Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Trump Claims That Boycotting Tesla is Illegal

Whenever Donald Trump is president, you almost have to check the sources for headlines to check if it's not from The Onion or some other satirical publication.

In a recent post (guessing that this was on his Truth Social site, but not entirely certain) Trump actually claims that the recent financial boycotts of Tesla are illegal.

Um, hello? Are we obliged to buy Tesla products even when we find something objectionable about them? How on Earth is refusing to buy something when you are not under any kind of contract or obligation to do so illegal?

Utterly ridiculous.

Take a look at the post:

Stephen Milburn netdoosrpS279a5u h 496tu6c6802h35t6 1 4687thh01l105 8 ufuu9l6m80uh   ·  Illegal to boycott Tesla? 😬


  1. As you well know, with Stable Genius and Cult-45 there's little to no attempt to be objective or coherent. If something suits their narrative and agenda it's great, if it doesn't it's illegal and anyone who says otherwise is an enemy of the people. They can't be bothered with nuance.
