Saturday, March 8, 2025

Lemmy Sums Up the Misery of Donald Trump Decades Ago

Lemmy says here in this video what I have long felt about Donald Trump, even long before he ever ran for the White House.

Trump should be happy. After all, he was born into a life of extreme wealth and privilege. He's never known struggle or uncertainty in his entire, very sheltered life. He has amassed greater and greater wealth, almost always by harming other less fortunate people. This has garnered him fame and fortune. Like everything, he used these to further his ambitions. Eventually, he became a "reality television" star and, of course, a politician. Not just any politician, but the dominant political figure in American politics of this era.

So you might think that he would be happy, that there is some deep contentment and satisfaction, right?


Have you ever known anyone to complain as loudly and relentlessly as Trump about how unfairly he has been treated? Do you know anyone who comes up with theories about how he is the victim of other people's mean-spiritedness like Trump does?

In short, Trump is a miserable human being. It is my experience that, generally speaking, the wealthiest people often fall into this most miserable category. They are never satisfied with what they have, instead opting to focus on what they still do not have. Then they roll up their sleeves and focus on losing what little is left of their humanity in pursuit of hoarding still more wealth and/or power.

Lemmy says it very succinctly here. I, for one, believe he hits the truth dead on. He absolutely makes some solid points about deep truths concerning Trump, and in a matter of mere seconds. And this was well before Trump ever reached the White House, even by decades, I believe. 

Trump seems always to dumb things down, and likens world politics to some kind of a game. Look at the "best words" which he used during that absurd meeting with Zelensky just days ago. How he told the leader of a nation that was invaded and is fighting for it's very continued existence that he does not hold the right cards, like all of this is some game, and Trump presumably is holding a much better hand. But I can tell you that despite Trump's supposedly brilliant hand, he does not hold the Ace of Spades.

Sorry, that was a pretty bad joke. I know, I know.

Nevertheless, I feel that Lemmy has a point. Trump has spent his entire lifetime in pursuit of even more wealth and power and privilege. And it has brought him everything, except for one very important, even crucial thing: happiness. A sense of fulfillment. Peace of mind. 

Take a look at the video below, and see if you don't agree. 

LEMMY on TRUMP in 1991

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