Friday, September 6, 2024

September 6th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in 3114 BCE, according to the proleptic Julian calendar, the current era in the Maya Long Count Calendar started. In 394 on this day, the Battle of Frigidus was fought in northern Italy between the forces of Roman Emperor Theodosius the Great and the rebel Augustus Eugenius. On this day in 1492, Columbus' fleet left Gomera, Canary Islands. Magellan, with Vittoria, returned to Spain on this day in 1522 after the first trip around the world. On this day in 1543, the French & Ottoman fleet occupied Nice. In 1622 on this day, the Spanish silver fleet disappeared off  of the coast of the Florida Keys, with thousands killed. Puritans landed at Salem, from Mass Bay Colony, on this day in 1628, with witches and the infamous trials soon to follow. The Battle at Nordlingen in Bavaria was fought on this day in 1634, when Emperor Ferdinand II & Spain defeated Sweden & German protestants.

1669 - The siege of Candia ends with the Venetian fortress surrendering to the Ottomans.
1672 - Willem III's troops reconquer Naarden on France
1675 - Swedish admiral Stenbock sails out with fleet of 66 ships
1683 - Le Plecta appointed French minister of Finance
1688 - Austrian armies occupy Belgrade
1690 - King Willem III escapes back to England
1715 - Pro-James III-uprising in Scotland
1716 - 1st US lighthouse built (Boston)
1732 - VOC fires Neth-Dutch east indies governor-general Diederik Dare
1776 - Hurricane hits Martinique; 100 French & Dutch ships sinks; 600 die
1776 - 1st (failed) submarine attack (David Bushnell's "Turtle" attacks British sailboat "Eagle" in Bay of NY)
1776 - Hurricane hits Guadeloupe, killing more than 6000.
1781 - The Battle of Groton Heights takes place, resulting a British victory.
1791 - Mozarts opera "La Clemenza di Tito," premieres in Prague
1819 - Thomas Blanchard patents lathe
1837 - Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio goes co-ed (4 women, 30 men)
1839 - Cherokee Nation forms
1839 - Great fire in NY
1848 - National Black Convention meets (Cleveland)
1853 - Women's Right's Convention met (NYC)
1861 - General Grant occupies Paducah Kentucky
1862 - Stonewall Jackson occupies Frederick, Maryland
1863 - -7] After 59 day siege Confederate troops vacate Fort Wagner SC (1700 casualties)
1866 - Frederick Douglass is 1st US black delegate to a national convention
1869 - 1st westbound train arrives in SF
1869 - Mine fire kills 179 at Avondale Pennsylvania
1870 - Ship sinks in Gulf of Biskaje; 483 die
1873 - Regular Cable Car service begins on Clay Street
1876 - Race riot in Charleston SC
1876 - Southern Pacific line from LA to SF completed
1880 - Commencement of 1st Test Cricket in England, v Australia at The Oval
1880 - W G Grace scores 152 in debut Test Cricket innings, v Aust The Oval
1883 - Cub's Burns (extra bases), Williamson & Pfeiffer get 3 hits in 1 inn
1885 - Eastern Rumelia declares its union with Bulgaria. The Unification of Bulgaria is accomplished.
1886 - Queen Victoria establishes Distinguished Service Order (DSO) award
1888 - Charles Turner becomes the first bowler to take 250 wickets in an English season - a feat since accomplished only by Tom Richardson (twice), J.T. Hearne, Wilfred Rhodes (twice) and Tich Freeman (six times).
1889 - King Kabaka Mwanga of Buganda resigns
1898 - Lord Kitchener destroys Mahdi's tomb in Omdurman
1899 - Carnation processes its 1st can of evaporated milk
1899 - US min of Foreign affairs John Hay publishes his "Open Through Note"
1900 - British General Buller occupies Lydenburg South Africa

1901 - Pres William McKinley, shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at Pan American Exposition in Buffalo NY, he dies 8th days later

1903 - Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Creeping Man" (BG)
1904 - Soccer team Rheden forms
1905 - Atlanta Life Insurance Company forms
1905 - Chicago White Sox Frank Smith no-hits Detroit Tigers, 15-0
1905 - General Trade journal publishes 1st Dutch photo (train accident)
1909 - Word received, Adm Peary discovers North Pole 5 months earlier
1910 - Saskatchewan (then Regina) Roughrider football club formed
1912 - NY Giant Jeff Tesreau no-hits Phila, 3-0
1913 - 19th US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jerry Travers
1913 - 1st aircraft to loop the loop (Adolphe Pégoud-France)
1913 - Hamilton Alerts apply for ORFU reinstatement, taking the name Hamilton Rowing Club
1914 - Battle of Marne; Germans prevented from occupying Paris
1917 - French pilot Georges Guynemer shoots down 54th German aircraft
1920 - 40th US Mens Tennis: Wm Tilden beats Wm M Johnston (61 16 75 57 63)
1920 - Jack Dempsey KOs Billy Miske in 3 for heavyweight boxing title 1st radio broadcast of a prizefight
1922 - 42nd US Mens Tennis: Wm T Tilden beats Wm M Johnston 46 36 62 63 64)
1923 - Queen Wilhelmina celebrates 25 year jubilee
1924 - Assassination attempt on Benito Mussolini fails
1924 - Charles Paddock captures 100 & 200 yd AAU national senior outdoor track & field championships
1927 - Buddy DeSylva & Lew Brown's musical "Good News" premieres in NYC
1927 - Red Sox beat NY Yankees 12-11 in 18 innings at Fenway Park
1928 - USSR signs Briand-Kellogg-pact
1930 - Brooklyn Dodgers beat Phillies 22-8
1930 - Democratically elected Argentine president Hipólito Yrigoyen is deposed in a military coup.
1937 - Spanish Civil War: The start of the Battle of El Mazuco.
1938 - Wilhelmina celebrates 40th anniversary jubilee as Dutch queen
1939 - 1st German air attack on Great-Britain in WW II
1939 - South Africa declares war on nazi-Germany
1939 - World War II: The Battle of Barking Creek.
1940 - Crown prince Michael succeeds Carol II as king of Romania
1940 - Generalissimo Gamelin arrested in France
1941 - 55th US Womens Tennis: Sarah H Cooke beats Pauline Betz Addie (75 62)
1941 - 61st US Mens Tennis: Robert L Riggs beats F Kovacs (2d 57 61 63 63)
1941 - All Jews over age 6 in German territories ordered to wear a star
1941 - Jews of Vilna Poland confined to their ghetto
1942 - 56th US Womens Tennis: Pauline Betz beats A Louise Brough (46 61 64)
1942 - Czech marathon runner Oskar Hêks transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau
1943 - "Congressional Limited" train derails near Frankfort Pa, kills 79
1943 - 63rd US Mens Tennis: J R Hunt Seaman beats Jack Kramer (63 68 108 60)
1943 - Carl Scheib becomes youngest pitcher in AL (16y 8 ms) of the A's
1944 - Gen Von Zangens 15th army escape from Zealand
1945 - A's catcher George George punches ump Joe Rue gets suspended
1946 - All-American Football Conference plays 1st game (Clev 44, Miami 0)
1946 - Terence Rattigan's "Winslow Boy," premieres in London
1948 - "Mr Strauss Goes to Boston" opens at Century Theater NYC for 12 perfs
1948 - 37th Davis Cup: USA beats Australia in New York (5-0)
1948 - Juliana becomes queen of Netherlands
1949 - Howard Unruh kills 13 neighbors in 12 minutes
1952 - Canadian TV begins in Montreal
1953 - Adenauers CDU wins elections in German FR
1953 - Roy Campanella sets record for HRs by a catcher at 38
1954 - 68th US Womens Tennis: Doris Hart beats A Louise Brough (68 61 86)
1954 - 74th US Mens Tennis: E V Seixas Jr beats Rex Hartwig (36 62 64 64)
1954 - US plane shot down above Siberia
1954 - WINS NYC begins playing rock n roll with Alan Freed Show
1954 - Yankees use a record 10 pinch hitters
1955 - "Catch a Star" opens at Plymouth Theater NYC for 23 performances
1955 - J van Tilburg appointed governor of Suriname
1957 - Elvis records "White Xmas," "Silent Night" & "Here Comes Santa Claus"
1958 - Mary Ann Mobley (Miss), 21, crowned 31st Miss America 1959
1958 - US performs nuclear test at S Atlantic Ocean
1959 - Kathy Cornelius wins LPGA Cosmopolitan Golf Open
1961 - USSR performs nuclear test at Kapustin Yar USSR
1962 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1963 - Historian Lee Allen says Indians-Senators game is 100,000th in history
1963 - Jerry Lee Lewis quits Sun Records
1963 - Major league baseballs 100,000th game
1963 - The Centre for International Industrial Property Studies (CEIPI) is founded.
1965 - India invades West Pakistan
1965 - KLNE TV channel 3 in Lexington, NB (PBS) begins broadcasting
1966 - Race riot in Atlanta Georgia
1968 - Swaziland gains independence from Britain (National Day)
1968 - Swaziland becomes independent.
1969 - "Cabaret" closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 1166 performances
1970 - NY Met Tommy Agee hits for the cycle
1970 - Palestinians seize 3 jetliners
1970 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1971 - Jerry Lewis' 6th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises
1972 - John & Yoko appear on Jerry Lewis' Muscular Dystrophy Telethon
1972 - Summer Olympics resume in Munich Germany after massacre
1973 - NY Times reports almost all Superfectas run at Yonkers, Roosevelt & Monticello from Jan-Mar of 1973 were fixed
1975 - 6.8 quake along Anatolian Fault kills over 2,000 in Lice Turkey
1975 - 89th US Womens Tennis: Chris E L Mills beats E G Cawley (57 64 62)
1975 - Heavy earthquake at Lice Turkey; 3,000 killed
1975 - Tawny Elaine Godin (NY), 18, crowned 48th Miss America 1976
1975 - Czech tennis star Martina Navratilova asks for US political asylum in New York City during the US Open
1975 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1976 - Jerry Lewis' 11th Muscular Dystrophy telethon, Dean Martin appears
1976 - Russian pilot Belenko defects to Japan in a Mig 25 jet
1977 - Angels acquire Dave Kingman from Padres for cash 9 days later Yankees buy Kingman (started with Mets) who plays in all 4 divisions in 1977
1978 - Begin & Sadat meet at Camp David to discuss peace
1978 - USSR performs underground nuclear test
1979 - "Peter Pan" opens at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC for 578 performances
1980 - 94th US Womens Tennis: Chris E L Mills beats H Mandlikova (57 61 61)
1980 - Chantal Langlace sets women's record for fastest 100K run (7h27m22s)
1980 - College football longest losing streak of 50 games ends for
1980 - Emmy Creative Arts Award presentation
1980 - Susan Powell (Okla), 21, crowned 53rd Miss America 1981
1980 - Macalaster U of St Paul, Minn beating Mount Senario 17-14
1981 - "They're Playing Our Song" closes at Imperial NYC after 1082 perfs
1981 - Bob Lemon named NY Yankee manager for 2nd time
1982 - Dutch Internal minister Mr M Red assigns BVD to spy on communists
1982 - Jerry Lewis' 17th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $28,400,000
1982 - Joanne Carner wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic
1982 - Paul McCartney releases "Tug of War"
1982 - Pittsburgh Pirates retire Willie Stargell's #
1982 - Polish dissidents seize Polish Embassy in Bern, Switzerland
1983 - USSR admits to shooting down KAL 007 on 9/2
1984 - Lanford Wilson's "Balm in Gilead," premieres in NYC
1984 - Today Show begins live remote telecasts from Moscow
1985 - Midwest Express Airlines Flight 105, a Douglas DC-9 crashes just after takeoff from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killing 31.
1986 - 300 invitees pay $5,000 to hear Barbra Striesand's benefit concert
1986 - Attack on synagogue in Istanbul, 23 killed
1986 - Jozef Pribilinec speed walking world record time (15,447k)
1986 - Michael Spinks TKOs Steffen Tangstad in 4 for heavyweight boxing title
1986 - USSR charges correspondent Nicholas Daniloff with spying
1987 - Benjamin & Patrick Binder separated at John Hopkins Hospital
1987 - Douglas Wakiihuri wins marathon (2:11:48)
1987 - Saskatchewan's Dave Ridgway kicks a CFL-record 60-yard field goal
1988 - Crippled soviet Soyuz TM-5 lands safely with 2 cosmonauts aboard
1988 - Thomas Gregory (11) swims English Canal
1988 - USSR performs underground nuclear test
1989 - 6th MTV Awards: Living Colour wins
1989 - Amateur Athletic Fed strips Ben Johnson of all track records
1989 - Police computer accuses 41,000 Parisians of murder/prostitution
1990 - 7th MTV Awards: Sinead O'Connor wins
1991 - 33rd Walker Cup: US, 14-10
1991 - Ronald Venetiaan chosen president of Suriname
1991 - Soviet Union recognizes Estonian independence
1991 - USSR recognizes independence of the 3 Baltic republics
1991 - The name Saint Petersburg is restored to Russia's second largest city, which had been renamed Leningrad in 1924.
1992 - Noureddine Morceli runs world record 1500m (3:28.86)
1993 - Helen Dobson wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic
1993 - Jerry Lewis' 28th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $46,014,922
1994 - 11th MTV Awards: Aerosmith, Lisa Marie & Michael Jackson win
1994 - Actor Jackson Pinckney awarded $487,000 for being partially blinded by Jean-Claude Van Damme during filming of "Cyborg"
1994 - Franziska van Almsick swims female record 200m freestyle (1:56.78)
1994 - Tom Dolan swims world record 400m medley (4:12.30)
1995 - Cal Ripken Jr breaks Gehrig's record, plays in 2,131 straight games
1995 - Senate Ethics committee votes 6-0 to ask for expulsion of Bob Packwood
1996 - Balt Orioles' Eddie Murray's 500th career HR
1997 - Princess Diana's funeral
1997 - Women's championship at US Tennis Open
1998 - Men's championship at US Tennis Open
2012 - 61 illegal immigrants die after a fishing boat capsizes off the coast of Turkey
2012 - Barack Obama accepts the Democratic nomination for President

1620 - The Pilgrims left on the Mayflower from Plymouth, England to settle in the New World.   1819 - Thomas Blanchard patented a machine called the lathe.   1837 - The Oberlin Collegiate Institute of Ohio went co-educational.   1876 - The Southern Pacific rail line from Los Angeles to San Francisco was completed.   1899 - Carnation processed its first can of evaporated milk.   1901 - U.S. President William McKinley was shot and mortally wounded (he died eight days later) by Leon Czolgosz. Czolgosz, an American anarchist, was executed the following October.   1909 - Robert Peary, American explorer, sent word that he had reached the North Pole. He had reached his goal five months earlier.   1939 - South Africa declared war on Germany.   1941 - Jews in German-occupied areas were ordered to wear the Star of David with the word "Jew" inscribed. The order only applied to Jews over the age of 6.   1943 - The youngest player to appear in an American League baseball game was pitcher Carl Scheib of the Philadelphia Athletics. Scheib was 16 years, eight months and five days old.   1944 - During World War II, the British government relaxed blackout restrictions and suspended compulsory training for the Home Guard.   1948 - Queen Juliana of the Netherlands was crowned.   1952 - In Montreal, Canadian television began broadcasting.   1959 - The first Barbie Doll was sold by Mattel Toy Corporation.   1972 - Rick DeMont lost the gold medal he received in a 400-meter swimming event because a banned drug was found in his system during routine drug testing.   1975 - Martina Navratilova requested political asylum while in New York for the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament.   1978 - James Wickwire and Louis Reichardt reached the top of the world's second largest mountain, Pakistan's K-2. They were the first Americans to reach the summit.   1990 - Iraq warned that anyone trying to flee the country without permission would be put in prison for life.   1991 - The State Council of the Soviet Union recognized the independence of the Baltic states.   1991 - The name St. Petersburg was restored to Russia's second largest city. The city was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. The name has been changed to Petrograd (1914) and to Leningrad (1924).   1992 - A 35-year old man died ten weeks after receiving a transplanted baboon liver.   1993 - Renault of France and Volvo of Sweden announced they were merging. Volvo eventually canceled the deal the following December.   1995 - U.S. Senator Bob Packwood was expelled by the Senate Ethics Committee.   1995 - Cal Ripken played his 2,131st consecutive game setting a new record. Lou Gehrig previously held the record.   1996 - Eddie Murray (Baltimore Orioles) hit his 500th career home run during a game against the Detroit Tigers. He was only the third person to have at least 3,000 hits and 500 home runs.   2000 - The U.N. Millennium Summit began in New York. It was the largest gathering of world leaders in history with more than 150 present.   2001 - The U.S. Justice Department announced that it was seeking a lesser antitrust penalty and would not attempt to break up Microsoft.   2001 - Ebay Inc. was found not liable for copyright infringement because bootleg copies of a Charles Manson documentary had been sold on the site.   2002 - In New York, the U.S. Congress convened at Federal Hall for a rare special session. The session was held in New York to express the nation's mourning for the loss on September 11, 2001 and unity in the war against terrorism.   2002 - At the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the exhibition "George Catlin and His Indian Gallery" went on view. The exhibit contained over 400 objects.

1901 President William McKinley was shot by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at the Pan American Exposition in Buffalo, N.Y. McKinley died on September 14th. 1941 Nazi Germany required all Jews over the age of six to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothes. 1995 Baseball player Cal Ripken, Jr., broke Lou Gehrig's iron man record by playing in his 2,131st straight game. 1997 More than 2 billion people watched Princess Diana's funeral on TV. 1998 Japanese movie director Akira Kurosawa died in Tokyo at age 88. 2007 Italian operatic tenor Luciano Pavarotti died at age 71.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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