Saturday, October 26, 2019

Candidate Trump Insisted That the "World is Laughing at Us." Now, With Trump as President, That is Actually Very True

The other day, I posted something political on my personal Facebook page, which is a relatively rare thing these days. It is just that this man is so maddening, and so transparently corrupt, arrogant, ignorant, and so clearly bad for the country, that sometimes, I just cannot resist.

In any case, I did not expect many people to react, and certainly not positively. More often than not, there are very few people who "like" my political posts, one way or another. Not a surprise to me, since I have long known that my political viewpoints are in a distinctly tiny minority, at least in the United States.

I was a bit surprised, then, when I got about eight people who "liked" my anti-Trump post, and a couple of other basically supportive statements from other friends. Again, that is rare for the relatively few political things that I post.

Just in case you were wondering what I actually wrote, this is it:

Candidate Trump kept saying that the world is laughing at us during the campaign. He was right on some level, although his rationale was all wrong. You know why the world is laughing at us? Because we elected to our highest office a shallow narcissist & MAGAlomaniac who embodies the very worst that this country has to offer, and in almost every way. Here he is, the self-proclaimed "very stable genius," proudly declaring that he is building a wall in Colorado, even though anyone with a basic knowledge of geography knows that Colorado is not a border state. Seriously, does anyone even get a chance to proofread this man's speech, before he embarrasses himself with his astonishing levels of ignorance and arrogance on a daily basis? B. Franklin said it best: "We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."

Was pleasantly surprised at some of the people who responded favorably to this message. Perhaps indeed, Trump fatigue is spreading, with only the willfully blind and/or militantly stupid remaining enthusiastic sheep to Trump's bullshit.

Trump has complained that “the world is laughing at us.” On Tuesday, it did. “I didn’t expect that reaction,” Trump said, “but that’s okay.” By Greg Walters, Sep 25 2018:

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