Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jimmy Carter Suffers Another Fall, Fracturing Pelvis

Jimmy Carter with his grandsons

A picture that I took during the Jimmy Carter booksigning event at New Haven, Connecticut in early December, 2014. I wrote a blog entry about this, which was oublished on December 5, 2014. 

Here is the link: President Jimmy Carter Visits Yale & Princeton

A photo that I took from a booksigning with Jimmy Carter at Barnes & Noble on Fifth Avenue in New York City last year, which I took my son to go see (and get a few books signed by a former President). I wrote a review on it, on March 27, 2014, titled: 

President Jimmy Carter Book Signing, New York, NY - March 25, 2014: 

Former President Jimmy Carter suffered another injury after another fall at his home in Plains, Georgia. This was the second such fall just this month, with the previous one giving him a black eye.

Nevertheless, he was back up and helping to build homes for the poor with Habitat for Humanity very shortly thereafter, which shows his heroic character. 

Still, even if he did recover quickly, seeing him suffer more falls like this is not a good sign. 

Jimmy Carter was, of course, the 39th President of the United States, and he and his wife Rosalyn Carter have gone out of their way to try and help improve the lives of people around the world. From helping fight guinea worms and other diseases, and also bringing water and education in remote and impoverished regions of Africa and Asia, to traveling throughout the world to troubled areas in order to try and secure fair elections, to building homes for poorer people back home here in the United States, Carter is the face of the best that the United States has to offer, and reflects extremely well the world over. Reminders of that are needed in these times, when we have a megalomaniac and transparent narcissist in the White House who not not only admits to being greedy and filled with lust, but outright seems to take pride in it. When we see the staggering levels of corruption now on display in Washington, and how poorly this reflects on the country, it is good to keep in mind that we have had some truly inspiring figures in our not so distant past who reflected the very best values in humanity.

Let me express my sincerest wishes in hoping Carter a speedy and full recovery, and the best of luck and health for hopefully many years to come. What a true American icon, in a very real sense!

Jimmy Carter Fractures Pelvis, Is Hospitalized After Fall by Bill Chappell, October 22, 2019:


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