Saturday, December 7, 2019

Former KKK leader David Duke Was Thrilled With His Group's Huge Role in Electing Trump

Did you ever wonder why it seems so many minorities in this country actively despise Trump, and often are fearful of him?

Well, for most people, it is hardly a mystery.

Yet for some people, it truly eludes them, why anyone would think that Trump was racist. They cannot understand how anyone can assume that he is racist, much like many of these same people are truly perplexed that so many people examine this man's past and see a pattern that clearly reveals him to be a massive con artist.

Indeed, the evidence is all there, for anyone to see. And it is hardly difficult to connect the dots. All it takes is a slight effort, and enough objectivity and honesty to call a spade a spade. But in United States in this day and age, a hell of a lot of people are not even willing to do that much.

After all, many conservatives express surprise and outrage whenever anyone alleges that Trump's words or actions seem to lean towards racism. But it was Trump who opened his presidential campaign by claiming that Mexican immigrants to this country were rapists and criminals, and it was Trump who suggested that there should be a national registry of Muslims. It was Trump who derisively dismissed dozens of African and Central American countries as "shithole nations." And just in case you think that perhaps Trump was just playing to a close-minded, xenophobic audience likely to vote for him (which in and of itself would be despicable anyway), keep in mind that this man has a history of such behavior. Trump was accused of racist practices with his property business, and it was also Trump who paid out of his own wallet to advocate the death penalty for the "Central Park Five," who have since been exonerated, and he has yet to apologize.

Does all of this prove that Trump is a racist? Well, let's ask another similar question: would it assure most people that he is not a racist, or seems to champion racist mindsets and policies?

Just in case you are still wondering, however, here is a news story revealing how former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke took credit for playing, in his words, "a HUGE role in electing Trump!"

So, when you cannot make the connection to people saying that Trump's words and actions often seem racist and/or seem to empower racists across the country, please keep this in mind. Nothing that Trump does is really a mystery. It is all out there, blatant and obvious. All you really have to do is pay attention, even a little bit.

Here is the article about David Duke's elation over his group's hard work paying off with the successful election victory of Trump in 2016:

Former KKK leader David Duke: 'Our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!' Pamela Engel Nov 9, 2016:

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