Friday, March 24, 2023

New Evidence Suggests That Reagan Campaign Worked Something Out With Iran to Postpone Release of Hostage to Help Reagan's Election Chances

History is something that changes all of the time, even if may seem otherwise. It is a bit like the dunes of the desert. The basic outline might not seem to change. Yet, the winds of time alter those grains of sand tremendously, given enough time to do so.

And so it is that we are learning more about yet another unsavory aspect of the Reagan administration. Years ago, we learned that he and President Richard Nixon had a private telephone conversation where they exchanged pretty blatantly racist jokes, particularly about how African leaders were still just learning how to put on their shoes.

Well now, we are learning something that sheds light on how Reagan came into power to begin with. It involves Iran, and the Reagan team's apparent willingness to work with them. Of course, this is something that we knew already, given the Iran-Contra scandal, or Iran-Contragate. That, of course, was when the Reagan administration (illegally) sold weapons via Israel to an enemy, rogue nation (Iran) in order to (illegally) fund a war in Central America. Even Reagan begrudgingly admitted that this was true. So Reagan and his administration already have a definitive point where they were willing to work with Iran (again, illegally).

Recently, however, there are new revelations that the Reagan team may have been working some deals with Iran a lot sooner than that. New evidence is revealing that, in fact, the Reagan team might have gotten into power in the first place by working with the Iranians on a key issue that likely not only hurt Carter's chances to win reelection, but quite possibly crippled those chances. 

There is now evidence that a prominent member of the Reagan campaign went to Spain and met with Iranian officials, then hammered out a deal to prevent Iran from releasing American hostages until Reagan won the election. It is suspected that they promised Iran would get much more favorable arrangements to work with under a President Reagan than a President Carter. You heard that right. In a sense, Reagan's team was using the hostages - making sure that they would stay hostages - by Iran until after Reagan won the election.

Specifically, it was William Casey, among other lesser officials in the Reagan campaign, who arranged to meet with the Iranians in Spain. Evidently, Spanish officials expressed surprise at the presence of Casey in their country, and were not certain what he was doing there. The evidence suggests that he was ironing out the details of the deal with Iran. 

Still think of Reagan as a true patriot and hero, and an ideal leader? 

Now to be sure, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that Reagan himself knew of the deal, let alone the specifics. However, since Reagan and most self0identified conservatives would suggest that the leader is responsible for all that happens in his administration - an argument that I believe Trump has since expressed - then Reagan is also not divorced from responsibility here. 

I suspect that many of us - if not most of us - suspected that there was something very strange and, frankly, extremely unethical with much of what Reagan officials did. And this dates back to possibly putting Reagan and his administration in power to begin with. Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter have long had their suspicions that this was indeed the case. Now, it seems that there is proof to substantiate their long held suspicions. 

Below is a video with a Jimmy Carter biographer, who has some personal experience with dealing with these papers that sure seem to prove that Reagan's team worked with Iran, evidently now on more than one occasion. In fact, even though there is no way to know for sure that Carter might otherwise have won, it nevertheless casts some doubt about the possible legitimacy of Reagan's winning power in the first place. 

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