Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in 1198, Philips van Zwaben Hohenstaufen was crowned King of Germany. The second Battle of Tehuacingo, Mexico, was fought on this day in 1519, pitting Hernan Cortes vs Tlascala Aztecs. On this day in 1550, William Cecil appointed himself the English Minister of Foreign Affairs. In 1590 on this day, Alexander Farnese's army forced Henry IV of France to raise the siege of Paris. Dutch fleet commander Cornelis de Houtman was taken hostage in Java on this day in 1596. Richelieu became a cardinal on this day in 1622. The Battle at Nordlingen was fought on this day (and into the 6th) in 1634, when King Ferdinand III & Spain defeated Sweden & German protestants. On this day in 1644, Prince Frederik Henry conquered Sas of Ghent. In 1661 on this day, French superintendant of Finance Nicolas Fouquet arrested. On this day in 1666, the Great Fire of London ended, leaving 13,200 houses destroyed and 8 people dead. Russia's Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards on this day in 1698. In 1750 on this day, a decree issued in Paderborn Prussia allowed for annual search of all Jewish homes for stolen or "doubtful" goods.

Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

On this day in 1774, the First Continental Congress assembled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On this day in 1781, the Battle of Virginia Capes was fought, with the French defeating British, trapping Cornwallis.  In 1786 on this day, the Montplaisir Ceramic factory opened in Schaarbeek, Belgium.

The tricolore flag of France (above) which originated during the French Revolution. Below, another symbol of the French Revolution was the guillotine.

On this day in 1793 during the French Revolution, the "Reign of Terror" began, and would last until July 27, 1794, with the death of Robespierre & Saint Just.  In 1795 on this day, the US-Algiers signed peace treaty General Salicetti ordered equal rights for Jews of Bologna Italy, on this day in 1796. A new conscription law went into effect in France on this day in 1798. In 1800 on this day, Malta surrendered to the British after they blockaded French troops. The Battle at Masurische Meren, was fought on this day (and through to the 15th) in 1814, with the Germans chasing Russia out of East Prussia. On this day in 1816, Louis XVIII had to dissolve the Chambre introuvable ("Unobtainable Chamber"). Sam Houston was elected president of the Republic of Texas on this day in 1836. In 1838 on this day, the Central Museum opened in Utrecht, Netherlands. The First Opium War began in China.on this day in 1839. Iron ore was discovered in Minnesota's Mesabi Mountains on this day in 1844. On this day in 1862 durin the American Civil War, Robert E. Lee crossed Potomac & entered Maryland. There was a bread revolt in Mobile, Alabama, on this day in 1863. British, French & Dutch fleets attacked Japan in Shimonoseki Straits on this day in 1864. In 1864 on this day, Achille François Bazaine became Marshall of France. Southern blacks led by Pap Singleton settled in Kansas on this day in 1877. On this day in 1882, 10,000 workers marched in the first Labor Day parade in New York City/ In 1885 on this day, the first gasoline pump was delivered to a gasoline dealer (Ft Wayne, Ind). A gas lamp at Theater Royal in Exeter caught fire, killing about 200 on this day in 1887. On this day in 1895, George Washington Murray was elected to Congress from South Carolina. On this day in 1900, France proclaimed a protectorate over Chad. The National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues formed on this day in 1901. Lillian Mortimer's "No Mother to Guide," premiered in Detroit on this day in 1905. On this day in 1905, the Treaty of Portsmouth USA, ended the Russo-Japanese War.

1906 - 1st legal forward pass (Brandbury Robinson to Jack Schneider)
1908 - Dodger Nap Rucker no-hits Boston Braves, 6-0
1910 - Jack Coombs begins a record streak of 53 shutout innings
1913 - Phillies & Braves tie record of only 1 run in a double header, Phillies win 1st game 1-0, then a scoreless tie into 10th
1914 - Battle of Marne (WW I) begins: Germans chase out Russians
1914 - French headquarters move to Chatillon-sur-Seine
1914 - Gr Britain/France/Belgium/Russia sign pact of London
1914 - Proclamation prohibits Canadian mint from issuing gold coins
1915 - 35th US Mens Tennis: William Johnston beats McLoughlin (16 60 75 108)
1915 - Anti-war conference in Zimmerwald, Switzerland
1916 - 36th US Mens Tennis: R N Williams III beats Johnston (46 64 06 62 64)
1918 - Due to WW I, 15th World Series begins a month early
1918 - Decree "On Red Terror" is published in Russia
1920 - Iron monument unveiled at Stone churches, Flanders
1921 - Walter Johnson sets strikeout mark at 2,287
1922 - 17th Davis Cup: USA beats Australasia in New York (4-1)
1922 - Yankees final game at Polo Grounds (played there 7 years)
1923 - Flyweights Gene LaRue & Kid Pancho KO each other simultaneously
1925 - 112 F (44°C), Centerville, Alabama (state record)
1925 - 29th US Golf Amateur Championship won by Bobby Jones
1927 - Red Sox beat Yankees 12-11 in 18 innings
1929 - French premier A Briand requests a US of Europe
1932 - The French Upper Volta is broken apart between Ivory Coast, French Sudan, and Niger.
1936 - Red Sox turn a triple-play on Yankees
1937 - Spanish Civil War: Llanes falls.
1939 - 34th Davis Cup: Australia beats USA in Haverford (3-2)
32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt32nd US President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1939 - FDR declares US neutrality at start of WW II in Europe
1939 - US declare itself neutral
1942 - Battle at Alam Halfa ends
1942 - British & US bomb Le Havre & Bremen
1943 - 57th US Womens Tennis: Pauline Betz beats A Louise Brough (63 57 63)
1943 - US airland at Nadzab, New-Guinea
1944 - "Mad Tuesday" 65,000 Dutch nazi collaborators flee to Germany
1944 - 5 resistance fighter executed in Terneuzen
1944 - Allies liberate Brussels
1944 - Belgium, Luxembourg & Netherlands sign unity treaty
1944 - British premier Churchill travels to Scotland
1944 - Dutch Armed Forces forms, under prince Bernhard
1946 - "Yours Is My Heart" opens at Shubert Theater NYC for 36 performances
1946 - Joe Garagiola plays his 1st major league baseball game
1948 - In France, Robert Schuman becomes President of the Council while being Foreign minister, As such, he is the negotiator of the major treaties of the end of World War II.
1949 - 63rd US Womens Tennis: M Osborne duPont beats Doris Hart (64 61)
1949 - 69th US Mens Tennis: Pancho Gonzales beat Schroeder (1618 26 61 62 64)
1950 - 64th US Womens Tennis: Margaret Osborne duPont beats D Hart (63 63)
1950 - 70th US Mens Tennis: Art Larsen beats Herbert Flam (63 46 57 64 63)
1950 - 98.3 cm rainfall at Yankeetown, Florida (state record)
1951 - 65th US Womens Tennis: Mo Connolly beats Shirley J Fry (63 16 64)
1951 - 71st US Mens Tennis: Frank A Sedgman beats Elias Seixas Jr (64 61 61)
1952 - General Carlos Ibáñez elected president of Chile
1953 - 1st privately operated atomic reactor-Raleigh NC
1953 - US give Persian premier Zahedi $45 million aid
1954 - Dutch Super Constellation crashes at Shannon, 28 die
1955 - Fred Kaps becomes world champion magician
1955 - Dodger Don Newcombe hits NL pitcher record 7th HR of season
1955 - WKRG TV channel 5 in Mobile, AL (CBS) begins broadcasting
1955 - WTTW TV channel 11 in Chicago, IL (PBS) begins broadcasting
1956 - 20 die in a train crash in Springer NM
Cuban President and Dictator Fulgencio BatistaCuban President and Dictator Fulgencio Batista 1957 - Cuban dictator Batista bombs Cienfuegos uprising
1957 - Yugoslavia bans Milovan Djilas' book "new class marine officers"
1958 - "Doctor Zhivago" by Boris Pasternak published in US

1958 - 1st color video recording on magnetic tape presented, Charlotte NC
1958 - WKPC TV channel 15 in Louisville, KY (PBS) begins broadcasting
1959 - Wash Senator Jim Lemon is 7th to get 6 RBIs in an inning (3rd)
1960 - Cassius Clay captures Olympic light heavyweight gold medal
1960 - President Kasavubu fires premier Lumumba of Congo
1960 - Wilma Rudolph wins her 2nd gold medal
1960 - The poet Léopold Sédar Senghor is elected as the first President of Senegal.
1961 - JFK begins underground nuclear testing
1961 - President Kennedy signs law against hijacking (death penalty)
1961 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1962 - Atletico Madrid wins 2nd Europe Cup II
1962 - Cubs Ken Hubbs sets 2nd base record for consecutive errorless games at 78 & consecutive errorless chances (418), he errors in the 4th
1966 - Jerry Lewis' 1st Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $15,000
1966 - WRLK TV channel 35 in Columbia, SC (PBS) begins broadcasting
1967 - -23] Hurricane Beuleah, kills 54 in Caribbean, Mexico & Texas
1967 - KMEG TV channel 14 in Sioux City, IA (CBS) begins broadcasting
1967 - WEBA TV channel 14 in Allendale, SC (PBS) begins broadcasting
1968 - 21 killed by hijackers aboard a Pan Am jet in Karachi Pakistan
1968 - 82nd US Womens Tennis: Virginia Wade beats Billie Jean King (64 64)
1968 - 88th US Mens Tennis: Arthur Ashe beats Tom Okker (1412 57 63 36 63)
Comedian Jerry LewisComedian Jerry Lewis 1968 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1969 - Frente Obrero wins Dutch Antilles national elections
1970 - Estimated 15 cm (6") of rainfall, Bug Point, Utah (state record)
1971 - Astros pitcher J R Richard debut, strikes out 15 Giants in a 5-3 win
1971 - NY Mets Don Hahn hits 1st inside the park homer at Phillies Vet
1972 - 11 Israeli athletes are slain at Munich Olympics by Black Sept
1972 - Chemical spill with fog sickens hundreds in Meuse Valley Belgium
1972 - Jerry Lewis' 7th Muscular Dystrophy telethon, John & Yoko appear
1972 - Palestinian terrorists kill 11 Israelis at 1972 Munich Olympics
1973 - "Desert Song" opens at Uris Theater NYC for 15 performances
1973 - 1st one-day Cricket international for WI (v Eng) - lose by 1 wicket
1975 - Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme attempts to assassinate Ford in Sacramento
1975 - Portugal premier Goncalvez resigns
1975 - Wings release "Letting Go"
1976 - "Rex" closes at Lunt-Fontaine Theater NYC after 48 performances
1976 - "Very Good Eddie" closes at Booth Theater NYC after 307 performances
1976 - Sandra Palmer wins LPGA Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Golf Classic
1977 - Cleveland Indians stage 1st "I hate the Yankee Hanky Night"
1977 - Jerry Lewis' 12th Muscular Dystrophy telethon
1977 - RAF kidnap West German work chairman Schleyer
1977 - Voyager 1 (US) launched toward fly-by of Jupiter, Saturn
1978 - Sadat, Begin & Carter began peace conference at Camp David, Md
1979 - A's Matt Keough A's beats Brewers 6-1 for 1st win after 14 straight losses, ended 1978 with 4 loses (1 shy of the record 19)
1979 - Canada puts its 1st gold bullion coin on sale
1979 - Earl of Mountbatten funeral held in London
1979 - Iran army occupies Piranshahr
1979 - Roscoe Tanner fires 11 aces, breaks the net with his bullet serve & upsets top-seeded Bjorn Borg in US Tennis Open quarterfinals
1980 - Poland party leader Edward Gierek resigns
1980 - World's longest auto tunnel, St Gotthard in Swiss Alps, opens
1982 - 82nd US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jay Sigel
1982 - Eddie Hill sets propeller-driven boat water speed record of 229 mph
1983 - 8th Space Shuttle Mission-Challenger 3-lands at Edwards AFB
1983 - Elmer Trettr sets record for highest terminal velocity at 201.34 mph
1983 - Jerry Lewis' 18th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $30,691,627
1983 - Lauri Peterson wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic
1984 - 12th Space Shuttle Mission (41-D) -Discovery 1- lands at Edwards AFB
Singer Whitney HoustonSinger Whitney Houston 1986 - 3rd MTV Awards: Whitney Houston wins
1986 - Karachi Pakistan army storms hijacked US B-747, 19 killed
1986 - MTV Music Awards - Dire Straits "Money For Nothing" wins
1986 - NASA awards study contracts to 5 aerospace firms
1986 - NASA launches DOD-1
1987 - Carlton Fisk clubs his 300th career HR off Danny Jackson
1987 - John McEnroe is fined $17,500 for tirades at US Tennis Open
1988 - Betsy King wins LPGA Rail Charity Golf Classic
1988 - Jerry Lewis' 23rd Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $41,132,113
1988 - CFL's Earl Winfield (Ham) scores TDs on 101-yd punt return, 100-yd kickoff return & 58-yd pass reception
1989 - Chris Evert last US Open match, she is defeated by Zina Garrison
1989 - Deborah Norville becomes news anchor of Today Show
1990 - Iraqi Pres Saddam Hussein urges Arabs to rise against the West
1990 - Pete Sampras ends Ivan Lendl's bid for 9th straight US Open final
1991 - 8th MTV Awards: REM
Anti-apartheid activist/South African President Nelson MandelaAnti-apartheid activist/South African President Nelson Mandela 1991 - Nelson Mandela chosen president of South African ANC
1991 - US trial of former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega begins
1992 - Dan O'Brien sets world record decathlon (8891 pts)
1993 - "Fool Moon" closes at Richard Rodgers Theater NYC after 207 perfs
1993 - "Jelly's Last Jam" closes at Virginia Theater NYC after 569 perfs
1993 - "Will Rogers Follies" closes at Palace Theater NYC after 983 perfs
1993 - F Murray Abraham released from hospital after car accident
1993 - Largest US Tennis Open 2 sessions (total) daily gate (43,502)
1993 - Noureddine Morceli runs world record mile (3:44,39)
1994 - Barb Mucha wins LPGA State Farm Rail Golf Classic
1994 - Jerry Lewis' 29th Muscular Dystrophy telethon raises $47,100,000
1994 - Jingyi Le swims world record 100m women's freestyle (54.01 sec)
1994 - Kirgizia government resigns
1994 - SF 49'er Jerry Rice catches NFL record 127th touchdown pass
1995 - Cal Ripken Jr ties Gehrig's record of playing in 2,130 straight games
Tennis Player Pete SamprasTennis Player Pete Sampras 1996 - "Summer & Smoke" opens at Criterion Theater NYC
1996 - MTV Video Music Awards
1997 - Athen's Greece selected for 2004 Olympics
1997 - Orioles beat Yankes 13-9 in longest 9 inning game
1998 - Women's championship at US Tennis Open
2000 - The Haverstraw-Ossining Ferry makes its maiden voyage.
2005 - Mandala Airlines Flight 091 crashes into a heavily-populated residential of Sumatra, Indonesia, killing 104 people on board and at least 39 persons on ground.
2007 - Three terrorists suspected to be a part of Al-Qaeda are arrested in Germany after allegedly planning attacks on both the Frankfurt International airport and US military installations.
2009 - Denmark celebrates the first national flagday, in memory of the fallen Danes in international operations since 1948.
2012 - 54 people are killed and 50 injured after a firecracker factory explodes in Nadu
2012 - Austerity measure requires Greece to increase its maximum working days to six per week
2012 - 25 are killed and 4 wounded after an ammunition store exploded in Afyon, Turkey

1698 - Russia's Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards.   1774 - The first session of the U.S. Continental Congress convenes in Philadelphia. The delegates drafted a declaration of rights and grievances, organized the Continental Association, and elected Peyton Randolph as the first president of the Continental Congress.   1793 - In France, the "Reign of Terror" began. The National Convention enacted measures to repress the French Revolutionary activities.   1836 - Sam Houston was elected as the first president of the Republic of Texas.   1877 - Sioux chief Crazy Horse was killed by the bayonet of a U.S. soldier. The chief allegedly resisted confinement to a jail cell.   1881 - The American Red Cross provided relief for disaster for the first time. The disaster was the Great Fire of 1881 in Michigan.   1882 - The first U.S. Labor Day parade was held in New York City.   1885 - Jake Gumper bought the first gasoline pump to be manufactured in the U.S.   1900 - France proclaimed a protectorate over Chad.   1901 - The National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues was formed in Chicago, IL. It was the first organized baseball league.   1905 - The Treaty of Portsmouth was signed by Russia and Japan to end the Russo-Japanese War. The settlement was mediated by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in New Hampshire.   1906 - Bradbury Robinson executed the first legal forward pass in football. Robinson threw the ball to Jack Schneider of St. Louis University in a game against Carroll College.   1914 - Babe Ruth hit his first home run as a professional player in the International League.   1914 - The Battle of the Marne began. The Germans, British and French fought for six days killing half a million people.   1917 - Federal raids were carried out in 24 cities on International Workers of the World (IWW) headquarters. The raids were prompted by suspected anti-war activities within the labor organization.   1930 - Charles Creighton and James Hagris completed the drive from New York City to Los Angeles and back to New York City all in reverse gear. The trip took 42 days in their 1929 Ford Model A.   1938 - The NBC Red network broadcast "Life Can Be Beautiful" for the first time.   1939 - The U.S. proclaimed its neutrality in World War II.   1945 - Iva Toguri D'Aquino was arrested. D'Aquino was suspected of being the wartime radio propagandist "Tokyo Rose". She served six years and was later pardoned by U.S. President Ford.   1953 - The first privately operated atomic reactor opened in Raleigh, NC.   1957 - Jack Kerouac's "On the Road" was first published.   1958 - The first color videotaped program was aired. It was "The Betty Freezor Show" on WBTV-TV in Charlotte, NC.   1958 - Boris Pasternak's "Doctor Zhivago" was published for the first time in the U.S.   1960 - Cassius Clay of Louisville, KY, won the gold medal in light heavyweight boxing at the Olympic Games in Rome, Italy. Clay later changed his name to Muhammad Ali.   1961 - The U.S. government made airline hijacking a federal offense.   1971 - J.R. Richard (Houston Astros) tied Karl Spooner’s record when he struck out 15 batters in his major-league baseball debut.   1977 - The U.S. launched Voyager .   1980 - The St. Gothard Tunnel opened in Switzerland. It is the world's longest highway tunnel at 10.14 miles long.   1982 - Eddie Hill set a propeller-driven boat water speed record when he reached 229 mph.   1983 - U.S. President Reagan denounced the Soviet Union for shooting down a Korean Air Lines. Reagan demanded that the Soviet Union pay reparations for the act that killed 269 people.   1983 - "Sports Illustrated" became the first national weekly magazine to use four-color process illustrations on every page.   1983 - The "MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour" on PBS (Public Broadcasting System) became the first hour-long network news show.   1984 - The space shuttle Discovery landed after its maiden voyage.   1984 - Mortimer Zuckerman purchased the newsmagazine, "U.S. News & World Report" for $163 million.   1985 - Rioting in South Africa spilled into white neighborhoods for the first time.   1986 - Merv Griffin aired his final program for Metromedia Television after 23 years on various talk shows.   1986 - NASA launched DOD-1.   1989 - Chris Evert retired from professional tennis after a 19 year career.   1989 - Deborah Norville became the news anchor of the "Today" show.   1990 - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein urged for a Holy War against the West and former allies.   1991 - Soviet lawmakers created an interim government to usher in the confederation after dissolving the U.S.S.R. The new name the Union of Sovereign States was taken.   1992 - A General Motors Corporation strike ended with a new agreement being approved. Nearly 43,000 workers were on strike.   1995 - France set off an underground nuclear blast in the South Pacific.   1996 - The play "Summer and Smoke" opened at the Criterion Theatre.   2001 - Fox News Channel terminated Paula Zahn for breach of contract.   2003 - In London, magician David Blaine entered a clear plastic box and then suspended by a crane over the banks of the Thames River. He remained there until October 19 surviving only on water.

1698 Russia's Peter the Great levied a tax on bearded men. 1774 The first Continental Congress met in Philadelphia. 1836 The Republic of Texas made miltary hero Sam Houston its first president. 1905 The Treaty of Portsmouth, which ended the Russo-Japanese War, was signed at the Portsmouth naval base in New Hampshire. 1972 Palestinian guerrillas killed 11 Israelis at the Munich Summer Olympics. 1997 Humanitarian Mother Teresa, who won a Nobel Peace Prize for her work with the poor, died in Calcutta, India, at age 87.  

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

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