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Yesterday, I published a blog entry about this being the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
Today, I thought I would follow up with a link to an article that discusses efforts by some of the former student leaders at Tiananmen Square in 1989, and their efforts to try and keep the spirit of democracy and hope alive, even though it was virtually wiped out in China with the massacre that ended those protests in June of 1989.
They are hoping to build a museum deep in the Mojave Desert in California, to help everyone remember these events a little better. There are already some artifacts there, but they want to build a whole museum, complete with an enormous model of the Goddest of Liberty, the temporary statue that has continued to live on in memory as a symbol of the peaceful protests in China, just before the Tiananmen Square Massacre:
The dissidents have named the plot Liberty Sculpture Park. Zhou Fengsuo, one of the student leaders at Tiananmen Square, envisions building a museum there and a 200-foot rendition of the Goddess of Liberty, the statue that protesters fashioned in the square from plaster, papier-mache and plastic foam 30 years ago.
There is also a statue of the unidentified "Tank Man," who stood before a column of tanks, and forced them to back down, as daylight broke through in China's capital city just after the night of the massacre.
Interesting stuff! Please take a look at the link below:
With Tiananmen Square ‘Tank Man,’ Chinese sculptor will keep democracy’s flame alive in Mojave By MATTHEW ORMSETH JUN 03, 2019:
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