Monday, March 24, 2025

Robert Reich Easily & Quickly Describes Distraction Tactics of Trump Regime

Robert Reich had a post yesterday which, I feel, pretty much summarizes the approach taken by the Trump administration. These are classic "divide and conquer" tactics. Manipulate enough of the masses to keep them distracted with their divisions and hatred, scapegoating the "others." Meanwhile, the big boys in charge steal pretty much all of the resources that they can.

It really is not difficult to understand.

Below is Robert Reich's sentiments on Facebook, as well as a picture of the post, and a link to the specific page on Reich's Facebook account.

Take a look:

The Trump regime's repeated attacks on "DEI, immigrants, and the trans community have one clear purpose: If we are angry at each other, we won't look up to see how big corporations and billionaires have rigged markets and siphoned off most of the economy's gains.

Robert Reich Faceook Post from March 23, 2025:   ·

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