Monday, September 30, 2024

October 1st: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

331 BC - Alexander the Great defeats Darius III of Persia in the Battle of Gaugamela.
366 - St Damasus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope
704 - Aengibald gives away bishop Willibrord estate in Waalre
911 - During a siege in Constantinople, the Theotokos appeared at the church in Blachernae holding her veil over the praying faithful, among them St. Andrew of Constantinople.
959 - Edgar the Peaceable becomes king of all England.
965 - John XIII Crescentii elected to succeed Pope Leo VIII
1189 - Gerard de Ridefort, grandmaster of the Knights Templar since 1184, is killed in the Siege of Acre.
1273 - Earl Rudolf van Habsburg becomes Roman Catholics-German king
1529 - -3] Meeting between Maarten Luther & Huldrych Zwingli
1569 - Duke of Norfolk arrested
1574 - -2] Storm breaks Leiden dike; drowns 20,000 Spanish soldiers
1606 - Spanish troops under Spinola occupies fort Rhine birch
1632 - Battle at Castelnaudary: Duke Henri de Montmorency's rebel army loses
1653 - Russian parliament accepts annexation of Ukraine
1657 - Treaty of Raalte: Willem II no longer viceroy of Overijssel
1661 - Yachting begins in England; King Charles II beats his brother James
1670 - -4] Battle at Simbirsk a/d Wolga: Russian army beats Boers
1688 - Prince Willem III accept invitation of English crown to occupy
1705 - Parliament declares Hungary independently/French Rákóczi becomes king
Macedonian King and Conqueror of Persia Alexander the GreatMacedonian King and Conqueror of Persia Alexander the Great 1746 - Bonnie Prince Charlie flees to France
1768 - English troops under general Gauge lands in Boston
1787 - Russians under Suvorov defeat the Turks at Kinburn.
1791 - 1st session of new French legislative assembly
1795 - France annexes Southern Netherlands
1795 - Belgium is conquered by France.
1800 - Spain cedes Louisiana to France in a secret treaty
1801 - England & France signs Preliminary of London
1814 - Opening of the Congress of Vienna, intended to redraw the Europe's political map after the defeat of Napoléon the previous spring.
1827 - The Russian army under Ivan Paskevich storms Yerevan, ending a millennium of Muslim domination in Armenia.
1829 - South African College is founded in Cape Town, South Africa; later to separate into the University of Cape Town and the South African College Schools.
1830 - General Trade Journal newspaper begins publishing in Amsterdam
1833 - Charles Darwin reaches Rio Tercero Argentina
1837 - "Racer's" Hurricane (Gulf of Mexico)
1837 - Treaty with Winnebago Indians
Naturalist Charles DarwinNaturalist Charles Darwin 1838 - Civil Code enforced (- Jan 1, 1992)
1843 - News of the World began publication in London.
1847 - Maria Mitchell discovers a non-naked-eye comet
1847 - German inventor and industrialist Werner von Siemens founds Siemens AG & Halske.
1851 - 1st Hawaiian stamps issued
1854 - The watch company founded in 1850 in Roxbury by Aaron Lufkin Dennison relocates to Waltham, Massachusetts, to become the Waltham Watch Company, a pioneer in the American System of Watch Manufacturing.
1863 - 5 Russian warships welcomed in NYC
1863 - Dutch Breda-Tilburg railway opens
1864 - Cyclone strikes Calcutta: 70,000 killed
1864 - John S Staples is paid $500 as a substitute for President Lincoln
1866 - Dutch Eindhoven-Venlo railway opens
1867 - Karl Marx' "Das Kapital," published
1868 - 1st edition of Maasbode published
1869 - 1st postcards are issued (Vienna, Austria)
1871 - General Dutch Werkliedenverbond (ANWV), forms in Utrecht
Communist Philosopher Karl MarxCommunist Philosopher Karl Marx 1874 - Rotterdam opens drink water pipes
1879 - Cincinnati Enquirer publishes 1st report on baseball reserve clause
1880 - John Philip Sousa becomes new director of US Marine Corps Band
1885 - Special delivery mail service begins in US
1886 - US mint at Carson City, Nevada closes
1887 - Balochistan conquered by the British Empire.
1888 - National Geographic magazine publishes for 1st time
1889 - Soccer team HFC Haarlem forms
1889 - Washington voters adopt state constitution in referendum
1890 - Congress creates Weather Bureau
1890 - Yosemite National Park forms
1891 - In the U.S. state of California, Stanford University opens its doors.
1892 - University of Chicago opens
1893 - 3rd worst hurricane in US history kills 1,800 (Mississippi)
1894 - Civic organization, Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben founded in Omaha, Nebraska
Composer John Philip SousaComposer John Philip Sousa 1894 - First meeting of The Owl Club of Cape Town.
1895 - Romanians in Costantinople massacred
1896 - Sherlock Holmes adventure "Veiled Lodger" takes place (BG)
1898 - Dutch railway Alkmaar-Receiver opens
1898 - Henry Huntington buys LA Railway
1898 - Jews are expelled from Kiev Russia
1898 - Czar Nikolay II expels Jews from major Russian cities.
1898 - The Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration is founded under the name k.u.k. Exportakademie.
1903 - 1st baseball World Series, Pittsburgh Pirates vs Boston Pilgrims (Red Sox)
1904 - JB van Heutsz becomes gov-general of Netherland Indies
1904 - Netherlands & Portugal lay down bounderies splitting Timor
1905 - František Pavlík is killed in a demonstration in Prague, inspiring Leoš Janáček to the piano composition 1. X. 1905.
1906 - Hugh Jennings resigns as Balt manager to take over at Detroit in 1907
1907 - Plaza Hotel (5th Av & 59th Str, NY) opens
1908 - 1st Dutch electric railway in use (Rotterdam-The Hague)
Ford Motor Company Founder Henry FordFord Motor Company Founder Henry Ford 1908 - Henry Ford introduces Model T car (costs $825)
1908 - Jack Chesbro's final Yankee victory, beats Walter Johnson 2-1
1910 - Berkshire Cattle Fair held in Pittsfield Mass (1st state fair)
1910 - Explosion at LA Times kills 21
1910 - Regina Rugby Club's 1st game, losing to Moose Jaw Tigers, 16-6
1911 - United Dutch Diamond workers get 8-hr day
1912 - Yanks lose game #100 en route to a 50-102 season
1918 - World War I: Arab forces under T. E. Lawrence (a/k/a "Lawrence of Arabia") capture Damascus.
1919 - World Series begins as a best of 9 affair, White Sox intentionally throw this series to satisfy gamblers (Black Sox Scandal)
1920 - Dutch law provides for an 8 hour working day
1920 - Sir Percy Cox landed in Basra to assume his responsibilities as high commissioner in Iraq.
1921 - WJZ, Newark NJ begins broadcasting
1922 - Former Chicago Staleys play 1st NFL game as Chicago Bears, win 6-0
1922 - Rogers Hornsby's 3-for-5 ups avg to .401
1924 - Fokker F-7 1st flight (Amsterdam to Batavia)
1924 - Paavo Nurmi runs world record 4 mile (19:15.4) & 5 mile (24:06.2)
1924 - Landis bans Giants Jimmy O'Connell & Cozy Dolan from World Series after they admit an attempt to bribe Phils shortstop Heinie Sand
1926 - An oil field accident cost aviator Wiley Post his left eye, but he used the settlement money to buy his first aircraft.
1927 - Pirates clinch NL pennant with a 9-6 win over Reds
1928 - Leon Vanderstuyft of Belgium bicycled 76 miles 504 yards in 1 hour

1928 - Paavo Nurmi runs world record 15m (46:49.6)
1928 - USSR launches its 1st 5 year plan
1930 - Soccer team WHC forms
1930 - World Series opens at Phila's Shibe Park, Phila A's beat St Louis 5-2
1931 - Spanish Cortes accept general female suffrage
1931 - World Series is a rematch as A's seek 3rd straight title vs Cards
1931 - The second (and current) Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is opened in New York.
1932 - NHL readmits Ottawa & drops Pittsburgh
1932 - Oswald Mosley forms British Union of Fascists
1932 - World Series moves to Chicago, In 5th inning, Babe Ruth waits until he has 2 strikes, points & hits next pitch into center field bleachers
1933 - Antwerp Sports arena opens
1933 - Packers make 5 1st downs, Giants make 0, but still win 10-7
1933 - Wash Senator coach Nick Altrock plays in a game at age 57
1934 - Adolf Hitler expands German army & navy & creates an air force, violating Treaty of Versailles
1936 - Generalissimo Francisco Franco establishes state of Spain
1937 - Pullman Co formally recognizes Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters
1938 - Cubs clinch NL pennant
1938 - Germany annexes Sudetenland (1/3 of Czechoslovakia)
1939 - Churchill calls Soviets "riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma"
1939 - After a one-month Siege of Warsaw, hostile forces entered the city.
Spanish Dictator Francisco FrancoSpanish Dictator Francisco Franco 1940 - Pennsylvania Turnpike, pioneer toll thruway, opens
1941 - D Sjostakovitch plane evacuated in Moscow
1941 - H Martin/R Blanes musical "Best Foot Forward," premieres in NYC
1941 - Yankees beat Dodgers 3-2 at Yankee Stadium in opener of World Series
1942 - Bell P-59 Airacomet fighter, 1st US jet, makes maiden flight
1942 - Little Golden Books (children books) begins publishing
1943 - Allied forces captured Naples during WW II
1943 - Averell Harriman named US ambassador to Moscow
1943 - Germans attack Jews in Denmark
1943 - King's Dragon Guards liberates suburbs of Naples
1944 - Newspaper editor Alejandro Córdova assassinated in Guatemala
1944 - St Louis Browns win their only AL pennant
1945 - Heavyweight champ Joe Louis is discharged from army
1945 - US Office of Strategic Serbia (OSS) disbands
1946 - 12 war criminals sentenced to death in Nuremberg
1946 - 1st NL playoffs, Dodgers vs Cards (St Louis wins 2 games to 0)
1946 - Bob Feller 348th strikeout of season
1947 - 1st helicopter air mail & express service, LA, Ca
1947 - NHL Pension Society founded
1947 - US control of Haitian customs & governmental revenue ends
1947 - William Wister Haines' "Command Decision," premieres in NYC
1947 - The F-86 Sabre flies for the first time.
1948 - California Supreme Court voids state statue banning interracial marriages
1948 - Radio Denmark begins transmitting
Chinese Communist Revolutionary and Politician Mao Tse-TungChinese Communist Revolutionary and Politician Mao Tse-Tung 1949 - People's Rep of China proclaimed by Mao Tse-tung (National Day)
1949 - Republic of China (Taiwan) forms on island of Formosa
1950 - Phillies win NL pennant on last day of season (10th inning HR)
1950 - South Korean troops exceed 38° latitude during Korean War
1950 - Browns lose to Giants, setting club record for fewest points scored by both teams (tied in 1979), NY 6, Cleveland 0
1950 - South Korean troops cross 38th parallel into North Korea
1951 - 1st Giant-Dodgers playoff game, Giants win 3-1
1951 - 1st treaty signed by woman ambassador-Eugenie Anderson
1951 - 24th Infantry Regiment, last all-black military unit, deactivated
1952 - 1st ultra high frequency (UHF) television station, Portland Or
1952 - Liberal Party wins Japanese elections
1952 - Monte Bello-Island (Great Britain 1st atom bomb explosion)
1953 - Indian state of Andhra Pradesh partitioned from Madras
1953 - KJEO TV channel 47 in Fresno, CA (CBS/ABC) begins broadcasting
1953 - KYTV TV channel 3 in Springfield, MO (NBC) begins broadcasting
1953 - WATE TV channel 6 in Knoxville, TN (ABC/NBC) begins broadcasting
1953 - WREX TV channel 13 in Rockford, IL (ABC) begins broadcasting
1954 - British colony of Nigeria becomes a federation
1955 - "Honeymooners" premieres
1955 - Piet Lieftinck becomes director v/h IMF (World bank)
1955 - WORA TV channel 5 in Mayaguez, PR (TCI) begins broadcasting
1956 - Johnny Heckmann rides 7 winners at Chicago Hawthorne Horse track
1956 - Zestienhoven airport at Rotterdam official opens
1957 - B-52 bombers begin full-time flying alert in case of USSR attack
1957 - First appearance of "In God We Trust" on U.S. paper currency.
1958 - Britain transfers Christmas Island (south of Java) to Australia
1958 - Inauguration of NASA
1958 - Vanguard Project transferred from military to NASA
1958 - NASA created to replace NACA.
1959 - 1st World Series since 1948 not to feature a NY team (LA vs Chic)
1960 - 14th NHL All-Star Game: All-Stars beat Montreal 2-1 at Montreal
1960 - KCBY TV channel 11 in Coos Bay, OR (CBS) begins broadcasting
1960 - Nigeria gains independence from Britain (National Day)
1961 - A believed extinct volcanco erupts in Tristan da Cunha
1961 - East & West Cameroon merge as Federal Republic of Cameroon
1961 - KGIN TV channel 11 in Grand Island, NB (CBS) begins broadcasting
1961 - Mickey Wright wins LPGA Mickey Wright Golf Open
1961 - Premiere of Dmitri Shostakovitsch' 12nd Symphony
American Baseball Player Roger MarisAmerican Baseball Player Roger Maris 1961 - Roger Maris sets record of 61 HRs (off of Tracy Stallard)
1961 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1961 - WOLO TV channel 25 in Columbia, SC (ABC) begins broadcasting
1961 - WYAH TV channel 27 in Portsmouth, VA (IND) begins broadcasting
1962 - Barbra Streisand signs her 1st recording contract (with Columbia)
1962 - Brian Epstein signs a contract to manage Beatles through 1977
1962 - James Meredith became 1st black at U of Mississippi
1962 - Johnny Carson hosts his 1st Tonight Show, Joan Crawford guests
1962 - Lucy Show premieres
1962 - SF beats Dodgers, 8-0 in 1st of best-of-3 NL playoff
1962 - UN gives Netherlands control of New-Guinea
1962 - US National Radio Astronomy Obs gets a 300' (91m) radio telescope
1962 - WEDH TV channel 24 in Hartford, CT (PBS) begins broadcasting
1963 - 1st time since 1910 no AL player, played in every game
1963 - Nigeria becomes a republic within Commonwealth
Singer-songwriter & Actress Barbra StreisandSinger-songwriter & Actress Barbra Streisand 1964 - 1st official broadcast of Trans World Radio on Bonaire
1964 - 2nd Dutch televisienet begins broadcastings
1964 - Free Speech Movement launched at University of California , Berkley
1964 - SF cable cars declared a national landmark
1964 - WSJU TV channel 18 in Carolina, PR begins broadcasting
1964 - WTSJ TV channel 18 in San Juan, PR (NBC) begins broadcasting
1964 - WWAY TV channel 3 in Wilmington, NC (ABC) begins broadcasting
1965 - Failed coup under lt col Untung in Indonesia
1965 - France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
1966 - Newspaper magnate Thomson purchases "The Times"
1966 - WAEO (now WJFW) TV channel 12 in Rhinelander, WI (NBC) begins
1966 - West Coast Airlines Flight 956 crashes with eighteen fatal injuries and no survivors 5.5 miles south of Wemme, Oregon. This accident marks the first loss of a DC-9.
1967 - KBFI (now KDAF) TV channel 33 in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX (IND) begins
1967 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Ladies' LA Golf Open
1967 - Pink FLoyd's 1st US tour (arrives in NYC)
1968 - "Night of the Living Dead" premieres in Pittsburgh
1968 - The Guyanese government takes over the British Guiana Broadcasting Service (BGBS).
1969 - Concorde 001 test flight breaks sound barrier
1969 - Guernsey & Jersey begin issuing their own postage stamps
1969 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1970 - 63 arrest in riot to buy Rolling Stone tickets in Milano Italy
1970 - Last game at Philadelphia's Connie Mack Stadium, Phils-2 Expos-1
1971 - Joseph Luns becomes secretary-general of NATO
1971 - Simplified echtscheidingsrecht of force
1971 - Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens
1972 - "Don't Play Us Cheap" closes at Barrymore Theater NYC after 164 perfs
1972 - 1st games of World Hockey Association
1972 - 2nd NYC Women's Marathon won by Nina Kuscsik in 3:08:41
1972 - 3rd NYC Marathon won by Sheldon Karlin in 2:27:52
1972 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Portland Ladies Golf Classic
Baseball Player and Manager Leo DurocherBaseball Player and Manager Leo Durocher 1973 - Leo Durocher resigns as Houston Astro manager
1973 - USSR-West Germany gas tunnel opens
1974 - Watergate cover-up trial opens in Wash DC
1975 - Britain grants internal self-government to Seychelles
1975 - Ellice Islands split from Gilbert Islands, take name "Tuvalu"
1975 - Muhammad Ali TKOs Joe Frazier in 15 for heavyweight boxing title in "The Thrilla in Manila"
1975 - Reunion Island stops printing stamps, France takes over production
1976 - 1st Dutch casino opens
1977 - Brazilian soccer great Pele' retires with 1,281 goals in 1,363 games
1977 - Department Of Energy established
1977 - Elton John honored by MSG Hall of Fame
1977 - Yanks win 2nd consecutive AL East title
1978 - Comoros adopts constitution
1978 - Jane Blalock wins LPGA Golden Lights Golf Championship
1978 - Tuvalu (formerly Ellice Islands) declares independence from UK
Singer Elton JohnSinger Elton John 1978 - Yanks lose 9-2 to Indians forcing a playoff game with Red Sox
1978 - The Voltaic Revolutionary Communist Party is founded.
1979 - Nigeria adopts constitution, Alhaji Shagari becomes president
1979 - Pope John Paul II begins visit of US
1979 - RKO radio network begins operation
1979 - US returns Canal Zone to Panama after 75 years (but not the canal)
1980 - Cosmonauts Ryumin & Popov break space endurance record of 176 days
1981 - Iranian plane crash
1981 - J Chodorov/N Panama's "Talent for Murder," premieres in London
1981 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1982 - EPCOT Center opens in Orlando Florida
1982 - USSR performs underground nuclear test
1982 - West Germany's Parliament ousts Helmut Schmidt for Helmut Kohl
1982 - The Sony CDP-101, the world's first commercially released Compact Disc player, is released in Japan for 168,000 yen ($730)
1983 - Denise Wallace, 18, of Virginia crowned Miss Teen of America
1984 - Gary Trudeau's Doonesbury comic strip resumes after 2-year hiatus
1984 - Peter Ueberroth replaces Bowie Kuhn as 6th commissioner of baseball
1985 - Israeli air raid on PLO-headquarter at Tunis, 68 killed
1986 - President Carter's presidential library/museum dedicated in Atlanta
1987 - "Roza" opens at Royale Theater NYC for 12 performances
1987 - 6 killed by an earthquake measuring 6.1 in LA
1987 - Fiji's constitution is suspended
1987 - The Whittier Narrows earthquake shook the San Gabriel Valley, registering as a magnitude 5.9.
1988 - Bradley Center in Milwaukee opens
1988 - Lowest batting avg for NL champion (Tony Gwynn .313)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail GorbachevGeneral Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev 1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev became president of Soviet Union
1989 - Beth Daniel wins LPGA Konica San Jose Golf Classic
1989 - Dallas Cowboy, Ed "Too Tall" Jones records his 1,000th NFL tackle
1989 - Thousands of East Germans flee to West Germany
1989 - US issues a stamp, labeling an apatosaurus as a brontosaurus
1989 - Batting titles decided on final day Puckett goes 2-for-5 edges Carney Lansford .339 to .336, Gwynn's 3-for-4 edges Will Clark .336 to .333
1990 - 10,000 Uganda RPF rebels move into Rwanda
1990 - Meteorite explode above Pacific Ocean
1990 - US President Bush at UN, condemns Iraq's takeover of Kuwait
1990 - Serbs in Croatia proclaim autonomy
1991 - Howard Stern adds Baltimore to his radio network (WJFK-AM)
1991 - New Zealand's Resource Management Act 1991 commences.
1992 - "Oba Oba '93" opens at Marquis Theater NYC for 22 performances
1992 - Cartoon Cable Network premieres
1992 - Greater Pittsburgh International Airport opens
US President George H. W. BushUS President George H. W. Bush 1992 - Ross Perot re-enters presidental race
1993 - Lennox Lewis TKOs Frank Bruno in 7 for heavyweight boxing title
1994 - Boon completes his 19th Test century (114 v Pak, Karachi)
1994 - Liselotte Neumann wins LPGA GHP Heartland Golf Classic
1994 - South African President Nelson Mandela visits US
1994 - Stanley Betrian sworn in as leader of Curacao
1995 - Bermuda begins using new area code 441
1995 - Gail Graham wins FieldCrest Cannon/Carolina LPGA Golf Classic
1995 - Indians set record of 30 game lead over 2nd place team
1995 - Mike Mussina tosses Balt's 5th consecutive shutout 4-0 win over Tigers
1995 - NY Yankees win 1st baseball wildcard ever
1995 - Rockies are 1st team to make postseason before 7th year in existence
1997 - Carolina Hurricanes 1st game vs Tampa Bay Lightning
1997 - Spice Hot premieres on cable
1998 - Vladimir Putin became a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
Russian President Vladimir PutinRussian President Vladimir Putin 2000 - Juan Antonio Samaranch, the chairman of the IOC declares Sydney the "best Olympic Games ever"
2000 - Closing ceremony of the XXVII Olympics in Sydney, Australia
2000 - United States retain Basketball's Olympic gold medal defeating France 85-75
2000 - United States wins the most medals (97), and the most gold medals (40) in Summer Olympics held in Sydney, Australia
2004 - Baseball: Seattle Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki gets his 258th hit of the season, breaking George Sisler's 84-year-old single-season record.
2005 - Bombing kills 23 people in Bali.
2007 - Most of the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006 came into force in the United Kingdom.
2012 - California becomes the first US state to ban conversion therapy for minors
2012 - 36 people are killed in a ferry collision in Hong Kong
2012 - 3 NATO soldiers and 16 Afghan police are killed by a suicide bombing in Khost, Afghanistan

1569 - The Duke of Norfolk was imprisoned by Britain's Queen Elizabeth for trying to marry Mary the Queen of Scots.   1800 - Spain ceded the territory of Louisiana back to France. Later the property would be purchased by the U.S. effectively doubling its size.   1880 - Thomas Edison began the commercial production of electric lamps at Edison Lamp Works in Menlo Park.   1885 - Special delivery mail service began in the United States. The first routes were in West Virginia.   1890 - The U.S. Congress passed the McKinley Tariff Act. The act raised tariffs to a record level.   1896 - Rural Free Delivery was established by the U.S. Post Office.   1903 - The first modern World Series took place between the Boston Pilgrims and the Pittsburgh Pirates.   1908 - The Model T automobile was introduced by Henry Ford. The purchase price of the car was $850.   1918 - Damascus was captured from the Turks during World War I by a force made up of British and Arab forces.   1933 - Babe Ruth made his final pitching appearance. He pitched all nine innings and hit a home run in the 5th inning.   1936 - General Francisco Franco was proclaimed the head of the Spanish state.   1938 - German forces enter Czechoslovakia and seized control of the Sudetenland. The Munich Pact had been signed two days before.   1940 - The Pennsylvania Turnpike opened as the first toll superhighway in the United States.   1943 - Naples was captured by the Allied forces during World War II.   1946 - The International War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg sentenced 12 Nazi officials to death. Seven others were sentenced to prison terms and 3 were acquitted.   1946 - The first baseball play-off game for a league championship was played. The St. Louis Cardinals defeated the Brooklyn Dodgers, 4-2.   1949 - Mao Tse-tung raised the first flag of the People's Republic of China when the communist forces had defeated the Nationalists. The Nationalist forces fled to Taiwan.   1952 - "This is Your Life" began airing on NBC-TV.   1961 - Roger Maris (New York Yankees) hit his 61st home run of the season to beat Babe Ruth's major league record of 60.   1962 - Johnny Carson began hosting the "Tonight" show on NBC-TV. He stayed with the show for 29 years. Jack Paar was the previous host.   1964 - The Free Speech Movement was started at the University of California at Berkeley.   1968 - "Night of the Living Dead" premiered in Pittsburgh, PA.   1971 - Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, FL.  Disney movies, music and books   1972 - The Chinese government approved friendly relations with the United States.   1979 - The United States handed control of the Canal Zone over to Panama.   1980 - Robert Redford became the first male to appear alone on the cover of "Ladies' Home Journal." He was the only male to achieve this in 97 years.   1981 - EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) Center opened in Florida. The concept was planned by Walt Disney.   1984 - U.S. Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan announced that he was taking a leave of absence following his indictment on charges of larceny and fraud. He was later acquitted.   1985 - The PLO's headquarters in Tunisia was raided by Israeli jet fighters.   1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev assumed the Soviet presidency.   1989 - The authorized Charles Schulz biography, Good Grief, was published.   1989 - 7,000 East Germans were welcomed into West Germany after they were allowed to leave by the communist government.   1990 - U.S. President George H.W. Bush addressed the U.N. General Assembly and once again condemned Iraq's takeover of Kuwait.   1990 - In Croatia, minority Serbs proclaimed autonomy.   1991 - U.S. President Bush condemned the military coup in Haiti that removed President Jean-Bertrand Aristide from power. U.S. economic and military aid was suspended.   1991 - The U.S. trust territory of Palau became independent.   1992 - The Strategic Arm Reduction Treaty was approved by the U.S. Senate.   1994 - The U.S. and Japan avoided a trade war by reaching a series of trade agreements.   1994 - The National Hockey League (NHL) team owners began a lockout of the players that lasted 103 days.   1995 - Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman and nine other defendants were convicted in New York of conspiring to attack the U.S. through bombings, kidnappings and assassinations.   1996 - Lucent Technologies became an independent company.   1998 - The U.S. government posted a $2.2 million reward for the capture of Augustin Vasquez Mendoza. He is accused of killing an undercover U.S. agent during a drug purchase in 1994.   1999 - The 50th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China was celebrated in Beijing.   2001 - San Francisco's Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to ban Internet filters designed to keep pornography away from children at city libraries. The board left the decision up to the Library Commission to decide whether to install filtering software in children's areas. A federal law in the U.S. mandated the use of the filters.

1800 Spain ceded Louisiana to France in the secret Treaty of San Ildefonso. 1908 Henry Ford introduced the first mass-produced automobile on the market—the Model T car to the market. Each car cost 825. 1936 General Francisco Franco became head of the insurgent Spanish government. 1961 Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run of the season, breaking Babe Ruth's record of 60 set in 1927. 1971 Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Florida.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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