Sunday, March 16, 2025

Weekend Funny: Stephen King References "Misery" To Describe American Economy Under Trump & Musk


Most people are familiar with Stephen King's "Misery" in some form or other, right? Maybe not everyone's read the book. But it seems like most people are at least somewhat familiar with the movie, and Annie, the psychotic nurse played by Kathy Bates.

Well, in that movie (and in the book), Annie keeps telling Paul Sheldon, the famous author who she has effectively kidnapped in her rural Colorado home, that she is his number one fan. All the while, of course, she terrorizes him, does him great harm. So those words about her being his number one fan are hardly reassuring.

In a humorous twist, the author of that famous work, Stephen King, likened what Elon Musk and Donald Trump are doing to the economy with Annie from "Misery.

Take a look at this post by King (see below).

It was enough to make me laugh and put a much-needed smile on my face.

Stephen King @StephenKing 

Let's put it this way: The American economy is like Paul Sheldon. Donald Trump and Elon Musk are its number-one fans. 9:36 AM · Mar 15, 2025 · 103.5K  Views

Stephen King on X: "Let's put it this way: The American economy is like Paul Sheldon. Donald Trump and Elon Musk are its number-one fans." / X

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