Sunday, February 16, 2020

Critics of Bernie Sanders Keep Suggesting That He Has Accomplished Nothing in Washington. Actually, They Are Wrong on That Score, Too

       Bernie Sanders and me here pictured together in New York City, October 2016


Hillary Clinton, in her bitchy campaign to try and bury Bernie’s chances of getting the Democratic nomination, or winning the White House, has relentlessly attacked Sanders. She claimed that he had not stood by her when she was pushing for healthcare for all back in the 1990’s, even though there is video and picture proof that he was indeed literally standing right behind her. She claimed that he had not given her the support that she needed after she received the 2016 Democratic nomination, even though, again, there is proof that he campaigned for her all over, and was a fierce supporter of hers, and relentlessly attacked her opponent, then Republican candidate Donald Trump. She claims that nobody likes Bernie Sanders, even though polls showed that, in fact, he was the most liked and trusted nationally-known politician, and that his popularity and trustworthiness among voters far exceeded her own.              

The latest thing that she seems to be saying about him is that he never accomplished anything, in part because, allegedly, nobody liked him. But in fact, Bernie Sanders worked with numerous other Congressmen and women, and that includes crossing the aisle to work with Republicans, as well, such as John McCain.              

As it turns out, he introduced considerable amounts of legislation that did come to be law, as well.              

In fact, he introduced more legislation, and had more of these proposals pass to become law, than Hillary did in her Congressional career. In all, Bernie Sanders introduced 8178 bills, and 882 passed, while 444 eventually came to be law. Compare that to Hillary Clinton, who introduced 1957 bills. Of those, 180 passed, and 75 came to be law. It does not take a brilliant mathematician to recognize that, in fact, Hillary herself has far fewer bills introduced, passed, and which became law.              

The disinformation campaign against Bernie Sanders continues, and now, perhaps, we are seeing Hillary’s real agenda, as news hit all over the place this weekend that Michael Bloomberg apparently wants Hillary Clinton to be his running mate for the White House for 2020. She never learns. Neither do the mainstream Democrats, who seem to desperately want to fall in love with some other moderate, mainstream Democrat. They wanted it to be Biden, but his campaign has bordered on being disastrous. They wanted it to be Buttigieg, but his campaign has not yet taken off like they wanted it to, and there are many, many people with misgivings about him, and who distrust his seemingly elitist agenda with ties to the deep pockets of Wall Street and big corporations. Indeed, so worried were many mainstreamers within the party, that now, numerous Democrats are claiming that the eventual nominee does not have to win the most states in the primary, which seems decidedly anti-Democratic, and will once again compromise the legitimacy of anyone who might become the nominee for the party without having actually received a majority of votes or state victories in the primaries. Can you imagine how much that will once again play into the hands of Trump and his supporters, who are already pointing out all of this, as well as the ridiculous situation a couple of weeks back in Iowa, as proof that powerful Democrats like the Clintons are actually rigging these elections?              

Now, they are pinning their hopes on someone who was, until quite recently, an outright Republican, and who has many of the same flaws that Donald Trump has. He is an arrogant billionaire who apparently believes that he can buy his way to the White House, with a troubling history with racism, and numerous cases of sexual harassment of women against him. And now, just to make sure that the message is loud and clear, and that the mainstream Democrats very clearly learned absolutely no lessons from 2016, this supposed “new hope” for the Democrats is outright thinking about bringing Hillary Clinton as his running mate for the White House.  Yes, this is the man that many mainstreamers now are flirting with turning to in order to replace Donald Trump.  Unbelievable.  If Bernie wins the majority of the primaries – and he appears to be well on his way to doing just that, despite the smear campaign against him by Hillary Clinton, other mainstream Democrats, and major news media sources -  and receives enough of them to win the nomination, yet still does not get the official nomination, than the Democrats deserve to lose this election, even if Donald Trump deserves to no longer be president, as well. It will be the clearest sign yet that the Democratic party is not actually a part of the people, nor a believer in the democracy or in the democratic process that they clearly named themselves after, and will be further proof that it needs to be broken up, and that a truly progressive party needs to be established and become a political force in this country.

Below is the link to the article (kind of article) used in writing this particular blog entry:

Quora: Does Bernie Sanders have a significant accomplishment in his 28 years of Congressional service?

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