Sunday, September 15, 2024

RIP, James Earl Jones

This is late in coming. But as the saying goes, better late than never.

Most people by now have heard that James Earl Jones died recently, on September 9th. He was 93 years old.

Jones was most famous for his memorable voice. It was deep and resonant, and that is probably why he was chosen to do the voices of iconic characters, such as Darth Vader and the Lion King. 

He also was an inspiration for many, having overcome problems with stuttering at an early age. His deep and resonant voice obviously lent an impression, helping him to climb up the ladder, so to speak, in acting. His roles grew more and more prominent and higher profile, until at some point, he likely had one of the most famous voices in the entire world.

RIP, James Earl Jones. You will be missed. 

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