Tuesday, September 3, 2024

September 3rd: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

In 36 BCE, in the Battle of Naulochus, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Admiral of Octavian, defeated Sextus Pompeius, son of Pompey, thus ending Pompeian resistance to the Second Triumvirate. On this day in 301, San Marino, one of the smallest nations in the world and the world's oldest republic still in existence, was founded by Saint Marinus. On this day in 590, St Gregory I began his reign as Catholic Pope. In 1189 on this day, England's King Richard I (the Lion-Hearted) crowned in Westminster. 30 Jews were massacred at his coronation. The Battle of Ain Djaloet was fought on tis day in 1260, Palestine defeated Mongol army. Utrecht surrendered to Habsburgs army on this day in 1483. In 1543 on this day, Cardinal Beaton replaced Earl Arran as Regent for Mary of Scotland. The Battle at Nurnbergwas fought on this day in 1632, when the Duke Wallenstein beat Sweden. On this day in 1650, the Battle at Dunbar was fought between England and Scotland. The Battle at Worcester was fought on this day in 1651, with Oliver Cromwell destroying the English royalists. Richard Cromwell succeeded his father as English Lord Protector on this day in 1658. Ottoman troops broke through defenses of Vienna on this day in 1683. In 1697 on this day, King William's War in America ended with the Treaty of Ryswick. On this day in 1709, the first major group of Swiss/German colonists reached the Carolinas. England, France, Hannover & Prussia signed the Covenant of Hannover on this day in 1725. Willem KH Friso was installed as Viceroy of Friesland on this day in 1731. This day never happened in 1752, nor the next 10, as England adopted the Gregorian Calendar. People rioted believing the government stole 11 days of their lives. The American colonies also adopted the Gregorian calender (becomes Sept 14) on this day in 1752. On this day in 1777, the Cooch's Bridge - Skirmish of American Revolutionary conflict in New Castle County, Delaware, during which the flag of the United States was flown in battle for the first time..In 1779 on this day, the Earl d'Orvilliers (French/Spanish Armada) sailed back to Brest. The Revolutionary War between the U.S. and Great Britain officially ended on this day in 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris.  

The tricolore flag of France (above) which originated during the French Revolution. 

On this day in 1791 during the days of the Revolution, the French Constitution was passed by the National Assembly. In 1798 on this day, the week-long Battle of St. George's Caye began between Spanish and British off the coast of Belize.

1803 - English scientist John Dalton started using symbols to represent the atoms of different elements.
1826 - USS Vincennes leaves NY to become 1st warship to circumnavigate globe
1832 - Rebellious slaves set fire to Paramaribo Suriname
1833 - NY Sun begins publishing (1st daily newspaper)
1838 - Frederick Douglass escapes from slavery disguised as a sailor
1849 - California State Constitutional Convention convenes in Monterey
1852 - Anti Jewish riots break out in Stockholm
1855 - Indian Wars: In Nebraska, 700 soldiers under American General William S. Harney avenge the Grattan Massacre by attacking a Sioux village, killing 100 men, women, and children.
1861 - Confederate forces enter Kentucky, thus ending its neutrality
1864 - Battle of Berryville, VA
Abolitionist Frederick DouglassAbolitionist Frederick Douglass 1864 - US, British, French & Dutch naval officer sails Staits of Simonoseki
1865 - Army commander in SC orders Freedmen's Bureau to stop seizing land
1874 - The congress of the state of México elevates Naucalpan to the category of Villa, with the title of "Villa de Juárez".
1878 - England's Princess Alice sinks; 645 die
1881 - 1st US Mens Tennis: Richard D Sears beats William E Glyn (60 63 62)
1881 - Anton Bruckner completes his 6th Symphony
1882 - French/Vietnamese/Chinese battle at Hanoi, 100s die
1888 - East Africa Company political & commercial rights
1888 - Queen Victoria grants William Mackinnons Imperial British
1890 - Oliver S Campbell wins US Tennis Open
1891 - 11th US Mens Tennis: Oliver S Campbell beats C Hobart (26 75 79 61 62)
1891 - Cotton pickers organize union & staged strike in Texas
1891 - John Stephens Durham, named minister to Haiti
1895 - 1st pro football game played, Latrobe beats Jeanette 12-0 (Penn)
1900 - British annex Natal (South Africa)
1901 - Boer General Smuts enters Kiba Drift in Cape Colony
1902 - Pittsburgh Pirates, win earliest pennent (full season)
1902 - Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Illustrious Client"
1903 - Resolute beats Shamrock III (England) in 13th America's Cup
1904 - St Louis Olympics closes
1906 - Phila Giants win Negro Championship Cup in Phila before 10,000 fans
1906 - Yanks win 2nd game on a forfeit over A's; 2nd forfeit win
1908 - James Barries "What Every Woman Knows," premieres in London
1911 - 31st US Mens Tennis: Wm A Larned beats Maurice E McLoughlin (64 64 62)
1912 - Arnold Schoenberg's "Funf Orchesterstucke," premieres
1912 - World's 1st cannery opens in England to supply food to the navy
1914 - British expeditionary army/general Lanrezacs army attacks the Marne
1914 - Cardinal Giacome della Chiesa becomes Pope Benedict XV
1914 - French troops vacate Reims
1914 - Prince Wilhelm von Wied leaves Albania
1916 - Allies turned back Germans in WW I's Battle of Verdun
1917 - 1st night bombing of London by German fighter planes
1917 - German troops over run Riga Latvia
1917 - Grover Cleveland Alexander pitches complete wins in a doubleheader
1917 - Utrecht soccer team Holland forms
1918 - 38th US Mens Tennis: R L Murray beats William T Tilden (63 61 75)
1918 - 5 soldiers hanged for alleged participation in Houston riot of 1917
1918 - Allies forced Germans back across Hindenburg Line
1921 - 16th Davis Cup: USA beats Japan in New York (5-0)
1921 - KPB, Communist Party of Belgium forms
1923 - Dorothys Donelly's "Poppy," premieres in NYC
1924 - Civil war breaks out in China (Gen Tsi moves to Shanghai)
1924 - L Stallings & M Anderson's "What Price Glory?," premieres in NYC
1925 - 1st international handball match held
1925 - Dirigible "Shenandoah" crashed near Caldwell Ohio, 13 die
1928 - Baseball Hall of Famer Ty Cobb got his 4,191th & final career hit
1929 - Dow Jones hits a record peak of 381.17
1929 - Dow Jones Industrial Average reached all time high at the time (381.17), which was shortly followed by the Crash of 1929.
1930 - Hurricane kills 2,000, injures 4,000 (Dominican Republic)
1932 - Ellsworth Vines beats Henri Cochet for US Tennis title
1932 - Jimmie Foxx of A's hits 50th & 51st HRs to become 3rd to hit 50
1933 - Yevgeniy Abalakov reaches the highest point of the Soviet Union - Communism Peak (7495 m).
1934 - Tunisia began its move for independence
1935 - 1st automobile to exceed 300 mph, Sir Malcolm Campbell (301.337 mph)
1935 - Andrew Varipapa sets bowling record of 2,652 points in 10 games
1936 - 3rd NFL Chicago All-Star Game: All-Stars 7, Detroit 7 (76,000)
1938 - 1940 Olympic site changed from Tokyo Japan to Helsinki Finland
1939 - German U-boat sinks British passenger ship Athenia
1939 - Great Britain & France declare war on Germany after invasion of Poland
1939 - Yanks beat Red Sox on a forfeit, their 4th forfeit win
1939 - Britain declares war on Germany. France follows 6 hours later quickly joined by Australia, NZ, South Africa & Canada
1940 - 1st showing of high definition color TV
1940 - 39.4 CM rainfall at Sapulpa Oklahoma (state record)
Dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf HitlerDictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler 1940 - Hitler orders invasion in England on Sept 21 (Operation Seelöwe/Sealion)
1940 - Neth government in exile of Gerbrandy forms London

1940 - Sicherheits police bans Free masons, Rotary & Red Cross
1940 - US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for Newfoundland base lease
1941 - 1st use of Zyclon-B gas in Auschwitz (on Russian prisoners of war)
1941 - KYW TV channel 3 in Philadelphia, PA (NBC) begins broadcasting
1943 - British 8th army lands in South Italy (Messina)
1943 - General Castellano signs cease fire treaty in Sicily
1944 - 58th US Womens Tennis: P Betz beats Margaret Osborne duPont (63 86)
1944 - 68th & last transport of Dutch Jews (including Anne Frank) leaves for Auschwitz concentration camp
1944 - Canadian troops liberate Abbeville, France
1944 - Frank Parker beats Bill Talbert for US Tennis title
1944 - French troops liberate Lyon
1944 - Last transport from Westerbork to Auschwitz
1944 - Prince Bernhard appointed supreme commander of Neth Domestic Arm Force
1944 - Tank division of British Guards free Brussels
1945 - 65th US Mens Tennis: Sgt Frank A Parker beats Wm Talbert (14-12 61 62)
1945 - Japanese forces in Philippines surrender to Allies
1947 - Phila A's Bill McCahan no-hits Wash Senators, 3-0
1947 - Yanks get 18 singles to beat Red Soxs 11-2
1948 - W Gomulka deposed as general secretary of Polish Worker's party
1949 - Fire in Chiang-king, China, destroys 7,000 lives
Jewish Victim & Diarist of the Holocaust Anne FrankJewish Victim & Diarist of the Holocaust Anne Frank 1950 - "Nino" Farina becomes the first Formula One Drivers' champion after winning the 1950 Italian Grand Prix.
1951 - TV soap opera "Search for Tomorrow" debuts on CBS
1953 - European Convention on Human Rights goes into effect
1953 - French minister Francois Mitterrand, resigns due to colonial policy
1954 - China begins artillery bombing on Quemoy & Amoy
1954 - Espionage & Sabotage Act of 1954 signed
1954 - Pope Pius X canonized a saint
1954 - The People's Liberation Army begin shelling the ROC-controlled islands of Quemoy.
1954 - The German U-Boat U-505 began its move from a specially constructed dock to its final site at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry.
1955 - KTBS TV channel 3 in Shreveport, LA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1956 - Tanks are deployed against racist demonstrators in Clinton, Tennessee
1957 - Dodgers play last game in Jersey City (11-4 in NJ)
1957 - KTCA TV channel 2 in St Paul-Minneapolis, MN (PBS) begins broadcasting
1957 - Warren Spahn sets record for a lefty pitcher with 41st shut-out
1962 - Mickey Wright wins LPGA Spokane Golf Open
US Attorney General Robert Francis KennedyUS Attorney General Robert Francis Kennedy 1964 - US attorney general Robert Kennedy resigns
1964 - Wilderness Act signed into law by President Lyndon B Johnson
1965 - Curt Flood's record of 568 straight chances without an error begins
1965 - Garcia Godoy forms government in Dominican Republic
1965 - Jim Hickman becomes 1st NY Met to hit 3 HRs in a game
1965 - Pope Paul VI publishes encyclical Mysterium Fidei
1965 - Preparing a move to Anaheim, Angels change their name from LA to Calif
1966 - 24th World SF Convention honors Gene Roddenberry
1966 - Donovan hits #1 with "Sunshine Superman"
1967 - Final episode of "What's My Line?," hosted by John Charles Daly
1967 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Ladies' World Series of Golf
1967 - Last broadcast of "What's My Line" on CBS TV
1967 - Nguyen Van Thieu elected President of South Vietnam under a new constitution
1967 - Sweden begins driving on right-hand side of road
1967 - WJPM TV channel 33 in Florence, SC (PBS) begins broadcasting
Vietnamese Politican Nguyen Van ThieuVietnamese Politican Nguyen Van Thieu 1968 - Chicago White Sox set AL record of 39 loses by 1 run
1970 - After NL record 1,117 consec games, Billy Williams asks to sit out
1970 - Bill Halley & Comets reject $30,000 for 15 date tour of Australia
1970 - Indonesian president Suharto visits Netherlands
1971 - John Lennon leaves UK for NYC, never to return
1971 - Manlio Brosio resigns as sect-gen of NATO
1971 - Qatar regains complete independence from Britain
1971 - Watergate team breaks into Daniel Ellsberg's doctor's office
1973 - General Walters, ends term as acting director of CIA
1973 - Jerry Lewis' 8th Muscular Dystrophy telethon
1974 - Giants John Montefusco makes his major league debut
1974 - NBA guard Oscar Robertson retires
1974 - US & German DR establish diplomatic relations
1975 - Chartered 707 crashes in Atlas Mts of Morocco, 188 die
1975 - Steve Garvey begins his NL record 1,207 consecutive game streak
NBA Player Oscar RobertsonNBA Player Oscar Robertson 1976 - Viking 2 soft lands on Mars (Utopia), returns photos
1977 - Japan's Sadaharu Oh hits 756th HR to surpass Hank Aaron's total
1977 - Last broadcast of "Mary Tyler Moore Show" on NBC-TV
1978 - Crew of Soyuz 31 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 29
1978 - Leonid Mossejev becomes European marathon champ (2:11:57.5)
1978 - Pope John Paul I officially installed as 264th supreme pontiff
1979 - Hurricane David, a strong Atlantic storm kills over 1,000
1979 - Iran army conquerors Mahabad
1979 - Jerry Lewis' 14th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $30,000,000
1979 - Jo Ann Washam wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic
1981 - Gerald P Remy of Boston gets 6 hits in a baseball game
1981 - Longest game in Fenway Park, suspended in 19, Mariners-7, Red Sox-7
1982 - Jorgensen government in Denmark resigns
1984 - 28 year old Chicagoan wins $40 million in Illinois state lottery
1984 - Bruce Sutter breaks NL record for saves in a season with his 38th
Actress Mary Tyler MooreActress Mary Tyler Moore 1984 - Cindy Hill wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic
1984 - Jerry Lewis' 19th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $32,074,566
1984 - South Africa adopts constitution
1985 - 20th Space Shuttle Mission (51-I)-Discovery 6-returns to Earth
1985 - England regain Cricket Ashes by beating Australia at The Oval
1985 - NY Met Gary Carter hits 3 consecutive HRs in a game
1986 - Alan Ayckbourn's "Woman in Mind," premieres in London
1986 - Astros & Cubs use a record 53 players in an 18 inning game
1987 - Coup in Burundi suspends constitution
1988 - Dennis Eckersley sets A's record with his 37th save en route to 45
1989 - "Into the Woods" closes at Martin Beck Theater NYC after 764 perfs
1989 - Iljushin-62 crashes down on residential area of Havana, 170 die
1989 - Chris Evert defeats 15-year-old Monica Seles for her 101st & last US Tennis Open singles victory
1990 - 9th no-hitter of 1990: Blue Jay Dave Steib beats Cleve 3-0
1990 - Beth Daniel wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic
1990 - Helen Hudson sings national anthem in 26th park of year (San Diego)
1990 - Jerry Lewis' 25th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $44,172,186
1990 - White Sox reliever Bobby Thigpen sets save record at 47 en route to 57
1992 - Jerry Lewis' 27th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $45,759,368
1994 - Circulation of Neth Telegraph/News of the Day reaches 800,000
1995 - Carolina Panthers lose their 1st NFL game (Atlanta-23 Carolina-20 OT)
1995 - Jacksonville Jaguars lose their 1st NFL game (Houston-10, Jaguars-3)
1995 - NY Yankee Tony Fernandez hits for the cycle
1995 - Soyuz TM-22, launched into orbit
1995 - eBay founded.
1996 - Slowinski & Gage discovers 2^1257787-1 (34th known Mersenne prime)
1997 - A Vietnam Airlines Tupolev TU-134 crashes on approach into Phnom Penh airport, killing 64.
2004 - The Beslan school massacre ends in the deaths of approximately 344 people, mostly teachers and children.
2012 - 3 people are killed and 19 wounded by a car bombing in Peshawar, Pakistan
2012 - Typhoon Bolaven kills 48 people in North Korea
2012 - New Zealand announces its withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan

1189 - England's King Richard I was crowned in Westminster.   1783 - The Revolutionary War between the U.S. and Great Britain ended with the Treaty of Paris.   1833 - The first successful penny newspaper in the U.S., "The New York Sun," was launched by Benjamin H. Day.   1838 - Frederick Douglass boarded a train in Maryland on his way to freedom from being a slave.   1895 - The first professional football game was played in Latrobe, PA. The Latrobe YMCA defeated the Jeannette Athletic Club 12-0.   1935 - Sir Malcolm Campbell became the first person to drive an automobile over 300 miles an hour. He reached 304.331 MPH on the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.   1939 - British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in a radio broadcast, announced that Britain and France had declared war on Germany. Germany had invaded Poland on September 1.   1943 - Italy was invaded by the Allied forces during World War II.   1951 - "Search for Tomorrow" debuted on CBS-TV.   1954 - "The Lone Ranger" was heard on radio for the final time after 2,956 episodes over a period of 21 years.   1966 - The television series "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" ended after 14 years.   1967 - The TV game show "What's My Line?" broadcast its final episode. The show aired over 17 years on CBS.   1967 - Nguyen Van Thieu was elected president of South Vietnam under a new constitution.   1967 - In Sweden, motorists stopped driving on the left side of the road and began driving on the right side.   1976 - The U.S. spacecraft Viking 2 landed on Mars. The unmanned spacecraft took the first close-up, color photos of the planet's surface.   1981 - David Brinkley left NBC News after 38 years to join with ABC.   1981 - Egypt arrested more than 1,500 opponents of the government.   1984 - Bruce Sutter (St. Louis Cardinals) set a National League record by earning his 38th save of the season.   1986 - Peat Marwick International and Klynveld Main Goerdeler of the Netherlands agreed to merge and form the world’s largest accounting firm.   1989 - The U.S. began shipping military aircraft and weapons, worth $65 million, to Columbia in its fight against drug lords.   1994 - Russia and China announced that they would no longer be targeting nuclear missiles or using force against each other.   1999 - Mario Lemieux's ownership group officially took over the National Hockey League's Pittsburgh Penguins. Lemieux became the first player in the modern era of sports to buy the team he had once played for.

1189 Richard I (the Lion-Hearted) was crowned king of England at Westminster Abbey. 1658 Oliver Cromwell, the lord protector of England, died. 1783 The Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary War between the United States and Great Britain. 1939 Great Britain and France declared war on Germany during World War II. 1967 Nguyen Van Thieu was elected president of South Vietnam. 1974 Frank Robinson was named the first African-American manager in major league baseball. 1976 The unmanned U.S. spacecraft Viking II landed on Mars and took the first pictures of the planet's surface. 1978 Pope John Paul I was installed as the 264th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:





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