Thursday, December 12, 2019

Trump Resorts to Name-Calling & Hate Baiting in Political Rally...Yes, Again

Remember when Trump was first elected to the White House, he claimed that evening that he would be the president for all Americans?

Well, anytime anyone criticizes him on any level, he dismisses it as "Fake News" and claims that the media are lying, going so far as to suggest that they are "enemies of the people," a popular phrase used by some of the most brutal and ruthless dictators in history. He suggests that political opponents are "unpatriotic" and clearly insinuates that they hate America.

Now, on Tuesday evening at one of his infamous rallies in Pennsylvania, he claimed that the FBI that investigated him are "scum."

Of course, when it suited him, he claimed that Hillary Clinton must be a criminal if the FBI was investigating her. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, however, he has no problem referring to them as "scum."

These latest comments by Trump are not merely name-calling, which is immature behavior that he has readily and enthusiastically engaged in before. No, this goes well beyond that. This is hate speech. If someone - let's say a Trump supporter -  were to attempt to enter an FBI building within the next few days or even weeks - and start shooting, would Trump not be at least partially responsible for it? 

This is the kind of passive-aggressive, frankly cowardly and incendiary speech that Trump frequently engages in, but which truly qualifies as hate speech. 

Here is the link to this story:

Trump calls FBI ‘scum’ at rally SHARE THIS - COPIED At a rally in Pennsylvania, Trump called the FBI ‘scum’ amid the release of an IG report on the FBI's investigation of the 2016 Trump campaign. The IG report debunked the president's claim that the investigation into his campaign was launched by biased individuals within the intelligence community looking to undermine his presidency. Dec. 10, 2019

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