Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bernie Sanders is Doing Extremely Well, Yet Mainstream Democrats Are Busy Shooting Themselves in the Foot

Bernie Sanders and me here pictured together in New York City, October 2016

Sanders is doing extremely well now, and in fact, he is doing so well, that it is difficult even for mainstream Democrats and major media sources to deny that he is, in fact, the frontrunner for the party. Again, the plls suggest that he has a lead in national polls, and he has opened up a huge lead in California, the biggest state in the country, while recently taking a lead in Texas, the second largest state.             

Indeed, things are going well for Sanders. And, if they want it, this could bode well for the Democrats, who could ride the Sanders train to victory in November, and reclaim the White House, if they wanted it.              

It is sad that we have to ask if they want it, though. Because right now, it seems unclear. Some Democrats are flirting so much with so-called moderates within their ranks, even though one after the other, these mainstreams seem to fall by the wayside. First it was Biden. Buttigieg was also one of the favorites, but his campaign has hardly taken off in a big way. To some extent, some people have looked at Klobuchar, even though her campaign also has largely stalled. And now, it seems that Bloomberg is all the rage, even though he was a Republican until very recently, which seems revealing, as it exposes the hypocrisy of mainstream Democrats who claim to base their opposition of Sanders on this notion that he is not “really” a Democrat.              

Major news media sources also have launched numerous attacks, something that I have covered here over the past couple of weeks, and which just seems to keep going.              

Clearly, there are plenty of powerful people who simply do not like Bernie Sanders.              

My guess is that this is because he is not for sale, and that this is not just words. Trump claims the same thing, but there maybe nobody in this world who worships money and the power and influence that it brings quite to the extent that Trump does. The mainstream Democrats and Republicans in recent decades are well-known to bow down to private special interests, courting their money and support.                

Bernie actively rejects these billionaires, and he has held steadfast with his values, never wavering on his commitment towards trying to make the country a legitimately better, fairer, and more hopeful place for all Americans, even if, yes, that means that the wealthiest Americans will have to pay more in taxes.              

Clearly, this is a message that does not resonate positively among mainstreamers for both Democrats and Republicans, who then go to extraordinary lengths to try and discredit Sanders, to attack him. They relentlessly insisted that he was not a serious candidate, and labeled him as a “fringe” candidate back in 2016. As the frontrunner right now, they likely cannot get away with that (apparently, their hypocrisy might still have boundaries that they do not cross, at least for now), but that does not mean that they are pulling any punches. And the thing is: they cannot attack Bernie based on inconsistencies or some perceived              

They keep throwing whatever throwing whatever they can at him, hoping to create as many obstacles in his way as possible.  Yet, if the mainstream Democrats would simply do what they should have done back in 2016, Bernie Sanders will likely not only capture the Democratic nomination, but get people excited with his grassroots campaign. They could ride his train to victory in November, if they would just get out of the way, and stop trying to interfere.  It makes you wonder if they are more scared of him receiving the nomination over the other Democrats, or if they are actually more fearful of him actually winning in November, and then ending the Clinton and Obama style of Democrats winning elections. Because if he makes half the changes that he proposes, those kinds of Democrats will seem like political dinosaurs indeed.

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