Sunday, September 1, 2024

Picture of a Demonic Looking Deer

A couple of evenings ago, I went out for an evening stroll. The days are growing shorter, of course, and it was getting to be around that time when dark would soon fall.

I cut across the field by two schools, which is often part of my walking routine here in Hillsborough. There were a group of deer quite close, and they seemed to notice me, but not to be overly alarmed, as deer often tend to be.

There was one deer in particular which was surprisingly close. To be sure, there was some netting across this particular stretch of field, and so I guess it was not as scared as it otherwise might be. When I took out my cell to snap a picture, the flash almost surprised me, having forgotten that I had apparently turned it on earlier in the day when searching for something in a closet that was not particularly well illuminated.

So the end result was that the eyes came out looking....well, unnatural. Creepy, even.

It was unintentional. Still, I thought it looked a bit funny, and that it might be worth sharing here. 

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