Monday, June 17, 2019

Trump Thinks His Supporters Might 'Demand' He Serve More Than Two Terms

Here is a horrible news story that, admittedly, is not really much of a surprise to anyone out there who knows anything about this megalomaniac.

Trump is saying that his supporters might "demand" that he not leave office after two terms.

Mind you, he has not even completed his first term, which he acquired by "winning" an election in which he lost the popular vote by 2.7 million. 

Also, the 2020 election is well over a year away, and even though I believe that Trump unfortunately has a real chance at "winning" in a similar fashion to the way that he "won" in 2016, it is also far from a foregone conclusion, regardless of what he or his ridiculous, blind supporters think or say. 

Yet, this man has suggested that his supports might not accept an outcome in that election that does not win re-election, which obviously smacks of aggression. He also once suggested about how the United States might want to think about getting a "President for life," even though he later claimed that he was joking, and everyone supposedly knows full well that he was joking. Yet, now he is saying that his supporters - who constitute a clear minority of this country's population - might "demand" that he get more than two terms in the White House.

Well, whether or not Trump wins re-election, the laws clearly state, with no ambiguity, that a president cannot serve more than two terms. That has been the case for many decades, ever since FDR was elected for four consecutive terms (even though he died very early into that fourth term). 

Maybe this man is "just joking" again. But somehow Trump's jokes always seem to be about him grabbing yet more power, and he always seems to make a point of pushing the envelope to see just how much he can get away with.

I have said it before, and I will say it again: Trump is bad news. The worst news that we have ever seen in the White House throughout this country's history, and that is saying something! He lies, he manipulates, he divides, and he always, always seeks to grab more power for himself. His Republican party, which had grown out of control long before Trump took it over, is now too far gone to even remotely try and place some kind of limits on this man's hunger for more power and more power. This man was the worst - literally no one would have been worse - possible person as a possibility to be in the Oval Office. And increasingly, it is looking very much like once he is in office, he cannot be removed from office, because he is, in fact, a dictator. 

The most tragic aspect of this story is that he very well might be right: his brainwashed and, frankly, militantly stupid supporters may very well insist that he stay in office long after his term limits expire, always assuming that he wins the election next year. This man has been a total disaster for American democracy, and he keeps on attacking it, because he hates what America has always been prior to his political arrival. Democracy places too many limits on his power for his taste. He thinks that he can get away with anything, and right now, so far at least, he has indeed been pretty much able to do that.

This has got to stop. We need to get this horrible man and immediate threat to American democracy out of the White House as soon as possible. If there was ever a point when it was funny - and I do not personally believe that there is anything humorous about this man or his movement at all - then that time is long past. He is a danger to the country, and even to the world. He needs to go. 

Whatever the cost, this man and his imbecile supporters need to understand, point blank, that they cannot simply get away with anything that they wish, that they cannot do whatever the hell they want in whichever way they see fit, whenever they want. They need to understand that what makes America great is it's democracy, and the limits to power that the constitution that they profess to love so much places on those in power. So, when we see a tyrant like Trump take power, it is time to use those laws in place to fight him, or those laws are not worth the paper that they are printed on. It is past time to make sure that Trump and his entourage understand that their time has come, and that they will be out of office sooner rather than later, or American democracy will be itself be over, sooner rather than later. 

Trump says supporters could 'demand' he not leave office after two terms Nicholas Wu, USA TODAY Published 1:27 p.m. ET June 16, 2019:

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