very bad idea and hurt the economy. So when it proves indeed to be a bad idea and to hurt the American economy, now you cry about it? You get angry because Canadians are now pulling American liquor from their shelves? 


Are you freaking kidding me? Seriously, wake the fuck up already!

You don't get that Trump won the election and very quickly began to talk about annexing Greenland and the Panama Canal and Gaza and making a point of belittling our closest ally, Canada, with the whole world watching in growing astonishment and horror?. In the case of Canada, he continually and relentlessly berated them and undermined their status of an independent nation, to the point that he (and some members of his administration) have repeatedly referred to Canada as the "51st state." Then, he imposed unnecessary and unprovoked tariffs on Canada (as well as Mexico and China), which prompted Canada to have countermeasures, imposing tariffs of their own.

Now it somehow surprises you that Canadians are not too happy about all of this? That in fact, they might react to it negatively? You are now somehow convinced that this feels like a completely unnecessary and unprovoked attack on the United States?

Trump then backed off, at least for 30 days. But then he reimposed tariffs just one month later. And so Canada retaliated.

In fact, they are doing more than retaliating. Anti-American sentiment has never been higher in Canada in modern times. 

Really, it's no mystery why all of this is happening now. Mind you, it didn't happen under Biden or Obama. Only under Trump. And you really can't figure out why that is? 

At least to people outside of the United States, and even to Americans with any common sense and objectivity, it's quite obvious.

So if you really are that clueless and still just don't get it, here's a little advice for you: Stop bitching and whining, snowflake, and get your head out of your ass. 

Below are some of the growing number of articles which have been documenting and commentating on the growing anti-American sentiment around the globe. These are not radical or underground publications, either, unless you really feel that Bloomberg News is that Jacobin publication known for calling for people's heads:

Trump's actions transform 'dissent within Canadian populace' into staunch 'anti-American sentiment' Expert Analysis Americas Issued on: 13/02/2025

Buffeted by tariffs and threats from Washington, the European Union and Canada seek an economic rapprochement and to diversify trade away from the United States. For in-depth analysis and a deeper perspective on a looming trade

There’s Never Been a Better Time to Be Anti-American by Adrian Woolridge, March 10, 2025:

The nation’s staunchest defenders are being betrayed.

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