Saturday, February 29, 2020

Trump is Now Lumping Coronavirus Among His Latest Conspiracy Theories

Donald Trump has not been boasting quite as much lately.


Because suddenly, there have been a few disasters in miniature which have cast him and his presidency in a poor light. He has looked the part of an absolute fool in recent weeks.

First, he claimed that there were far fewer cases of the coronavirus than there actually were. Then, he said that a cure was coming soon, even though estimates at that one will not be available yet for a good year to a year and a half. Then he said that many Americans would not be able to afford to cure, even though he promised, as a candidate to the White House, to create a healthcare plan that would be more affordable and cover everyone, something that he claimed would be easy, and which he instead hardly lifted a finger to do.

After that, the stock market dropped over 1,000 points in a single day, over 2,000 points on the second day, and then had it's worst single day ever on Thursday, which meant that it had dropped well over 3,000 points in just three days, and 3,600 points overall for the week, as fears of the coronavirus, and the Trump administration's obvious inability to handle it with anything close to competence, stoked worldwide fears.

Trump tried to curb the criticism, and promised that the coronavirus would one day just disappear.


Now, Trump and his cronies in the White House are claiming that it is a big hoax by the Democrats to make him look bad. As if he were not doing that very thoroughly on his own these last few days. Hell, for the past four or five years, from the campaign for the White House and right through his entire presidency.

This country has a lot of problems, but the easy playing around with the truth and/or outright lies, such as this latest conspiracy theory, are just sickening, and yet another reminder of how completely unfit this man, and many of the people he surrounds himself with, actually are.

What a bad joke this Fake President is! We need to shed ourselves of King Con Don. Regime change begins at home!

Trump says the coronavirus is the Democrats' 'new hoax' by Thomas Franck, FEB 28 2020:

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