Friday, November 25, 2022

Sperm Counts Appear to Be Declining Around the World

Here is an alarming news story (has there been any other kind in recent years?) which shows a trend that, despite the consistent rise of the global population - we literally das ago just reached the 8 billion people in the world mark - is evidently a global trend. Sperm counts appear to be on decline, and it is a worldwide phenomenon.

This reminds me a bit of that book by Dan Brown, where a (mad?) scientist decides to take matters into his own hands, and puts some kind of virus that does not kill the human population, as puts limits on how much it can reproduce in the future. 

In any case, it makes you wonder, does it not? I have always wondered how it is that most people do not wonder more about certain negative trends with our health. Some they do, like obesity, although that still persists. But it seems to me that some health crises have seen significant spikes, and these never seemed to be adequately explained. Why have cancer rates sot up, particularly in the United States? Why is autism much more common than it used to be? How have peanut allergies - something I admittedly do not even remember hearing about in my own childhood - become such a major problem these days? 

My own thoughts, or perhaps they should be called suspicions, make me look at almost everything that he do in our modern lives, and everything that we are surrounded by. We live in homes that look very nice at first glance. But there are all sorts of wires behind the doors, and chemicals that we might not necessarily see or smell, some of which we ourselves use to try and keep these homes looking clean and tidy. There are all sorts of chemicals in what we call fertilizers to make our lawns look green and lush and weed-free, giving them the superficial appearance of good health. We eat foods with chemicals that most of us cannot pronounce Seriously, I feel that I am a fairly smart guy, but I hardly know even how to pronounce some of those artificial chemicals in our foods, let alone what they do to the human body, either in the short term or in the long term. 

Plus there are other things. Our cars, our computers and televisions and perhaps especially our cell phones. Remember early on, when people feared that putting cell phones next to our ears might increase the risk of brain cancer? That seemed to simply go away as a news story, but did it really go away? Not far from our home in Hillsborough, there are these enormous electric towers. Are they completely safe, or is there some radiation from them that they are not telling us? And that is to say nothing of all of the massive pollution that huge corporations are responsible for, with all of the toxins released into the air, and so much illegal dumping into our waters. Remember all of the fears about Fukushima, which was outright releasing dangerous levels of radiation into the Pacific, and they did not know how to stop it, or even to minimize it? Whatever happened with that story, anyway? It just kind of went away. 

Not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist. Really, I am not. But I do suspect that there is much more that we either do not know, or that perhaps we are not being told. 

Sperm counts may be declining globally, review finds, adding to debate over male fertility By Brenda Goodman, CNN Published 6:41 PM EST, Fri November 18, 2022

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