Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kanye West Announces White House Run for 2024

Just as billionaire Bill Gates publicly whined about having to pay more taxes, and there is suddenly all of the speculation rises about the “game-changing” entrance of former New York City mayor, and billionaire, Michael Bloomberg into the 2020 presidential race, we have yet another billionaire who is making news about politics.              

Like Bloomberg, this billionaire is making news about a potential run for the White House, even though he is not beating around the bush, like Bloomberg is. Apparently, this is serious, and it will happen, even if it sounds like a joke.              

Yes, I am talking about hip hop star Kanye West, who like his good pal Donald Trump, is also known for his decided lack of modesty. He believes himself to be the greatest artist of all time – no contest. He also brags about being a billionaire, and generally just seems to have a God-complex.  

Not sure you believe me?

West has said that he is "unquestionably, undoubtedly the greatest human artist of all time." 

Forget the Beatles. Forget Mozart or Beethoven or Bach, for that matter. Hell, you can even forget Shakespeare or Michaelangelo or Da Vinci. After all, Kanye assures us that he is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the greatest human artist in all of history, bar none. 

He also has no doubts about what he believes he is destined for beyond his music, as well, stating outright that "there will be a time where I will be president."

Here is what recently happened when he elaborated on that recently before a crowd that, quite understandably, found a lot to laugh about in Kanye's claims to a brilliant political future:

“When people say it’s crass to call yourself a billionaire, I say I might legally change my name to Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West for a year until y’all understand exactly what it is,” he said. “It will be on the license plate.”   

“When I run for president in 2024 —” West said, to laughter from the audience. “What y’all laughing at?”  West said that if he were elected president, he would “create so many jobs.”  

“I’m not going to run, I’m going to walk. What they’re saying is Kanye’s crazy — one and three African Americans are in jail and all the celebrities are in jail also because they can’t say nothing because they’re so scared.”

So, of course another megalomaniac billionaire will be making a White House run. What else can we expect in the immature political environment of the United States today. These are the headline makers. Style over substance.              

Of course, not everyone is taking Kanye’s announcement of a presidential run seriously. When he announced it recently, the room burst into laughter. When he tried to ak the audience what they were laughing at, the audience laughed even louder.              

Who can blame them? This sure sounds like a joke.              

And it is certainly making a mockery of the American political system. We have a billionaire so called “reality television” star in the White House presently, who has brought nothing but absurdity and polarization to the country. And we have egotistical pop figures like Kid Rock and Kanye who truly think that their fame and fortunes make them qualified to hold the most prestigious office in the United States, both of whom seem to believe that Trump is doing just a wonderful job.            

Then, we wonder why the rest of the world increasingly thinks of Americans as incredibly ignorant and clueless? Really?

Here are the links to the two articles from which I got the quotes used in this entry:

Kanye West Says He Wants to Run for President in 2024 and Reveals He Might Change His Name by Ashley Boucher, November 08, 2019:  Kanye West Says He Wants to Run for President in 2024 and Reveals He Might Change His Name  "I might legally change my name to Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West for a year," the rapper said at Fast Company's Innovation Festival  By Ashley Boucher November 08, 2019L

Kanye West awkwardly asks crowd 'what y'all laughing at' while describing plans to run for president, November 7, 2019:


  1. I just wanted to address the "greatest artist of all time" thing. You wrote "Forget the Beatles. Forget Mozart or Beethoven or Bach, for that matter." To which some people might be tempted to counter "Those are all white folks." And my response to that would be the following: I've never heard anything by Kanye West that comes even remotely close to coming even remotely close to being on a par with the best stuff by artists including but not limited to, in alphabetical order: Chuck Berry, James Brown, Ray Charles, Fats Domino, Roberta Flack, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Isaac Hayes, Jimi Hendrix, Little Richard, Bob Marley and Otis Redding. The list goes on, but those are all musicians who've given the world songs that move me more than anything that idiot could ever come up with on his best day. I created private YouTube playlists so as to be able to enjoy those songs whenever the mood strikes. (Which it just did – enjoying some Otis Redding right now.) French expression: Heureusement que le ridicule ne tue pas. Which by the off-chance anyone who doesn't know any French reads this of course means "It's a good thing being ridiculous isn't fatal."
