Monday, February 17, 2020

Brian Wilson Urges Fans to Boycott Beach Boys Because of Links to Donald Trump Jr.

Never did get around to publishing this a couple of weeks ago, when I originally intended to do it. Just kept forgetting about it and pushing it back, until now, when I realize that it is actually quite a bit outdated.

That said, it still seems relevant, and so I am publishing it now, a story about a division within the Beach Boys which involves trophy hunting and the Trump family:

Brian Wilson is an icon in music, and a truly great artist. He went through some very difficult times in his life, as most people know. It took him many, many years to overcome substance abuse and finally get his life in order. But he did.

Wilson also is a very quiet, reserved man. Other than the great music that he has produced, you actually hear very little about this guy, because that is the way that he wants it. He is a low key person, not someone who makes noise or headlines for the sake of being in the spotlight.

Which is why I was personally impressed with him calling on fans to boycott his former band, the Beach Boys, after they participated in a show at a hunting event with Donald Trump, Jr., not long ago. It would almost be shocking that a man so associated with the Beach Boys would now be urging fans not to see his old band, except that these are not normal times.

This is the effect that Donald Trump and his presidency has on people. 

However, this is not the first time that the Beach Boys have generated the wrong kinds of headlines. Remember when Mike Love and the rest of the band supported Tipper Gore's Parents Music Resource Center (better known as the PMRC)? 

Well, participating in a public event with a prominent member of the Trump family these days is tantamount to expressing support for Donald Trump and his presidency.

And that does not sit well with Brian Wilson. 

Brian Wilson@BrianWilsonLive This organization supports trophy hunting, which Both Al and I are emphatically opposed to. There’s nothing we can do personally to stop the show, so please join us in signing the petition at … 

Interesting story.

Take a look at the news (admittedly now outdated, as the concert was earlier this week, on Wednesday) article from NBC News:

Brian Wilson wants fans to boycott Beach Boys over show at hunting event with Donald Trump Jr. by Tim Stelloh Feb. 3, 2020:
The touring group is set to perform this week at Safari Club International's annual convention in Nevada.

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