Monday, September 9, 2024

A Poem That Put's America's Obsession With Guns In Perspective

Last week, perhaps the leading major story in the United States was another school shooting. This one was even more shocking than other similar shootings, because the kid involved had documented mental issues, including having threatened to conduct a school shooting about a year ago. And then, his father, despite the knowledge of his son's mental issues and the previous threat of a mass shooting, gifted his son a gun, which he obviously used in this school shooting.

Only in America do you hear such stories. 

This was very early in the new academic year. School had not been in session in Georgia (where this shooting occurred) for even two weeks.

To his credit, President Joe Biden declared that more is needed than "thoughts and prayers," which is actually something I agree with.

Recently, I found this poem by Brian Bilston, which I frankly thought worth sharing at this time:

America Is A Gun  

England is a cup of tea. 

France, a wheel of ripened brie. 

Greece, a short, squat olive tree. 

America is a gun.  

Brazil is football on the sand. Argentina, 

Maradona's hand. 

Germany, an oompah band. 

America is a gun.  

Holland is a wooden shoe. 

Hungary, a goulash stew. 

Australia, a kangaroo. 

America is a gun.  

Japan is a thermal spring. 

Scotland is a highland fling. 

Oh, better to be anything 

than America as a gun.” 

― Brian Bilston

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