Saturday, March 29, 2014

Man With Three Testicles

Okay, so, this was kind of a weird story, to say the least.

A man was born with a rare condition. Essentially, he has three testicles.

Up until recently, he was too young to actually have them pictures. But he recently came of age (18), and can apparently now legally photograph them and have them on the internet.

So, they made it there already, right to The Huffington Post. I saw this article, and yes, out of curiosity, I took a look a the picture, which is available. My first reaction was almost to recoil and cringe. Indeed, they are real!

My guess is the guy takes pride in having more balls, literally and figuratively, than most other guys. If he was waiting until he was 18 to get pictures of these things legally on the internet, you know that he meant to do so for quite some time. Probably takes pride in them.

In any case, it is interesting, in a weird way, to read this article, and the picture to view them is available there.

Here is the link:

"This Man Has 3 Testicles And You Know You Want To Look (NSFW PHOTO)" by Sebastian Murdock of The Huffington Post, March 27, 2014:

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