Saturday, March 15, 2025

Weekend Humor: Headline From The Onion – Chuck Schumer Helps Pull Democrats Back From Brink Of Courage

On the 4th of July sometime in the nineties, my father took my brother and I to New York City to see the fireworks there. There was a politician who was also there, trying to win votes. His name was Chuck Schumer, and he was the Democratic nominee for the Senate race. He was facing off against incumbent Republican Al D'Amato, who I thought at the time was particularly obnoxious, but also assumed - wrongly, as it turned out - was virtually unbeatable.

As it turns out, Schumer won. I had no idea that he would wind up being such a big player in Washington. Or that I would come to view him as pretty much as obnoxious in his own way as D'Amato. 

These days, Schumer is the face of the cowardice of the Democrats. He is old and feels lame and ineffective. When the country feels like it is on the brink of a Trump dictatorship, having Schumer as the leading face of the official opposition feels like we are halfway to capitulating to the authoritarianism which the Trump administration clearly and transparently is attempting to usher in. 

Yesterday, Schumer led the Democrats in helping Trump pass his 2025 budget in order to avoid a government shutdown. It has been likened to a Trojan Horse, with massive cuts to funding programs which actually help people, but with increased funding for, of course, things like the already bloated military industrial complex and to corporate welfare, and tax cuts which would primarily benefit billionaires.

Of course. 

So in light of this, it seemed fitting to "honor" Schumer's efforts to hold the Democrats back from any chance at actually standing up and fighting back against Trump.

Schumer now feels like the dominant face of minority party cowardice and political impotence these days. It's almost enough to make you feel like maybe he should have just lost to D'Amato in the first place. Couldn't have been much worse, I would imagine.

This is a Weekend Funny post, although it is mostly funny because it is sadly true.

Here was the headlines from The Onion yesterday:

The Onion –  Chuck Schumer Helps Pull Democrats Back From Brink Of Courage

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