Thursday, November 21, 2019

New York Congressman Peter King Warns Trump "Don't Punch Down"

Outgoing Congressman Pete King, from Trump's own home state of New York, has offered Trump some advice that, if Trump were smart, might actually prove useful.

It came down mostly to three words, even though King elaborated on it. But what it boils down to is: "don't punch down."

Punching down makes Trump feel and seem smaller, and underscores exactly why so many felt before he was elected that he was not qualified for such a position as the Oval Office, and has confirmed those suspicions by conduct that most people feel is not worthy of anyone who considers themselves as adult, much less the President of the United States. By punching down, Trump has diminished the highest office in the land, and detracted - perhaps permanently - the esteem with which that office has been held.

King certainly has a point here, I think. It was those three words, but King did elaborate:

“Tone down the tweets, don’t punch down, you’re the president of the United States,” said King in an interview on the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery” when asked if he had any advice for the president. “Nobody cares if Obama had a bigger crowd than you did at the inauguration. Nobody cares what some congressperson from Iowa or New York or whatever says about you. I mean, just don’t punch down. Go straight ahead. Fight for what you believe in.”

“I don’t know how many people, including my wife, say, ‘Why did he tweet that? How come he did that?’” King said. Trump could have simply ignored Yovanovitch’s testimony at the impeachment hearing, King said, because she was not involved in the crucial July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that is at the center of the inquiry.   

“Instead, he tweets out. And that, that was the issue, that was going into the weekend,” said King. 

Nice of King to believe that Trump actually has the choice, that he is capable of controlling himself and conduct that has earned him universal condemnation. Some of us, however, are convinced that, in fact, Trump has not one ounce of self-control, and that he is impulsive and just does things without even the slightest pause for consideration about the consequences. 

A real president would never engage in such behavior. That is the exclusive domain of a fake president who lacks any serious legitimacy, voted into office by irresponsible people who, like Trump himself, did not pause for a minute to consider just how bad their choice would be for the country as a whole.

Now, we have a spoiled, rich, overgrown child representing this nation. He has been in office for three years, and has never shown the least restraint before engaging in behavior that is embarrassing to the country as a whole, and disgraces all Americans for the entire world to witness.

What a fraud Trump is!

All quotes used above were taken from this article (see link below):

GOP Rep. King's parting advice to Trump: 'Don't punch down' by Michael Isikoff, November 19, 2019:

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