Saturday, June 1, 2019

Joe Biden Described Himself as Being Like the 'Token Black' & Talked About Prostituting Himself During Early Run For Senate

Joe Biden really seems to be taking this whole Hillary version 2020 thing to heart. He is the most establishment candidate that the Democrats have running, by far, and in basically every way, much like Hillary in 2016. And he also keeps doing and saying dumb things that make you wonder just what in the hell is going through his mind.

Much like Hillary, he reveals just how condescending he really is towards many people, particularly young people. Hillary dismissed Bernie supporters as living in their parent's basement, while Biden dismissed the problems that millennials face by saying, "Give me a break."

They also keep saying stupid things that paint them in a negative light. Hillary had her "basket of deplorables" moment (as if anyone even knew what the hell a basket of deplorables was), and she also was clearly far too cozy with Wall Street firms and big banks, which helped to make her seem very untrustworthy to most people who were not enthusiastic supporters.

Meanwhile Biden betrays his own tendency towards many of those same things. Biden once likened himself to being like a "token black" when he first ran for the Senate:

“I’m like the token black or the token woman. I was the token young person,” Biden said in a 1974 PBS debate uncovered by the Washington Free Beacon.

Biden continued:

"I'm a 29-year-old oddball. The only reason I was able to raise the money is that I was able to have a national constituency to run for office, because I was 29." 

And why was he able to have that kind of success at such a young age? Why, his willingness to prostitute himself. That was how he himself worded it:

"You run the risk of deciding whether or not you're going to prostitute yourself to give the answer you know they want to hear in order to get funded to run for that office," Biden said during the program "The Advocates."

"I went to the big guys for the money. I was ready to prostitute myself in the manner in which I talk about it, but what happened was they said, ‘Come back when you're 40, son.'"

So Biden is every bit as pro-establishment and status quo as Hillary Clinton was, and he, like her, lacks imagination. He, like her, dismisses whole segments of the population, particularly young people. And he, like her, seems willing to cozy up to big banks and corporate sponsors in order to obtain the high office that he wants. Hell, he described it as a willingness to "prostitute myself."

Got it.

Once again, we have to make a decision: do we really want to return to the days of having a president who tries to pose as a real progressive, but often reveals anything but? Or do we take a more honest approach, recognize that these kinds of "progressives" are in fact the problem, and make a point of having these political dinosaurs go extinct?

It has almost reached the point of being "Anyone But Biden" on the Democratic side for 2020, although he is hardly the only lame candidate running. 

And 2020 is beginning to shape up more and more like 2016.


Joe Biden says he was like the 'token black' when he first ran for Senate by Katelyn Caralle  | March 27, 2019

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