Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Current Collapse of Democracy Was Rooted Much Farther Back in American History Than Most Of Us Might Assume

Everywhere you turn lately, it feels like there is bad news. We have a ruler who seems to recognize no limits to his power. In fact, he is pursuing more and more power all of the time. And right now, he has bent his political party to the point that they have become his party, and no longer a respected or established party with traditions and ideals of it's own. 

Predictably, the news headlines all seem to be bad. Our relations with other countries around the world are deteriorating. The economy here appears to be growing worse, while inflation soars.

And of course, our rights seem to be going away. In fact, democracy itself seems to be withering away to virtually nothing. There is not much left to it, and it is not a certainty that it will keep surviving the relentless attacks on it, which we all know are coming, right?

Democracy sure does appear to be collapsing in the past few weeks. Since about mid to late January, right?

Since the recent change in Washington, everyone has been commenting on how Trump and his administration are now clearly implementing the policies of Project 2025, even though Trump himself made a point of keeping his distance from Project 2025 when running. Once he won, of course, it proved to be a very different story.

In other words, he lied.


Of course, that is not really much of a surprise for some of us. After all, Trump has been very well known for lying pretty much his entire life. Now that he is a politician, did you think that he was suddenly going to grow honest or honorable?

So of course we are seeing Project 2025 implemented. 

Here's the thing: this was not the first time that the far right has attempted to orchestrate some kind of plan for a dictatorial takeover of the country. Just a couple of decades ago, many of us can remember the Project for the New American Century. It had a different name, and it was designed more for those times. So there were differences. 

That was under George W. Bush. It was very early in the 21st century, shortly after 9/11. That was the first time that I noticed a pretty blatant turn towards dictatorship in the United States. Voter suppression, fixed elections, corporate scandals, massive tax breaks for the wealthy, Republicans controlling all branches of government.

Sounds familiar?

As it turns out, though, all of this might have had it's roots going much, much farther back in this country's history. Like, before most of us were even born.

We're talking the early 1970's here, okay? I heard about this some time ago. But after running into this particular video, it seemed worth sharing here and discussing. Because we need to understand the roots of this, and how persistently the champions of this agenda have been championing all of this. How carefully they have crafted these policies and how to best go about them. They failed before, but they kept trying.

It appears now that they are succeeding. And everything that we detest so much right now is actually their moment of triumph.

Take a look at the video below to learn more:

Democracy Is Collapsing: This 1971 Playbook Started It All

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