Wednesday, September 1, 2021

My Son's Newest Haircut

My son begins his school next week, so these are the last few days off before he begins that. Less than a week, now.

We got back from the the trip a little over one week ago, and went to the city on Friday of last week, which was really very cool.

However, I wanted to make sure to take him down to Hillsborough with me at least once this week, since it most likely will not be possible again for quite some time. Possibly, not until maybe Thanksgiving, or even Christmastime, or something.

While here, however, he likes the local barbershop, and wanted a nice haircut just before school began. That was fine.

Yet, while reading, I looked up and was shocked at just how short he had cut his hair! I joked that he looked like a Marine, and so in the picture, below, he gave an exaggerated military style salute after I mentioned it. The other picture, which came out a bit darker, was just a few minutes after he shaved for the first time. Yes, believe it or not, his mustache was starting to really show!

Also, we went to find some new shoes for him last night. We managed to do it, despite his shoe size being a bit odd and thus difficult to find. Just like his father, in that regard, unfortunately. But we did ultimately find a decent pair of shoes for him, which was good. 

So, it was kind of a landmark day.

Here are a few pictures. The first two are of his new, very short hairstyle. The third and final one are his old shoes, which reveal why he needed them replaced.

All just in time for the new school year to begin!


  1. Oh my goodness! He really does look like a very handsome marine! I like the cut, though.

    1. So do I. It should stay nice and short for a decent time. That said, it was a bit surprising that he cut it this short.
