Saturday, December 9, 2023

Another Comedian Takes on the Possibility That Trump Might Become a Dictator

I rarely post video clips from the "Liberal Redneck," a comedian from rural Tennessee with, as his adapted name applies, liberal political leanings. 

While I don't agree with everything that he says, and also am getting a bit tired of the whole mocking the intelligence of Trump supporters and their lifestyle thing, I am posting this video because he does make some important (and humorous) points regarding Trump and his authoritarian leanings. Recently, of course, Trump claimed that he would not be a dictator, but amended that by basically claiming that he wouldn't be a dictator "except for day one." 

Given that he intends to focus on revenge against his political opponents, that he intends to use the judicial branch in order to do so, and has no problem referring to political opponents as "vermin" and recently declared that he intended to "root out" those political opponents, we really need to be worried about this more than we collectively are. This guy is not exactly known for his sense of humor. He is serious, and these desires to be a dictator are serious, as well. Nobody really believes that he would simply lay down the dictator powers that he apparently believes that he will possess on his first day back in office, right? 

Also, one more thing. While I may be contradicting myself here, since I mentioned how tired I am of always dismissing Trump supporters as stupid or backwards or whatever, it seems more and more that even Americans are beginning to comprehend just how collectively dumb we are. This is particularly true of our collective political leanings, and I suspect that this is true of those who tend to lean more on the left than the right, who label themselves as Democrats or Republicans. In so many ways - from being the only industrialized country not to guarantee healthcare as a human right, to being one of only three countries in the world (and once again, the only industrialized country) not to guarantee paid maternity leave, to be the only advanced country to politically reject the "theory" of climate change (and to generally too often be hostile to science in general) and to have allowed the government to allow corporations not to clearly label all of the ingredients used in food here, to our having given the same military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about many decades ago carte blanche power over our government, and on and on and on - we really are showing ourselves to be just extremely dumb. To have elected someone like Trump into the Oval Office in the first place proved that. Now, since he really just might win a second term, despite all of the bullshit that he is responsible for, it confirms it. We Americans are indeed collectively dumb, and have earned a deserved reputation for it. If indeed our American democracy is going to die, we will collectively deserve it. And I agree with the Liberal Redneck: it will likely be the dumbest dictatorship in history. 

Liberal Redneck - Could Trump Be a Dictator?

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