Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bernie Wins Democratic Primary in New Hampshire

Bernie Sanders and me here pictured together in New York City, October 2016

Yes, Bernie Sanders did it again!  

The candidate that major media sources and the mainstream Democrats love to hate keeps on beating them, despite their relentless attacks on him. James Carville suggested that the Democratic Party would become like a “cult” (his word for it) if Bernie won the nomination. Chris Matthews suggested that there might be death squads in Central Park if Bernie Sanders won the White House. And Chuck Todd, also of MSNBC, compared Bernie Sanders supporters to Brown Shirts. This, despite Bernie Sanders coming from a family where members died in the Holocaust. How shameless can you get? Also, do you get the feeling that MSNBC in particular has it in for Bernie Sanders, and his supporters?  

Here’s the thing that they seemingly refuse to admit: Bernie Sanders stands for unity and acceptance, which is the complete opposite of hatred. He wants the country to invest less in the military industrial complex and the de facto corporate welfare system, and to invest in the American people again. He openly states that he has socialistic tendencies, but clearly wants the country to move closer to the form of socialism, if you want to call it that, practiced in European nations. It seems that Denmark is the most frequently used example, although if you listen to the MSNBC nuts and mainstream Democrats, they would convince you that what Bernie Sanders really wants is to make the United States a lot more like Venezuela or Cuba, which would be a laughable notion, if so many gullible people did not simply swallow everything that these people feed them so easily and without bothering to do any research on their own. That seems to be something that mainstream Democrats and their supporters have in common with Trump supporters, frankly. Hell, some of them almost seem willing to side with Trump over Bernie Sanders, should he become the Democratic nominee.  Pathetic.  You know what?  I still think that Bernie could win, even if mainstreamers within the Democratic Party, like Carville and Hillary, keep attacking him, not to mention the mainstream media, particularly those on MSNBC, apparently.  Bernie Sanders won Iowa, because he received more votes than anyone else. He won in New Hampshire, as well.  The next Democratic primary will be in Nevada late this month. And guess what? Bernie Sanders is leading there, too.  

Joe Biden has a lead in the South Carolina primary, which explains why he headed there straight after the New Hampshire Primary ended last night. Yes, he seems to be ignoring Nevada, because things are not going so well there. Once hailed as the frontrunner of the 2020 Democratic race, Biden has struggled in the first two primary races, and Pete Buttigieg has instead emerged as Bernie’s main contender. Both of them are far more in line with the mainstream Democratic Party views championed by Hillary Clinton in 2016, and both feel like they are aiming to get big money sponsors to try and fuel their campaigns for the White House. Both obviously stand opposed to Berne Sanders.  

There are other Democrats in the field, of course. Amy Klobuchar, who did well in New Hampshire. Elizabeth Warren, who’s campaign is struggling, much like Joe Biden’s campaign is thus far. And Andrew Yang. Tom Steyer. And Michael Bloomberg, I guess, even though he has not actually been in any of the debates, and is not even really running in any of the Democratic Primary states to this point.  


Right now, Bernie Sanders is leading the overall race, and he clearly is building a ton of momentum. He is the candidate that I personally support, because he has the most honesty, integrity, and champions the best ideas that can get this country going again. The attacks, as pathetic as they have been, were to be expected, and surely will continue. That is to be expected as well.  

You know what else is to be expected, though?

More victories by Bernie Sanders, who’s campaign just keeps gaining more steam. Right now, he represents the true great hope to turn this country around, and to reject Trumpism and everything that it stands for and represents.  

I applaud Bernie Sanders and his supporters on another huge win last night. Hopefully, they can keep the thing going, and his unfiltered message will continue to reach more ears and hearts, regardless of how many attacks and distortions from mainstream Democrats and major media players there are.  

We need something better in this country, and Bernie Sanders can offer us that.

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