Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Profiles in Cowardice: Republican Senators Like Susan Collins

Almost all Republican Senators voted to dismiss the charges that Trump abuses his powers of office in the whole Ukraine thing.

Some came up with asinine rationales, such as former Republican White House hopeful Marco Rubio, who basically argued that impeachable offenses are not actually impeachable if they are not good for the country. So, following that logic, a president who abuses his power - and think of the wording here  - cannot be impeached if Senators feel that too many people support that president, and it would be dangerous to remove him.

At least it would be politically dangerous for Rubio. Of course, it is dangerous for American democracy not to remove him from office, but that does not enter the equation apparently with most Repubicans. After all, we have the most blatantly, transparently - even proudly - corrupt president in American history, and they are bending over backwards to keep him, and by extension their party and themselves, in office.

Supposedly, there were some Senators who were on the fence, such as Susan Collins. But she sided with her fellow Republicans, and justified her position by saying that Trump had learned from this whole Ukrainian debacle.

Many people were outraged with that, because there is zero evidence that Trump has learned anything avbout restrain following this whole Ukrainian incident that should have removed him from office. If anything, there is evidence that he learned exactly the wrong kinds of lessons from it, that in fact, he can pretty much get away with anything. After all, this phone call happened literally the day after Robert Mueller testified. That takes a unique kind of hubris and sense of invulnerability, and Senator Collins and her fellow Republicans, by cowardly refusing to stand up to a president who clearly abuses his powers, just empowered him to continue. Perhaps even to go farther with his abuse of office.

Now, she is admitting that she should not have said that. 

Frankly, I do not know which is worse, claiming to believe that Trump has learned some good lessons about curtailing his behavior when that is so clearly not true, or then admitting that this was something that she should not have said. 

This is a shameful day in America. I feel that Democrats have had a hand - and a big one - on the decline of democracy in this country, but today, the magnifying glass deserves to be on Republicans. The cowardice of the vast majority of Republicans in particular, such as Rubio and Collins, should be remembered forever. 


Susan Collins admits she shouldn’t have said she ‘believes’ Trump learned his lesson on extorting Ukraine by Brad Reed,  Published on February 5, 2020:

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