Monday, December 9, 2019

Americans Feeling Inspired By Brilliant Words From the "Very Stable Genius"

Trump is a man who cannot stand being mocked. He clearly wants to be taken very, very seriously. Also, he seems to want to be loved.

Yet, he seems to almost make it too easy often times to mock him, by saying and doing the most ridiculous things. One example of this came last week, when he and his hurt feelings left the NATO summit in Europe after it was discovered that other world leaders were literally laughing at him.

True, you cannot control what other people say or do. But you can manage your reaction to it. So, on top of people laughing about what these world leaders were laughing at - namely, Trump's ridiculously over-sized ego coming in the form of incredibly long sessions with the media - as well as laughing at the undeniable fact that these world leaders were laughing at Trump, people then could laugh at how easily offended this biggest of all snowflakes was, leaving in a huff and saying before he left that he felt Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was two-faced (he later was himself caught taking pride in having made this put down).

All of this makes it very, very hard to take this man seriously.

But he made some comments last week that also added fuel to the already out of control fire. He spoke about a few things, actually. Specifically, he spoke about flushing toilets and supposedly bad lighting being responsible for his orange complexion. 

All of these comments were made by Donald Trump on December 6, 2019.

Here were some transcripts - because we all know how much Trump loves transcripts - from his now very famous comments that have dominated the social media in the form of mocking memes ever since he made these comments:

"We have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers and other elements of bathrooms where you turn the faucet on, in areas where there's tremendous amounts of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it, and you don't get any water. You turn on the faucet; you don't get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. It's dripping out — very quietly dripping out."

Trump elaborated:

"You go into a new building or a new house or a new home, and they have standards, 'Oh, you don’t get water.' You can't wash your hands, practically, there's so little water comes out of the faucet. And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands. You end up using the same amount of water," he continued.  

"So we're looking at, very seriously, at opening up the standard. And there may be some areas where we'll go the other route — desert areas But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down — it's called rain — that they don't know, they don't know what to do with it. So we're going to be opening up that, I believe. And we're looking at changing the standards very soon."

And here's the part that had many people laughing out loud at just how ridiculous it was:

"People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So, EPA is looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion."

If it takes Trump 10-15 times to finish flushing, he might want to change his fatty diet. We hardly want to imagine what he consumes that would make him need to flush quite that often after using the toilet.

Some other comments:

“There may be some areas where we’ll go the other route—desert areas. But for the most part, you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down—it’s called rain—that they don’t know, they don’t know what to do with it.”

Please remember, that when a lot of water comes down from the sky, it is called rain.

Is that what that wet stuff is? Thank you for clarifying, Mr. President.

And he also spoke about lighting that makes him have an orange complexion:

"They got rid of the light bulb that people got used to. The new bulb is many times more expensive. And I hate to say it, it doesn't make you look as good. Of course, being a vain person, that's very important to me," he said to laughs from the attendees. "It gives you an orange look. I don't want an orange look."  

His administration announced in September it was rolling back requirements for energy-efficient bulbs.  

"You'll be able to buy light bulbs that actually are better lighting, in the opinion of many — and, I tell you, in my opinion," he said. "We're using common sense."

Trump and his administration using common sense? Were it only true. He summed it all up, finally:

“So we have to change those bulbs in at least a couple of rooms where I am in the White House,” he continued.

And here, I thought it was whatever ridiculous crap he uses to give him that fake tan that gave him the orange complexion, which seems to make him look orange regardless of the lighting.

My mistake.

As always after this president talks, we all surely feel more enlightened about important world events surely, right?

It is probably a safe bet to say this will live on as one of the truly great speeches in the history of American presidents, right? I mean, this ranks up there with Washington's Farewell Address, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, or Kennedy's Inaugural Address. This speech really speaks to the challenges of our time, and the will to rise above them as a nation.

Shockingly, many were not fans of the president's words. They voiced their reactions on the internet, often through tweets.

My favorite response was this one:

Susan Stone πŸŽƒ @SusanStone12 To be fair to the POTUS, it's hard to get the whole Constitution and Bill of Rights down in one flush.  770 3:36 PM - Dec 6, 2019

Here was another good one:

Liddle’ Savage @littledeekay Trump was just ranting about how toilets don’t flush hard enough and light bulbs don’t make him look the color he wished they would.  It’s like he wants other world leaders to laugh at him even harder next time.  941 3:53 PM - Dec 6, 2019

You know, sometimes Trump reminds me of the guy who tries too hard to prove to you just how smart he really is. He boasts about being a "very stable genius," and then speaks in a manner that goes so far to betraying this to be the lie that it is, that it is very hard for many people to resist not making these compare and contrast kind of memes, where Trump inevitably comes off looking very much like an idiot.

This was yet another such instance.

But at least this was not more horrendous story about Trump saying or doing something racist, or threatening to wipe another country off the map, or threatening to possibly be in the White House for many years beyond the legal limit, or some of the other absurd nonsense that he too often spews. So at least there's that, right?

When this nightmare of a presidency is finally over, we will of course need to flush away as much as we can. It likely will no disappear after one flush. But I think that we need to give ourselves permission to flush - possibly it will take 10 to 15 flushes - to get all of this crap that we are now dealing with to finally go away, and put this absurdity behind us already.

Here are the links to the sources that I used in writing this piece, including all of the quotes used above:

Watch: Americans Are ‘Flushing Toilets 10 Times, 15 Times’ Says Trump “We have a situation where we’re looking very strongly at sinks and showers, and other elements of bathrooms,” the president said by Peter Wade:

Trump says EPA is looking into toilets 'at my suggestion' 'We're looking very strongly at sinks and showers, and other elements of bathrooms,' the president told reporters. by Dareh Gregorian, Dec. 6, 2019:

Trump jokes that energy-efficient light bulbs make him look orange By Ebony Bowden, December 6, 2019:

Trump Frustrated With Toilets: “People Are Flushing … 10 Times, 15 Times as Opposed to Once” by Daniel Politi, December 7, 2019:


  1. The kicker is that despite the insistence on the part of Trump and his base that the media is cruel and unfair to him, the stuff he says at press conferences and via Twitter makes him look infinitely more ridiculous than anything even the most gifted comedy writers could ever come up with on a caffeine-fueled all-nighter. The material truly does write itself.
    What's not so funny of course is that none of this even fazes us anymore. I remember Bill Maher commenting on the fact that things which used to be considered major gaffes are so tame compared to the incessant bullshit to which we've been subjected on a rapid-fire basis for the last three or so years. Everything has essentially been recalibrated, because previous notions of "ridiculous", "embarrassing", "stupid" or "unpresidential" no longer apply. A president can experience a prolonged and highly public bout with verbal diarrhea, and still enjoy the unfaltering support of enough people to have a very real shot at reelection. The bar hasn't been lowered – there is no bar anymore.
