Thursday, February 27, 2020

A Response to a Self-Identified Anti-Bernie Democrat

There is someone who I mentioned here before, a Facebook friend of mine who identifies herself as a Democrat, and who's opinions I usually respect and even agree with. 

Usually, yes. But not all of the time.

She continues to disparage Bernie Sanders and his supporters, and seems to buy into the major media narrative of how dangerous he is, or would be, for the Democrats, and presumably, to the country. Her most recent fixation was to demonize his comments on Cuba.

So I decided to respond. I posted something about how President Barack Obama had praised Cuba's education system under the Castros (and communism, in other words). She then mentioned how Trump supporters are already going over the top on their attacks on Bernie Sanders, almost painting him as a communist. Here was my response:

I've seen plenty of Trump cult propaganda. More than enough, frankly, and debated a number of them, which is something that I find increasingly pointless. Right now, I am more worried about those people who literally seem to fear Sanders becoming the Democratic nominee. Have you even listened to what he actually is suggesting, instead of relying on major media figures who try to convince you just how unelectable Sanders is? After all, if Sanders is not electable - a label that they slapped on him as soon as he ran back in the summer of 2015 - then why is he winning? The polls clearly show him beating Trump more convincingly than any of the other Democrats in the field, and this has consistently been the case since 2015. Don't take my word for it, look it up yourself. That is why I feel we need someone like Bernie Sanders, who has the energy and directness to take on Trump & his cult followers. Sanders could energize an anti-Trump base in ways that other candidates cannot. Do you think young people are going to feel motivated to vote for Joe Biden? As for the fear that many are expressing regarding the recent comments praising Cuba's literacy, surely then you also attacked Obama when he made similar remarks praising Cuba's public education system. "Cuba has an extraordinary resource -- a system of education which values every boy and every girl." - Barack Obama, Havana, Cuba, March 22 2016   When major news media sources - people we are supposed to rely on for serious news - suggest that Bernie supporters are like a "brownshirt brigade" (Chuck Todd) or suggesting that there might be execution squads in Central Park (Chris Matthews) or that his victory in Nevada is like Nazi Germany taking over France (again, Chris Matthews), does it not seem over the top? To me, that is slanderous and seems to borrow directly from the tactics of FAUX News.  Again, I urge you to look up and challenge anything that I am saying. I could be wrong. Who knows? I'm not interested in attacking anyone or calling anyone names, but am open to other points of view. Enlighten me as to why I should fear Bernie Sanders, as you apparently do.

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