Sunday, October 20, 2019

Stephen King’s House In Bangor Will Become a Museum & Writers’ Retreat

A picture of me standing in front of Stephen King's house in Bangor, Maine, back in July of 2014.

Here is a picture of my brother and my son, also standing in front of the Stephen King house in Bangor, Maine, back in July of 2014. Neither of them are big Stephen King fans. At least not yet - although my son may be showing signs of gravitating in that direction. We shall see.

There is a lot of news on the Stephen King front lately. He just released his most recent novel, "The Institute," last month. For once, I did not get one of his books on the day it came out. In fact, I still have yet to get it, even though it has been over one month since it has come out. But that will be remedied soon enough.    

Also, the second part of "It" was released in the movie theaters earlier this month, which my son and I went to see, and both liked.     

There is another movie version of a Stephen King novel coming out soon. That would be "Doctor Sleep," which is the follow-up novel to "The Shining." It features a now grown Danny Torrance, who has lost many of his shining abilities after a long and painful bout with alcoholism. Yet, he is basically brought back into that world of his shining abilities, albeit somewhat involuntarily. And he has to fight new kinds of demons, ultimately returning back to the hollowed fictional ground of what used to be the Overlook Hotel.

And now, there is still more news. Stephen King's house in Bangor, which is the real-life town that served as the inspiration for Derry, Maine, which is prominently featured in several King novels - perhaps most famously "It" - is set to become a museum. 

As a big fan of Stephen King, I have actually gone to visit Bangor, and King's famous house, twice. The first time was in 2006, and I have video from that visit. It was with my then wife, and my son, who was still a baby at that time. The next time was with my then 8-year old son, as well as my brother. That would be back in 2014, when we stopped for a brief visit to, I mean, Bangor, after staying overnight at a nearby Maine campground before moving on to the actual main part of the trip, which was the Maritime provinces of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, as well as eastern Québec, particularly the Gaspé, including a visit to the charming village of  Percé, set amidst the beautiful natural setting of mountains surrounding the town on one side, and the sea on the other, with the notable Percé Rock and Bonaventure Island just off the coast.

So, here are the pictures that I took on this particular trip to Bangor. Enjoy!

Here I am, standing in front of the Stephen King House. Been here before, back in 2006, but I did not get the opportunity back then to pose in a picture in front of the Stephen King House. So, that was something that finally was remedied on this trip!

The famous bats on the gates in front of the Stephen King House!

There's even a two-headed dragon on the wrought-iron gate!

My brother and my son in front of the famous wrought iron fence. 

Stephen King’s House to Become Museum and Writers’ Retreat Bangor was inspiration for fictional Derry, Maine  By BRENNA EHRLICH:

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