Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 15th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Wow! What a dark day in European history, particularly in the 20th century! The first of many trenches of World War I were dug, which would become, effectively, the freshly dug up graves for too many men. Then, not too much later, the racial purity laws of Nuremberg were put into effect in Germany in 1935, which to my knowledge, were the first official policies implemented by the Nazi regime specifically targeting Jews. But this was also the date that the Mayflower departed England for the New World. The British took over Manhattan during the American Revolution on this date in 1776. The Cape Colony in South Africa surrendered to Britain. Five Central American nations gained their independence from Spain on this date. Capital punishment was abolished in the Netherlands in 1870, and the last German troops left France three years later. Nazis killed 800 Jews in Shkudvil, Lithuania, and two concentration camps opened on this date in 1943, (Vaivara in Estonia and Kauwen in Lithuania). 

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

On this day in 608, St Boniface IV began his reign as Catholic Pope. In 668 on this day, Eastern Roman Emperor Constans II was assassinated in his bath at Syracuse, Italy. On this day in 921, Saint Ludmila was murdered at the command of her daughter-in-law at Tetin. Thomas Wolsey was appointed Archbishop of York on this day in 1514. On this day in 1556, Vlissingen ex-emperor Charles V returned to Spain. San Lorenzo del Escorial Palace in Madrid was completed on this day in 1584. Giambattista Catagna was elected as Pope Urban VII on this day in 1590. The Battle of Sekigahara was fought on this day in 1600. On this day in 1616, the first non-aristocratic, free public school in Europe was opened in Frascati, Italy. On this day in 1619, the troops of Prince Bethlen Gabors occupied Pozsony (Pressburg), Hungary. On this day in 1620, the Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England, with 102 pilgrims [OS May 8]. Swedish troops occupied Riga on this day in 1621. In 1644 on this day, Giambattista Pamfili replaced Pope Urban VII as Innocent X. England & France signed a peace treaty on this day in 1656. In 1683 on this day, Germantown, Pennsylvania, was founded by 13 immigrant families. Rákóczi II & Czar Peter the Great signed a social security agreement on this day in 1707.

1733 - King Frederik Willem I divides Prussia-Brandenburg in Cantons
1762 - Battle of Signal Hill.
1774 - Cossack Emilian Pugachev captured
1776 - British forces capture Kip's Bay Manhattan during Revolution
1787 - -16] Utrecht patriots flee to Amsterdam
1789 - Dept of Foreign Affairs, renamed Dept of State
1795 - Cape Colony surrenders to England
1812 - French army under Napoleon reaches Kremlin, Moscow
1820 - Constitutionalist revolution in Lisbon, Portugal; (see Portugal's crises of the Nineteenth Century.
1821 - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua gain independence.
1830 - 1st National Negro Convention begins in Phila
1830 - 1st person to be run-over by a railroad train (William Huskisson, England)
1830 - Duke of Wellington opens Liverpool & Manchester Railway
1831 - The locomotive John Bull operates for the first time in New Jersey on the Camden and Amboy Railroad.
1835 - HMS Beagle/Charles Darwin reaches Galapagos Islands
1846 - Jung Bahadur Rana grabs power in Nepal
1851 - Saint Joseph's University is founded in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1853 - 1st US woman ordained a minister, Antoinette Blackwell
Naturalist Charles DarwinNaturalist Charles Darwin 1857 - Timothy Alder patents typesetting machine
1862 - Confederates conquer Union-weapon arsenal at Harpers Ferry WV
1870 - Dutch 1st Chamber abolishes Capital punishment (20-18)
1873 - Last German troops leave France
1879 - Pim Mulier forms "Haarlem Football Club"
1882 - British general Wolseley occupies Cairo
1887 - Phila celebrates 100th anniversary of US Constitution
1894 - Japan defeats China in Battle of Ping Yang
1898 - National Afro-American Council forms in Rochester NY
1899 - 5th US Golf Open: Willie Smith shoots a 315 at Baltimore CC MD
1903 - Queen Wilhelmina calls railroad strikers "criminals"
1904 - Wilbur Wright makes his 1st airplane flight
1910 - Boers & Afrikaners win 1st general elections in Union of South-Africa
1912 - Red Sox pitcher Joe Wood ties then record of 16 straight wins
1912 - War between Turkey & Montenegro breaks out in Albania
1913 - 1st US milch goat show held, Rochester, NY
1914 - Battle of Aisne begins between Germans & French during WW I
1914 - US Marines march out of Vera Cruz, Mexico
1916 - 1st tank used in war, "Little Willies" at Battle of Flors, France
1916 - Britains 1st use of tanks (Battle of Somme)
1917 - Russia proclaimed a republic by Alexander Kerensky
1918 - CH Chubb gives Stonehenge to English state
1921 - Pope Benedictus XV publishes encyclical Alcohol Paraclitus
1921 - WBZ-AM in Boston MA begins radio transmissions
1922 - Catcher Butch Henline is 1st NLer to hit 3 HRs in a game since 1897
1923 - 43rd US Mens Tennis: William T Tilden beats W M Johnston (64 61 64)
1923 - Bill Tilden wins US Lawn Tennis Open
1923 - Gov Walton of Oklahoma declares state of siege because of KKK terror
Italian Dictator Benito MussoliniItalian Dictator Benito Mussolini 1926 - Failed attempt on Benito Mussolini
1928 - 400 kg Fournier-albums (forged postage stamps) burn in Geneva
1928 - Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin
1928 - Cards set NL record of 18 men left on base beating Phillies 8-6
1928 - Stothard, Kalmar & Ruby's musical "Good Boy," premieres in NYC
1928 - Tich Freeman becomes the only bowler to take 300 wickets in an English cricket season.
1930 - First intl bridge match is held in London. US team defeats England
1931 - British naval fleet mutinies at Invergordon over pay cuts
1931 - Phila A's clinch pennant, beating Cleveland
1935 - Nuremberg Laws deprives German Jews of citizenship & makes swastika official symbol of Nazi Germany
1937 - WPA extends L-Taraval streetcar to SF Zoo (at Sloat Blvd)
1938 - British PM Chamberlain visits Hitler at Berchtesgarden
1938 - John Cobb sets world auto speed record at 350.2 MPH (lasts 1 day)
1938 - Only time brothers hit back-to-back HRs (Lloyd & Paul Waner, Pitts)
1940 - 3rd American Football League plays 1st game (Milw 14, Columbus 2)
Dictator of Nazi Germany Adolf HitlerDictator of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler 1940 - Chicago Tribune sponsors Ted Lyons Day (White Sox pitcher)
1940 - Luftwaffe bombs Bristol Aeroplane Company
1940 - PM Winston Churchill visits #11 Fighter Group
1940 - Tide turns in Battle of Britain in WW II, RAF beats Luftwaffe
1941 - Nazis kill 800 Jewish women at Shkudvil Lithuania
1942 - US aircraft carrier Wasp torpedoed at Guadalcanal
1943 - Benito Mussolini forms a rival fascist government in Italy
1943 - Concentration Camp Vaivara in Estonia opens
1943 - Concentration Camp Kauwen in Lithuania opens
1944 - British bombers hit Tirpitz with Tallboy bombs
1944 - Russian troops free Sofia Bulgaria
1944 - US 1st Infantry division pushes through to Westwall
1944 - US 28th Infantry division occupies Hill 555 at Roscheid
1944 - US troops lands on Palau & Morotai
1945 - A hurricane in southern Florida and the Bahamas destroys 366 planes and 25 blimps at NAS Richmond.
Soldier, author, journalist, politician Winston ChurchillSoldier, author, journalist, politician Winston Churchill 1946 - Dodgers beat Cubs 2-0 in 5 inns, games called because of gnats
1947 - 1st 4 engine jet propelled fighter plane tested, Columbus, Oh
1947 - Yanks clinch pennant #15
1947 - RCA releases the 12AX7 vacuum tube.
1947 - Typhoon Kathleen hit Tone River, Saitama and Tokyo area, killing at least 1,930 and injuring 1,750..
1948 - "Small Wonder" opens at Coronet Theater NYC for 134 performances
1948 - F-86 Sabre sets world aircraft speech record of 1080 kph
1948 - WHN-AM in NY City changes call letters to WMGM
1949 - "Lone Ranger" premieres on ABC-TV
1949 - WJAC TV channel 6 in Johnstown, PA (NBC/ABC) begins broadcasting
1949 - WJXT TV channel 4 in Jacksonville, FL (CBS) begins broadcasting
1950 - During Korean conflict, UN forces land at Inchon in South Korea
1950 - East German premier Grotewohl pleads for German reunification
1950 - For a record 6th time, NY Yankee Johnny Mize hits 3 HRs in one game
1950 - Longest game in Phila's Shribe Park, Phils beat Reds 8-7 in 19
1950 - UN lands at Inchon to drive North Korean troops out of the south
1950 - US troop land on Wolmi-Do island off of Seoul
1951 - "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" closes at Ziegfeld NYC after 740 perfs
1951 - Emile Zatopek runs world record 20k (1:01:15.8)
1951 - Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Ingruentium Malorum
1952 - Braves last game in Boston's Braves Field before move to Milwaukee
1952 - European Parliament forms in Strasbourg
1952 - UN turns over Eritrea to Ethiopia
1953 - Boxing's NBA adopts 10-pt-must-scoring-system (10 pts to round winner)
1953 - KVOA TV channel 4 in Tucson, AZ (NBC) begins broadcasting
1953 - WVEC TV channel 13 in Hampton-Norfolk, VA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1955 - WCTV TV channel 6 in Tallahassee-Thomasville, FL (CBS) begins
1957 - "Bachelor Father" with John Forsythe premieres
1957 - Adenauers CDU wins parliamentary election in West Germany
1957 - SF Seals (Pacific Coast League) play their last game
1958 - 48 die in a train crash in Elizabethport NJ
1958 - Commuter train crashes through drawbridge, killing 48 (Newark NJ)
1959 - Soviet Premier Khrushchev arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit
1960 - France spends 9 billion guilders on atomic experiments
1961 - 61st US Golf Amateur Championship won by Jack Nicklaus
1961 - Hurricane Carla strikes Texas with winds of 175 mph
1962 - "Bravo, Giovanni" closes at Broadhurst Theater NYC after 76 perfs
1962 - Australia's 1st entry in America's Cup yacht race (US wins)
1962 - KC A's Bill Fischer sets record of 69 1/3 innings without a walk
1962 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1962 - WOKR TV channel 13 in Rochester, NY (ABC) begins broadcasting
1963 - Church bombed in Birmingham AL, kills 4 African-American girls
1963 - Alou brothers-Felipe, Matty, & Jesus-appear in SF outfield for 1 inn
1963 - Ben Bella elected 1st president of Algeria
1963 - Marilynn Smith wins LPGA Eugene Ladies' Golf Open
1963 - WNTV TV channel 29 in Greenville, SC (PBS) begins broadcasting
1964 - Beatles play at Public Auditorium in Cleveland
1964 - Final edition of socialist British newspaper "Daily Herald"
1965 - "Lost in Space" premieres
1966 - 1st British nuclear sub HMS Resolution launched
1966 - Dutch political party (D'66) forms
1966 - Gemini XI (Conrad/Gordon) returns to Earth
1966 - U.S. President Lyndon B Johnson, responding to a sniper attack at the University of Texas at Austin, writes a letter to the United States Congress urging the enactment of gun control legislation.
1967 - KPOB TV channel 15 in Poplar Bluff, MO (ABC) begins broadcasting
1968 - "Barbra Streisand: A Happening in Central Park" Show on CBS TV
1968 - Carol Mann wins LPGA Shirley Englehorn Golf Invitational
1968 - Launch of Zond 5, 1st lunar fly-around with Earth reentry
1968 - NY Zendo (Shoboji) was opened by S Nakagawa & D S Harada
1968 - WUAB TV channel 43 in Lorain-Cleveland, OH (IND) begins broadcasting
1968 - WXON TV channel 20 in Detroit, MI (IND) begins broadcasting
1968 - Probable Test flight for a manned fly-around (scooped by Apollo 8)
1969 - Cards Steve Carlton sets record by striking out 19 NY Mets in a game
1970 - Decca awards Bing Crosby a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million
1970 - PLO leader Arafat threatens to make a cemetery of Jordan
1970 - Rotterdam harbor strikes end
1971 - First broadcast of "Columbo" on NBC-TV
1972 - WMAO TV channel 23 in Greenwood, MS (PBS) begins broadcasting
Singer and Actor Bing CrosbySinger and Actor Bing Crosby 1972 - A magnitude 4.5 earthquake shakes Northern Illinois.
1972 - An SAS domestic flight from Gothenburg to Stockholm was hijacked and flown to Malmö-Bulltofta Airport.
1973 - Dutch Guilder devalued 5%
1973 - Ohio State's Archie Griffith begins record 31 cons 100 yd rushing
1973 - Secretariat wins Marlboro Cup in world record 1:45 2/5 for 1¼ miles
1974 - Market Square Arena in Indianapolis opens
1974 - Sandra Haynie wins LPGA Charity Golf Classic
1974 - Air Vietnam flight 727 is hijacked, then crashes while attempting to land with 75 on board.
1975 - Mike Vail extends hitting streak ton rookie-record 23 straight game
1975 - The French département of Corse (the entire island of Corsica) is divided into two: Haute-Corse and Corse-du-Sud.
1976 - Ntozake Shange's "For Colored Girls Who ...," premieres in NYC
1976 - Soyuz 22 carries 2 cosmonauts into Earth orbit for 8 days
1977 - "Man of La Mancha" opens at Palace Theater NYC for 124 performances
1977 - Orioles forfeit to Blue Jays when mgr Earl Weaver pulls team off field in 5th citing hazardous condition (small tarpaulin on bullpen mound)
1977 - President Carter meets with 15 record company execs
1977 - Rock Music Award
1977 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1978 - Dodgers become 1st major league team to draw 3 million fans
Heavyweight Boxing Champion Muhammad AliHeavyweight Boxing Champion Muhammad Ali 1978 - Muhammad Ali beats Leon Spinks in 15 for heavyweight boxing title
1978 - Yanks beat Boston 4-0, Guidry wins # 22, Yanks lead 2½ games
1979 - Red Sox Bob Watson is 1st to hit for cycle in AL & NL (Astros)
1979 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1980 - Paul McCartney releases "Temporary Secretary"
1981 - US Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approves Sandra Day O'Connor
1981 - Pope John Paul II publishes encyclical "Laborem exercens" against capitalism/marxism
1981 - The John Bull becomes the oldest operable steam locomotive in the world when the Smithsonian Institution operates it under its own power outside Washington, DC.
1981 - Vanuatu becomes a member of the United Nations.
1982 - First issue of "USA Today" published by Gannett Co Inc
1982 - Israeli forces began pouring into west Beirut
1982 - Pope John Paul II receives PLO leader Yasser Arafat
1983 - Cops beat to death Michael Stewart for graffiting NYC subway
1983 - Israel premier Begin resigns
1984 - Morocco Showcase opens
1984 - Sharlene Wells (Utah), 20, crowned 58th Miss America 1985
1984 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1985 - 26th Ryder Cup: Europe beat US, 16½-11½ at The Belfry, England
1985 - Joanne Carner wins LPGA SAFECO Golf Classic
1985 - Olof Palme forms Sweden minority government
1985 - Senate judiciary committee begins Robert Bork confirmation hearings
1985 - Willie Nelson's Farm Aid concert
1985 - Yanks trade Jim Deshaies to Astros for 40-year-old Joe Niekro
1986 - First broadcast of "LA Law" on NBC-TV
1986 - Bomb attack in Paris, 1 dead
1988 - "Les Miserables," opens at Raimund Theatre, Vienna
1988 - Lillehammer, Norway upsets Anchorage to host 1994 Winter olympics
1988 - Museum of Moving Image in London opens
1988 - Test Cricket debut of Ian Healy, vs Pakistan at Karachi
1989 - The U.S. Congress recognizes Terry Anderson's continued captivity in Beirut.
1990 - 42nd Emmy Awards - LA Law & Murphy Brown win
1990 - Chicago White Sox Bobby Thigpen is 1st to record 50 saves
1990 - Emmy Creative Arts Award presentation
1990 - Florida lottery goes over $100,000,000
1990 - France announce it will send 4,000 troops to Persian Gulf
1991 - "Party Machine with Nia Peeples" final show
1991 - SD State freshman Marshall Faulk sets NCAA rushing record of 386 yds
1991 - US women's gymnastics team win 1st World Championships medal (silver)
1992 - Ted Weiss, despite dying on 14th, wins congressional NYC seat
1993 - Liechtenstein prince Hans-Adam II disbands parliament
1994 - "Sound of Motown," premieres in Rotterdam
1994 - Dennis Richardson sworn in as head of St Maarten
1994 - Moslem fundamentalists kidnap and behead 16 citizens in Algeria
1995 - Cards shortstop Ozzie Smith sets record of 1,554 double plays
1996 - Bangladesh beat UAE by 104 runs to win the ACC Trophy Final
1996 - Karrie Webb wins LPGA SAFECO Golf Classic
1996 - Texas Rangers retire their 1st number, Nolan Ryan's #34
1997 - Edison Intl purchases Anaheim Stadium naming rights for $50M
Talk show host Oprah WinfreyTalk show host Oprah Winfrey 1997 - Oprah Winfrey announces she will continue her show through 2000
1998 - With the landmark merger of WorldCom and MCI Communications completed the day prior, the new MCI WorldCom opens its doors for business.
2000 - Opening ceremony of the XXVII Olympics in Sydney, Australia
2004 - NHL commissioner Gary Bettman announces a lockout of the players union and cessation of operations by the NHL head office.
2012 - Japan announces that it will phase out nuclear energy by the 2030s

1775 - An early and unofficial American flag was raised by Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Mott after the seizing of Fort Johnson from the British. The flag was dark blue with the white word "Liberty" spelled on it.   1776 - British forces occupied New York City during the American Revolution.   1789 - The U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs was renamed the Department of State.   1821 - Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador proclaimed independence.   1853 - Reverend Antoinette Brown Blackwell was ordained becoming first female minister in the United States.   1857 - Timothy Alder earned a patent for the typesetting machine.   1858 - The first mail service begins to the Pacific Coast of the U.S. under government contract. Coaches from the Butterfield Overland Mail Company took 12 days to make the journey between Tipton, MO and San Francisco, CA.   1883 - The University of Texas at Austin opened.   1909 - A New York judge rule that Ford Motor Company had infringed on George Seldon's patent for the "Road Engine." The ruling was later overturned.   1909 - Charles F. Kettering applied for a patent on his ignition system. His company Delco (Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company) later became a subsidiary of General Motors.   1916 - During the Battle of the Somme, in France, tanks were first used in warfare when the British rolled them onto the battlefields.   1917 - Alexander Kerensky proclaimed Russia to be a republic.   1923 - Oklahoma was placed under martial law by Gov. John Calloway Walton due to terrorist activity by the Ku Klux Klan. After this declaration national newspapers began to expose the Klan and its criminal activities.   1928 - Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin in the mold Penicillium notatum.   1935 - The Nuremberg Laws were enacted by Nazi Germany. The act stripped all German Jews of their civil rights and the swastika was made the official symbol of Nazi Germany.   1940 - The German Luftwaffe suffered the loss of 185 planes in the Battle of Britain. The change in tide forced Hitler to abandon his plans for invading Britain.   1949 - "The Lone Ranger" premiered on ABC. Clayton Moore was the Lone Ranger and Jay Silverheels was Tonto.   1950 - U.N. forces landed at Inchon, Korea in an attempt to relieve South Korean forces and recapture Seoul.   1953 - The National Boxing Association adopted the 10-point scoring system for all of its matches.   1955 - Betty Robbins became the first woman cantor.   1959 - Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev arrived in the U.S. to begin a 13-day visit.   1961 - The U.S. resumed underground testing of nuclear weapons.   1965 - "Lost in Space" premiered on CBS TV.   1965 - "Green Acres" premiered on CBS TV.   1971 - Greenpeace was founded.   1978 - Muhammad Ali defeated Leon Spinks to win his 3rd World Heavyweight Boxing title.   1982 - The first issue of "USA Today" was published.   1983 - The U.S. Senate joined the U.S. House of Representatives in their condemning of the Soviet Union for shooting down a Korean jet with 269 people onboard.   1990 - France announced that it would send an additional 4,000 soldiers to the Persian Gulf. They also expelled Iraqi military attaches in Paris.   1993 - The FBI announced a new national campaign concerning the crime of carjacking.   1994 - U.S. President Clinton told Haiti's military leaders "Your time is up. Leave now or we will force you from power."   1995 - The U.N. Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing.   1998 - Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ordered the Iranian military to be on full alert and massed troops on its border with Afghanistan.   1998 - It was announced that 5.9 million people read The Starr Report on the Internet. 606,000 people read the White House defense of U.S. President Clinton.   1999 - The United Nations approved the deployment of a multinational peacekeeping force in East Timor.   2003 - In Independence, MO, the birthplace of Ginger Rogers was designated a local landmark. The move by the Independence City Council qualified the home for historic preservation.

1789 The U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs changed its name to the Department of State. 1821 Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and El Salvador gained independence. 1835 Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle reached the Galapagos Islands. 1917 Alexander Kerensky proclaimed Russia a republic. 1935 The Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of their citizenship and made the Swastika the official emblem of Nazi Germany. 1963 A church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, killed four young black girls. 1989 Pulitzer Prize-winning author Robert Penn Warren, the first poet laureate of the United States, died. 2004 The National Hockey League lockout began. The 2004-2005 season would ultimately be canceled.

The following links are to web sites that were used to complete this blog entry:

2024-25 NFL Season: Week 2 Preview



Here are my predictions for this second week of NFL action in this still new 2024-25 season:

NY Giants at Washington - One more chance, I will give my G-Men. They usually get the better of Washington in recent seasons. That's maybe the one team that Big Blue can say that about. And despite the poor showing last weekend, I suspect that the Giants make some serious adjustments and play much better here in this one, and earn the "W.". My pick: NY Giants

San Francisco at Minnesota - These two teams both earned impressive, blowout wins. San Fran crushed the Jets, while the Vikings dominated the other New York team, the Giants. Now, the Vikings host the 49ers, which is a huge test. Last season, Minnesota's most impressive win in an otherwise largely dismal season came when they beat the Niners. But San Fran is also aware of that, too. They will surely change things up this time around, and should be able to earn a road win here. My pick: San Francisco

Seattle at New England - The Patriots impressed with a rather surprising win in Cincy, upsetting the Bengals, who entered this season among the relative favorites. Does that mark the beginning of a real turnaround for the Pats? My guess is no. However, they do get to host this game against another relatively weak team in the Seahawks, who nevertheless outlasted the Broncos last weekend to earn a win. Amazing to think that one of these two teams will come out of this sporting an impressive 2-0 record on the new season. My pick: New England

New Orleans at Dallas- Both of these teams are coming off very impressive wins to open up their season last weekend. The 'Boys went to Cleveland and dominated the Browns, a playoff team a year ago, and one which figured to be competitive this season. The Saints obliterated the Panthers, all but clinching a blowout win well before halftime. However, New Orleans now has to go on the road to face Dallas in Big D. These two teams have not faced each other in a few years, so we cannot even really go by recent history in this rivalry. Still, it feels to me that the Cowboys are far and away the better team here in this one, and should be able to earn the "W." My pick: Dallas

NY Jets at Tennessee - Still a skeptic when it comes to the idea that some Jets fans have regarding this team's title chances. I mean, they have not made the playoffs in almost a decade and a half, the longest current streak in the NFL. And they did not look great last week, although opening in San Francisco is a tough way to start your season. Expect the Jets to put things together enough to get past the Titans this weekend to earn their first win, however. My pick; NY Jets

Cleveland at Jacksonville - Both of these teams are coming off disappointing losses to open their seasons. At least the Jaguars came decently close to winning, racing out to a huge lead in Miami, before a disheartening collapse. The Browns, meanwhile, just basically got blown out at home against the Cowboys, which is not at all a good start to their season. Yet, that actually might help them to focus a bit more, because there really is no way but up after hitting the bottom to start the season. My pick: Cleveland

Indianapolis at Green Bay - The Colts fought hard last week, but lost a tight divisional showdown to open their season up. Meanwhile, the Packers fell short to the Eagles in Brazil, and may have had to deal with issues of fatigue after traveling all the way back. Neither team, obviously, wants to lose this one and dig themselves into an 0-2 hole to start the new season. My suspicion is that the Colts make some noise early, and keep it competitive into the second half, but that the Packers start to take over the game at some point, and earn their first win of the season before their home fans. My pick: Green Bay

LA Chargers at Carolina - The Chargers look like a new team. They pretty thoroughly beat the Raiders last weekend in a divisional showdown. Now, they get what still may be the worst team in the NFL. So while this is a road game, and they did have to span across the continent to get to this game, the Chargers still should be able to produce a solid win to improve to 2-0 on the year. My pick: LA Chargers

Tampa Bay at Detroit - The Lions host the Bucs in what for them is yet another playoff rematch from last season. They struggled against the Rams last weekend, and very nearly lost. Expect them to be a bit better this week, and to have a bit of a more convincing time earning this win. Nothing against the Bucs, but I just don't believe that they are all that good. If they were in another division, it feels like they would have been exposed already. The Lions should be able to hand them their first loss in the new season. My pick: Detroit

Las Vegas at Baltimore - Both teams are coming off tough losses to open their season. The Raiders lost to the Chargers in a divisional showdown, while the Ravens lost to the defending champs in KC. Still, the Ravens came close to earning a win, pushing the Chiefs almost right to the end. They also feel like the better team in this one, and should earn their first win of the season. My pick: Baltimore

LA Rams at Arizona - Another game between teams aiming for their first win of the season. To their credit, the Cardinals came close, and fought hard and were impressive in falling short up in Buffalo. The Rams also looked good in a losing cause last week, ultimately falling just short against the Lions. Overall, the better team still feels like the Rams, who qualified for the postseason last year, and feel good enough to be one of the teams in the running again this season. My pick: LA Rams

Pittsburgh at Denver - The Steelers earned a solid, if a somewhat predictable and boring, win last weekend. They did it playing what many of us came to view as trademark Steelers football, with not too much offense, and relying on a tough defense. Not the most exciting stuff, but effective. That should be enough for them to earn a road win up at Mile High today, as well. Just don't think that the Broncos are going to amount to much this season, although I could be wrong. My pick: Pittsburgh

Cincinnati at Kansas City - This should still be a very decent, early season showdown between two of the franchises who should rank among the elites. KC certainly appears to be on their way to another solid season. However, that loss last week at home to the Patriots really raised some concerns about Cincy, because with the entire offseason to prepare, it should have been a win. Expect them to recover, because my suspicion is that they circled this date in particular, and will play their best. Still, the Chiefs are champions for a reason, and should be able to respond. My pick: Kansas City

Sunday Night Football: Chicago at Houston - This is a more difficult game than it may seem to pick. Mostly, because I keep expecting that the Bears may soon have their breakout game. The kind of statement win that serves as an exclamation point, showing that this franchise has grown serious about fielding a competitive team. However, I admittedly doubt that it will come in this game, because the Texans are tough. Also, the Bears have their work cut out for them going on the road in this one. My pick: Houston

Monday Night Football: Atlanta at Philadelphia - The Eagles earned a solid win in Brazil over the Packers. Now, they come off what on the calendar may be a bit longer time off, but which when taking the trials and fatigue of traveling into consideration, may actually have been a somewhat shorter week than average. Still, they should be able to pull off a win at home against the Falcons on Monday. My pick: Philadelphia

Monday Night Football: Atlanta at Philadelphia - 

RIP, James Earl Jones

This is late in coming. But as the saying goes, better late than never.

Most people by now have heard that James Earl Jones died recently, on September 9th. He was 93 years old.

Jones was most famous for his memorable voice. It was deep and resonant, and that is probably why he was chosen to do the voices of iconic characters, such as Darth Vader and the Lion King. 

He also was an inspiration for many, having overcome problems with stuttering at an early age. His deep and resonant voice obviously lent an impression, helping him to climb up the ladder, so to speak, in acting. His roles grew more and more prominent and higher profile, until at some point, he likely had one of the most famous voices in the entire world.

RIP, James Earl Jones. You will be missed. 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

September 14th: This Day in History


Once again, it should be reiterated, that this does not pretend to be a very extensive history of what happened on this day (nor is it the most original - the links can be found down below). If you know something that I am missing, by all means, shoot me an email or leave a comment, and let me know!

Here's a more detailed look at events that transpired on this date throughout history:

81 - Domitian becomes Emperor of the Roman Empire upon the death of his brother Titus.
786 - Harun al-Rashid becomes the Abbasid caliph upon the death of his brother Al-Hadi.
891 - Stephen V ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1163 - Pastor Frederik forms convent at Mariengaarde Friesland
1180 - Battle of Ishibashiyama in Japan.
1515 - Battle at Marignano ends in French/Venetian victory
1607 - Flight of the Earls from Lough Swilly, Donegal, Ireland.
1629 - Spanish garrison surrenders to prince Frederik Henry
1662 - Netherlands & England sign peace treaty
1682 - Bishop Gore School, one of the oldest schools in Wales, founded.
1716 - 1st lighthouse in US lit (Boston Harbor)
1741 - George Frederick Handel finishes "Messiah" oratorio, after working on it non-stop for 23 days
1752 - Britain (and American colonies) adopt Gregorian calendar (no Sept 3-Sept 13th)
1759 - Austrian troops occupy Dresden
1807 - Aaron Burr acquitted of a misdemeanor charge
1812 - Napoleon occupies Moscow & fires start (fire extinguished on the 19th)
1814 - Francis Scott Key inspired to write "Star-Spangled Banner"
1829 - Peace of Adrianopel: ends Russian-Turkish war
1834 - Charles Darwins company passes Tagua-tagua-more Chile
Naturalist Charles DarwinNaturalist Charles Darwin 1847 - US Marines under General Scott enter Mexico City (halls of Montezuma)
1848 - Alexander Stewart opens 1st US dept store
1852 - 18th Postmaster General: Samuel D Hubbard of Conn takes office
1854 - Allied armies, including those of Britain & France, land in Crimea
1856 - Battle of San Jacinto, Nicaragua defeats invaders
1862 - Battle at Crampton's Gap: Union troops chases away Confederates
1862 - Battle at South Mountain: Union troops chases away Confederates
1862 - Battle of Munfordsville KY
1862 - Federal troops escape from beleaguered Harpers Ferry West Virginia
1862 - Skirmish at Fox's Gap, US Civil War
1868 - Golf's 1st recorded hole-in-one (Tom Morris at Prestwick's 8th hole)
1872 - Britain pays US$15½m for damages during Civil War
1876 - Henry Morton Stanley's expedition leaves Rwanda
1876 - Leopold II closes Congo-conference
1882 - British General Wolseley reaches Cairo
1886 - George K Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patents typewriter ribbon
1891 - "Empire State Express" train goes from NYC to East Buffalo, a distance of 436 miles, in a record 7H6M
1894 - Hottentotten uprising in Southwest-Africa fails
1899 - Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality in the US (NY)
1903 - NY Giant Red Ames no-hits St Louis, 5-0 in a 5 inning game
1905 - Albert Cuypstrat street market in Amsterdam inaugurated
1905 - Dutch AR-politician AWF Idenburg named governor of Suriname
1905 - RAC Tourist Trophy, 1st run, on Isle of Man
1913 - 27th US Womens Tennis: Mary K Browne beats Dorothy Green (62 75)
1913 - Cubs Larry Cheney hurls record 14-hit shutout against Giants (7-0)
1914 - German staff-chief von Moltke replaces von Falkenhayn
1914 - German troops withdraw from Aisne/invent trenches
1916 - Christy Mathewson pitches & wins his final game
1917 - Kerenski regime declares Russian republic
1917 - Provisional government of Russia forms, Republic proclaimed
1919 - British regime forbids Sinn Fein Dáil
Heavyweight Boxing Champion Jack DempseyHeavyweight Boxing Champion Jack Dempsey 1923 - Jack Dempsey KOs Luis Firpo in 2 for heavyweight boxing title
1923 - Miguel Primo de Rivera becomes dictator of Spain
1923 - Red Sox 1st baseman George Burns pulls off an unassisted triple play
1924 - Walter Johnson elected AL MVP
1926 - Guido Companions birthplace as a museum opens
1929 - 49th US Mens Tennis: Bill Tilden beats Francis Hunter (36 63 46 62 64)
1929 - A's clinch AL pennant with a 5-0 win over White Sox
1930 - Detroit Lions (as Portsmouth Spartans) play 1st NFL game, win 13-6
1930 - Nazis gain 107 seats in German election
1932 - Military coup in Chile under Arturo Alessandri
1933 - 2 billion board feet of lumber destroyed in Tillamook Oregon fire
1933 - Schaduwproces-Rijksdagbrand opens in London
1936 - Paul Waner ties Rogers Hornsby's NL record of 200 hits for 7 times
1938 - Graf Zeppelin II, world's largest airship, makes maiden flight
1939 - British fleet attacks German U-39 boat
Soldier, author, journalist, politician Winston ChurchillSoldier, author, journalist, politician Winston Churchill 1939 - Minister Winston Churchill visits Scapa Flow
1940 - Congress passes 1st peace-time conscription bill (draft law)
1940 - German bomb hits shelter in Chelsea; 100s die
1942 - Battle of Edson's Ridge (Japanese assault) at Guadalcanal
1942 - German troops occupy train station Stalingrad-1
1942 - Yanks clinch pennant #13
1943 - Yanks clinch pennant #14
1944 - 6,500 Dutch/Indonesian captives sent to Junyo Maru
1944 - Gulpen, Meerssen & Maastricht freed
1944 - Hurricane hits New England: 389 die
1944 - US 28th Infantry division occupies 1.5 km of Roscheid
1944 - US 4th Ivy League Inf division pushes through Westwall
1947 - 61st US Womens Tennis: A Louise Brough beats M O duPont (86 46 61)
1947 - 67th US Mens Tennis: Jack Kramer beats Frank A Parker (46 26 61 60 63)
1948 - Gerald Ford upsets Rep Bartel J Jonkman in Mich 5th Dist Rep primary
1948 - Ground breaking ceremony for UN world headquarters
1948 - Milton Berle starts his TV career on Texaco Star Theater
1950 - Western allies rearm West Germany
1951 - Giant's Bob Niemans homers on his 1st 2 at bats
First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Nikita KhrushchevFirst Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev 1953 - Nikita Khrushchev appointed First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
1953 - Yanks clinch 5th straight pennant with 8-5 win over Indians
1954 - Benjamin Britten's opera "Turn of the Screw," premieres in Venice
1954 - Giants' Willie Mays gets 82nd extra-base hit, breaks Mel Ott's record
1954 - Hurricane Edna (2nd of 1954) hits NYC, $50 million damage
1954 - USSR performs nuclear test
1955 - Herb Score sets rookie record of 235 strikeouts (en route 245)
1956 - 1st prefrontal lobotomy performed, Washington DC
1957 - Great Britain performs nuclear test at Maralinga, Australia
1957 - UN resolution deplores & condemns USSR invasion of Hungary
1957 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1958 - Jackie Pung wins LPGA Jackson Golf Open
1958 - WTAE TV channel 4 in Pittsburgh, PA (ABC) begins broadcasting
1958 - Yankees win 24th pennant, & 9th under Casey Stengel
1958 - Two rockets designed by the German engineer Ernst Mohr, the first German post-war rockets, reach the upper atmosphere.
1959 - Soviet Union's Luna-2 is 1st spacecraft to land on the Moon
1959 - WQEX TV channel 16 in Pittsburgh, PA (PBS) begins broadcasting
1960 - Chubby Checker's "Twist" hits #1
1960 - Coup under Col Joseph-Desire Mobutu in Congo
1960 - Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia & Venezuela form OPEC
1960 - KERA TV channel 13 in Dallas, TX (PBS) begins broadcasting
1960 - Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) forms
1961 - Dmitri Shostakovitch becomes member of CP of USSR
1961 - USSR performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1962 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1963 - Mary Ann Fischer, Aberdeen, SD, gave birth to America's 1st surviving quintuplets, 4 girls & a boy
1964 - WCVE TV channel 23 in Richmond, VA (PBS) begins broadcasting
Animator Walt DisneyAnimator Walt Disney 1964 - Walt Disney awarded Medal of Freedom at White House
1965 - "F-Troop" premieres
1965 - 4th meeting of 2nd Vatican council opened
1967 - Melville Abrams Ball Field in Bronx named
1967 - Thomas Pell Wildlife Refuge & Sanctuary opens in Bronx
1968 - Jimmy Ellis beats Floyd Patterson in 15 for heavyweight boxing title
1968 - 1st broadcast of "60 Minutes" on CBS-TV
1968 - Detroit Tigers' Denny McLain's 30th victory of season
1968 - Dmitri Shostakovitch' 12th string quartet, premieres in Moscow
1968 - USSR's Zond 5 is launched on 1st circumlunar flight
1969 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Wendell-West Golf Open
1969 - Males of Swiss kanton Schaffhausen rejects female suffrage
1971 - Cleve Indians & Wash Senators, play 20 innings
1972 - "Waltons" TV program premieres
1972 - Jason Miller's "That Championship Season," premieres in NYC
1972 - West Germany & Poland establish diplomatic relations
1973 - Indianapolis is awarded a WHA franchise
1973 - Israel shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s
1973 - Pres Nixon signed into law a measure lifting pro football's blackout
1974 - Charles Kowal discovers Leda, 13th satellite of Jupiter
1975 - Kathy Whitworth wins LPGA Southgate Golf Open
1st American-born Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton1st American-born Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton 1975 - Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton canonized as 1st US-born saint by Pope Paul VI
1975 - Rembrandts "Nightwatch" slashed & damaged in Amsterdam
1975 - Robin Yount breaks Mel Ott's record, playing in 242 games as a teen
1977 - Christmas Tinto sentenced to 7 years in Robben Island, South Africa
1978 - Braves' Jim Bouton, 38, beats Giants, his 1st win since 1970
1978 - Portugal government of Da Costa falls
1979 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1979 - Theodore Coombs completes 5,193 mile roller skate from LA to NYC & back to Yates Center, Ks
1980 - "Charlie & Algernon" opens at Helen Hayes Theater NYC for 17 perfs
1980 - Donna Caponi Young wins LPGA United Virginia Bank Golf Classic
1980 - Dwight Clark begins NFL streak of 105 consecutive game receptions
1981 - Entertainment Tonight premieres on TV
1982 - 36" snow (Red Lodge, MT)
1982 - Cindy Nicholas of Canada makes her 19th swim of English Channel
1982 - Trevor Baxter sets skateboard high jump record of 5' 5.7"
1983 - US House of Representatives votes, 416 to 0, in favor of a resolution condemning Russia for shooting down a Korean jetliner
Actress/Singer Bette MidlerActress/Singer Bette Midler 1984 - 1st MTV awards-Bette Midler & Dan Aykroyd host
1985 - Susan Akin (Miss), 21, crowned 59th Miss America 1986
1986 - Bo Jackson's 1st HR-a 475-foot blast (longest at Royal Stadium)
1986 - Bomb attack in Paris, 2 killed
1986 - Bomb explosion on airport Kimpo at Seoul, 5 killed
1986 - Judy Dickinson wins LPGA SAFECO Golf Classic
1986 - Saskatchewan & Hamilton play 1st CFL regular-season overtime game
1987 - "Les Miserables" opens at Rock Theatre, Vigzinhaz Budapest
1987 - 107th US Mens Tennis: Ivan Lendl beats Mats Wilander (67 60 76 64)
1987 - Cal Ripken's streak of 8,243 consecutive innings (908 games) is broken
1987 - Toronto Blue Jays hit a record 10 HRs vs Baltimore Orioles
1988 - USSR performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakh/Semipalitinsk USSR
1989 - Calgary Flames become 1st NHL team to play in USSR, win 4-2
1989 - Jeff Reardon is 1st to record 30 saves in 5 consecutive seasons
1989 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1990 - Ken Griffey, Sr & Jr, hit back-to-back HRs in 1st inning
1991 - Carolyn Suzanne Sapp (Hawaii), 24, crowned 65th Miss America 1992
1991 - Freshman Marshall Faulk of San Diego State rushed for NCAA record
1991 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1991 - 386 yards & scored 7 touchdowns as the Aztecs beat Pacific 55-34
1992 - 1st subway car completed to be exported from US (to Taiwan)
1994 - All 28 baseball owners vote to cancel rest of 1994 season
1995 - Body Worlds opens in Tokyo, Japan
1996 - A's Mark McGwire is 13th player to hit 50-HRs in a season
1996 - Dean Headley takes 3rd cricket hat-trick of season, Kent v Hampshire
1996 - NY Met Todd Huntley sets record of 41 HRs by a catcher
1996 - Tara Dawn Holland (Kansas), 23, crowned 70th Miss America 1997
1997 - 49th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
1997 - Bank One Senior Golf Classic
1997 - Chicago Whites Sox retire Carlton Fisk's #72
1997 - Karrie Webb wins LPGA SAFECO Classic
1997 - Loren Roberts wins CVS Charity Golf Classic with a 266
1998 - Week of Fed Cup
1998 - Telecommunications companies MCI Communications and WorldCom complete their $37 billion merger to form MCI WorldCom.
1999 - Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the United Nations.
2001 - Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks. A similar service is held in Canada on Parliament Hill, the largest vigil ever held in the nation's capital.
2003 - In a referendum Sweden rejects adopting the euro.
2003 - Estonia approves joining the European Union in a referendum.
265th Pope  Benedict XVI265th Pope Benedict XVI 2007 - Restrictions on the traditional Latin Mass are officially removed in the Roman Catholic Church as Pope Benedict XVI's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum takes effect.

2012 - 21 people are killed after a ferry sank in Indonesia

1807 - Former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr was acquitted of a misdemeanor charge. Two weeks earlier Burr had been found innocent of treason.   1812 - Moscow was set on fire by Russians after Napoleon Bonaparte's troops invaded.   1814 - Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner," a poem originally known as "Defense of Fort McHenry," after witnessing the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, MD, during the War of 1812. The song became the official U.S. national anthem on March 3, 1931.   1847 - U.S. forces took control of Mexico City under the leadership of General Winfield Scott.   1866 - George K. Anderson patented the typewriter ribbon.   1899 - In New York City, Henry Bliss became the first automobile fatality.   1901 - U.S. President William McKinley died of gunshot wounds inflicted by an assassin. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt, at age 42, succeeded him.   1915 - Carl G. Muench received a patent for Insulit, the first sound-absorbing material to be used in buildings.   1938 - The VS-300 made its first flight. The craft was based on the helicopter technology patented by Igor Sikorsky.   1940 - The Selective Service Act was passed by the U.S. Congress providing the first peacetime draft in the United States.   1948 - In New York, a groundbreaking ceremony took place at the site of the United Nations' world headquarters.   1959 - Luna II, a Soviet space probe, became the first man-made object on the moon when it crashed on the surface.   1960 - The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded. The core members were Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.   1963 - Mary Ann Fischer gave birth to America's first surviving quintuplets.   1965 - "My Mother The Car" premiered on NBC TV. The series was canceled after only a few weeks after the debut.   1972 - "The Waltons" premiered on CBS-TV.   1975 - Pope Paul VI declared Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton the first U.S.-born saint.   1978 - "Mork & Mindy" premiered on ABC-TV.   1983 - The U.S. House of Representatives voted 416-0 in a resolution condemning the Soviet Union for the shooting down of a Korean jet on September 1.   1984 - Joe Kittinger became the first person to fly a balloon solo across the Atlantic Ocean.   1987 - Tony Magnuson cleared 9.5 feet above the top of the U-ramp and set a new skateboard high jump record.   1989 - Joseph T. Wesbecker shot and killed eight people and wounded twelve others at a printing plant in Louisville, KY. Wesbecker, 47 years old, was on disability for mental illness. He took his own life after the incident.   1994 - It was announced that the season was over for the National Baseball League on the 34th day of the players strike. The final days of the regular season were canceled.   1998 - Jaime Jarrin received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.   1998 - Israel announced that they had successfully tested its Arrow-2 missile defense system. The system successfully destroyed a simulated target.   1999 - Disney World closed down for the first time in its 28-year history. The closure was due to Hurricane Floyd heading for Florida.  Disney movies, music and books   1999 - It was announced that "US" magazine would change from monthly to weekly and change its name to "USWeekly."   2001 - Nintendo released the GameCube home video game console in Japan.   2001 - The FBI released the names of the 19 suspected hijackers that had taken part in the September 11 terror attacks on the U.S.   2009 - Greyhound UK began operations as an hourly service between London and Portsmouth or Southampton.

1814 Francis Scott Key composed the lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner. 1901 President McKinley died of gunshot wounds inflicted by an assassin. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt succeeded him. 1927 Modern dance pioneer Isadora Duncan died in Nice, France. 1940 Congress passed the Selective Service Act, providing for the first peacetime draft in U.S. history. 1959 The Soviet space probe Luna 2 became the first man-made object to reach the Moon when it crashed onto the lunar surface. 1982 Princess Grace of Monaco died from injuries sustained in a car crash the previous day. 1994 Acting commissioner Bud Selig announced the cancellation of the 1994 baseball season on the 34th day of a strike by players.

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