Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Some Funny Answers To Climate Change Deniers

So, we all know that there are plenty of deniers to climate change (as well as other glaring realities that people choose not to recognize, for their own reasons) out there, and unfortunately, many of them have sway. This includes not just prominent commentators and personalities (the Rush Limbaughs, Glen Becks, and Sean Hannitys of the world), which is bad enough, but also includes some prominent policy makers on a local and, yes, national scale.

Upworthy has recently posted two videos that answer these deniers to an obvious truth with humor, which we can all probably agree, is very effective, and also releases a lot of the pressure that builds up from the frustration of seeing and dealing with people who are so resolute in denying this obvious truth.

So, here are two videos and one pie chart that I highly recommend. The first video is funny, but also informative. Here is the link:

"Listen As This Nerd Shuts Down The Global Warming 'Debate' In Less Than 4 Minutes" by Melissa Gilkey

This next video is just hilarious, and really, a great idea that should be implemented. It won't of course, but this video at least makes the point. I'm not going to give away what it is, but hopefully, you will click on the link below and find out for yourself:

"Most Effective Way To Deal With People Who Ignore Science Facts Ever" by Adam Mordecai of

And finally, here is the pie chart, to put into perspective the "divide" within the scientific community that detractors of climate change/global warming keep making a big deal out of. It is introduced with this caption "From 1991 to 2012, there were 13,950 peer-reviewed articles on human-caused global warming. Only 24 rejected it. That's 0.17%, for those of you keeping score." Here is the link to the pie chart:

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