Monday, September 27, 2021

🇫🇷 Paris de Nuit Altered Pictures 🇫🇷


Shortly after the 2019 European trip, I published almost all of the pictures that I had taken. That included the ones that looked the best to my eyes.

There was one thing that I wanted to do: make some alterations. In some cases, they were simple alterations, like the one of my son and me in front of the Eiffel Tower, but which had come out crooked. In most other cases, particularly of the most beautiful sites, I wanted to try and alter them by making them black and white, in order to give them a vintage feel. Black and white photos (as well as Sepia) really lend pictures an entirely different feel. This is true of both still and motion pictures. Just look at Schindler's List. That is a movie that it feels would have lost some of it's artistic qualities and dramatic effects had in been done in standard color. In black and white, it works to perfection. Not that I am comparing these pictures to that movie. But pictures of European cities often feel far more dramatic and quaint, paradoxically, when in black and white. 

However, my phone was overloaded at that point. I had used up too much data, and my storage space was left to a bare minimum. This prevented me from being able to make these changes, and that felt annoying. I kept trying to free up space, but nothing seemed to work properly.

Until very recently. It was not even on my phone anymore. Most of these pictures were already published here on my blog page. I saved them to another computer which has solid photo alteration functions that went beyond almost everything that I could do on my phone. 

Finally, I got the chance to make some alterations. And while these are not necessarily the only ones of Paris that I will change, or even of Paris at night, it still seemed like it would be good to begin to actually publish some of these pictures.

So, here are some black and white pictures of Paris at night:

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