Thursday, March 9, 2023

Defense Attorneys in New York's Trump Org Trial Claim That There is Too Much Evidence Against Their Client

Trump boasts that he is completely innocent all of the time, that all of his conversations are "perfect," and that he has been totally exonerated. 

Most of us, looking objectively, just know that the mountain of evidence speaks otherwise.

This headline feels closer to the truth. In the fraud case in New York against Trump Org, there is actually so much evidence, that even a team of high-paid lawyers attempting to defend the former president do not apparently have the time to go through it all. 

Yeah, that sounds like the Trump that we all know, does it not?

Boo freaking hoo. 

Let's see this monster finally held accountable for at least some of his many, many crimes already. Let's put the theory to the test that, indeed, no one individual is above the law. This guy has already gotten away with s damn much, that's it's outrageous. If you're anything like me, you feel that his very presence at this point not being behind bars is proof that there is something really very wrong with our justice system. 

It would be nice to see him actually have to pay some kind of legal consequences for his criminal conduct, once and for all, and to have a little bit of faith restored in our justice system. But let's see if that actually happens this time. 

Trump Org trial: NY fraud case has so much evidence that defense complains they don't have time to review it Story by (Laura Italiano) • March 6, 2023:

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