Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Trump's Ridiculous Interpretation of the Paris Protests Betrays His Trademark Laughable Narcissism

Ever since late January of 2017, we have had to deal with ridiculous, fact-challenged tweets from the White House. Sometimes, these tweets come like verbal diarrhea, and this weekend was one of those times.


Well, because a lot is happening. The Mueller investigation took a big step towards pointing the ginger of blame on "Individual One," who everyone knows is Trump, of course. Saturday Night Live actually made a funny joke about this feeble attempt at anonymity, with comedian Colin Just joking:

“This week, Robert Mueller released the teaser-trailer for Trump: Endgame. Federal prosecutors said Friday that Michael Cohen committed two election-related crimes at the direction of a person identified as ‘Individual-1.’ Now, we don’t know for sure who ‘Individual-1’ is, but let’s just say things are getting tense right now at Individual-1 Tower."

Just also added something else, in reference to this Trump tweet: ‘Totally clears the president. Thank you!’ 

Here is what Just said in response:

“At some point, if every single person you hired gets indicted, the odds are you had something to do with it,” Jost concluded. “I mean, if all of Santa’s elves and all of Santa’s reindeer got busted by the Feds you would not expect Santa to tweet, ‘Totally clear for Christmas. Thank you!’”

Now, that is funny!

Unfortunately, though, not everything that seems almost comical regarding Trump's tweets is actually meant to be comical. Another topic that the president delved into was so wildly inaccurate and misleading, that it sure seems like comedy.

That is, until you realize just how narcissistic the guy writing them is. They both related to the recent yellow vest protests in Paris, against Macron's elitist policies. Here are two tweets by Trump on that matter:

“The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting ‘We Want Trump!’ Love France.” (Dec. 8) 

“Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes? The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year!” (Dec. 8)

Trump's interpretation of literally everything that happens in the country, and now, in the world, is always the same. Basically, this is it: "It's all about ME! Everyone loves me! They all want ME! ME, ME, ME!" 

Predictably, FAUX News and Trump supporters unquestioningly buy into his interpretation. Funny, because not long ago, the same people quickly condemned France because according to them, they "hate Americans," right? Now, people in France apparently love everything Trump. How unbelievably stupid do you have to be to buy into such obvious bullshit propaganda? 

Why are these protests in France happening? Trump seems to be saying that it is because people love and want him so much! 

The reality, of course, is quite different. The French protests are because people there are sick of elitism, not because they like Trump's peculiarly obnoxious American brand of elitism. They also believe in science, and climate change in particular, which Trump clearly does not. And no, there was certainly no evidence that the French were calling for Donald Trump to somehow save them. As evidence of this, I submit the results of a poll taken as recently as October of this year, which revealed that 9 percent of French people like Donald Trump. By way of comparison, Vladimir Putin received 20 percent approval rating. 

What a narcissist! What a joke! What a disgrace! 

So, what are the protests in Paris really about? Well, here was one solid summary by The Atlantic:

 The fact is, the yellow-vest demonstrations have never been against Macron’s climate-change policies in general; they have been against the fuel tax in particular, which they see as unfairly targeting lower-income households. “This is not the yellow vests against climate-change policies. It’s the yellow vests against the cost of living, the way politics are done, and how decision makers are doing policy,” says Pierre Cannet, the head of climate and energy at the French offices of the WWF, an environmental nonprofit organization.

So, do the French want Trump?

No, absolutely not! Hell, a majority of Americans don't even want Trump! If you believe this crap being fed to you by Trump, FOX, Breitbart, and those who believe and support them, then wake up. Also, Shame on You!!

Here are the links to the three articles that I used in writing this particular blog entry, including the summary by the Atlantic, which can be found in the link to the Washington Post article:

Fact-checking President Trump’s volley of weekend tweets By Salvador Rizzo  Salvador Rizzo Reporter for The Fact Checker Email  Bio  Follow  December 11, 2018:

SNL’s Weekend Update Trashes Trump’s Cohen Defense: You’re Not ‘Totally Clear’ by Marlow Stern 12.09.18:


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