This was originally meant to be a lighthearted post. Admittedly, though, I have been feeling depressed about the state of the world, and of the United States in particularly, since the last election, and particularly since Trump came to power for the second time about a month and a half ago. He is dismantling what is left of our democracy, and doing it in plain daylight. So I have admittedly hardly been in much of a laughing mood this weekend.
Still, I wanted to try and add something somewhat funny this weekend. So I made an effort, and am adding something, although it took an effort.
Here is a video which is funny, but also not funny at the same time, if you know what I mean. It's funny in the sense that Trump sounds like a sixth grader who is trying to answer a question which, frankly, he clearly has no good answer for. Yet, it is not funny because there are people who would identify as good Christians who would listen to this and be a little too quickly and easily convinced that this guy actually knows what he is talking about. Or that he is a man of serious faith.
Frankly, I cannot think of a single person today who less embodies the ideals and values which Jesus actually speaks of in the Bible. Don't get me wrong: I myself am not a big fan of organized religion, nor do I qualify as a Biblical scholar. That said, I have read some of the Bible, particularly the words which Jesus actually spoke. And if you read the actual words of Jesus and what they mean, it is difficult to think of anyone farther removed from what Jesus actually teaches and champions than Donald Trump.
When Trump says, "you wanna be good" the way he does in this video below, it feels like someone who has nothing to say on the subject, but is trying to say it anyway. He does not strike me as someone who sincerely turns to the Bible for wisdom or to guide his decisions. After all, this man shows absolutely no humility, and thrives on being a polarizing figure. He brags about his wealth, and even admitted to being "greedy" and grabbing as much money as he could when he first announced that he was running for the White House after descending from the golden escalator back in the summer of 2015. He claims to use the best words, yet he regularly uses words like "scum" and slogans like "enemies of the people" to describe those who do not agree with him. Also, he not only has cheated on all three of his wives, but has shamelessly boasted about his extramarital affairs and treating women as blatantly sexual objects, and he paid a porn star hush money to keep quiet about their affair.
That is a man who embodies family values, or Christian ideals and principles?
Gimme me a break, okay? Admittedly, I have always had a hard time understanding the appeal of Trump for so many. How so many people truly feel that they can identify with him remains a mystery to me. But this is especially true of those people who identify as good Christians, and somehow feel that Trump is seriously a man of God. You really, truly have to be willfully blind and ignorant of a hell of a lot of things regarding his behavior and apparent beliefs to claim such things with a straight face.
In short, I feel - and have long felt - that Trump is someone who brings out the worst in people. That, too, is as far from what religions are supposed to do as you can get. And what he has done to this country, and continues to do to this country, is frankly unforgivable.
In His Own Words: Trump's Views on Faith and the Almighty
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