Saturday, June 1, 2019

White Southerners Still Hold Racist Attitudes, According to Recent Study

When I was a kid, I remember hearing a lot of things about how the South had changed dramatically since the days of outright, official Jim Crow segregation. That racist attitudes had been left far behind and were a relic of the past.

To be sure, there were some indications that this might be the case, such as when Jimmy Carter rose to become Governor of Georgia, and then eventually, became President.

However, many of the attitudes have remained in the South as well. There still seems to be some resentment harbored against invading northern Yankees by many whites in the South, with many Confederate flags flying in some areas, and some bumper stickers suggesting that the South will rise again.

Plus, ever since the end of official Jim Crow segregation (with the segregated buses and bathrooms and other public places), the Dixiecrats switched their allegiance from Democrats to Republicans, and have hardly ever wavered. It remains largely the "Solid South," with little deviation. Those were Trump's bread and butter states in 2016, and they were instrumental in lifting him to the White House, and in him obtaining unwavering support throughout all of the nonsense of the past 2 1/2 years, including the racist comments and his inability to clearly condemn white supremacists and outright Nazis in the summer of 2017. That march took place in the South, although not the so-called "Deep South." And too often, when you see some strange news about blatant racists running for office, it happens somewhere in the South, such as the "Make America White Again" sign (in Tennessee) or David Duke running for Governor (in Louisiana). They also kept sending guys like Strom Thurmond and Jessie Helms to the Senate, over and over again. There was also that horrific incident when some white supremacists took a black man and tied him to their truck, then dragged him for miles down a rural Texas road.

So, how surprising is it that a recent study found that racist attitudes remains prevalent among whites in the South?

Not really a huge shock, truth be told.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Here is the link to this story:

Study finds white people in the South still have racial bias against Blacks Researchers say anti-Black bigotry is more likely in areas like the Southern U.S., where the economy was dependent on slavery and thus an assumption of Black inferiority  By Kia Morgan-Smith -May 29, 2019:

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